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Planning Board Minutes 06/01/2006
(603) 798-4350

JUNE 1, 2006

PRESENT: Chairman Brad Towle, Joanna McIntosh, Fred Ruoff, Richard DeBold, Tom Jameson, Stan Brehm, Mike Paveglio, Richard Arell, David Kenneally and Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Brad Towle introduced the Board and requested that they review the minutes of May 4, 2006. Motion was made to accept the minutes as written.

        Brehm/Paveglio                  (Passed)

DESIGN REVIEW/  David Hartley
PUBLIC HEARING: Twin Harts Realty Trust
        Expansion of Business
Continued from May 4, 2006      Blueberry Hill Plaza
        Map 9, Lot 91A, Suncook Valley Road

Mr. Hartley presented the Board with plans on the area he is requesting to use for Recreational Vehicle Rentals and the new driveway entrance. New Hampshire Department of Transportation, District 5 has issued a new driveway permit.

The Recreational Vehicles with engines need to be parked on pavement, therefore Mr. Hartley will need to show the required paved area on his plan along with what is already paved for the businesses that are already there. Mr. Hartley disagrees with the amount of pavement necessary due to his neighbors selling automobiles and motorcycles without pavement. Chairman Towle explained that he was requesting a business venture in the commercial zone with several vehicles on display, this was a site review in the commercial zone and pavement is required per the zoning.

The Board reviewed the checklist with Mr. Hartley advised him to have his surveyor complete the site review checklist and revise the plans accordingly.

Mr. Hartley advised the Board that he would be purchasing the small building south of his property and would be requesting a lot line adjustment. The Board advised Mr. Hartley that he could hold this project and complete them together, Mr. Hartley would rather complete this project and come back to the Board after he has purchased the other property.

The Design Review/Public Hearing was continued to July 6, 2006

PUBLIC HEARING: Chichester Congregational Church
        Site Review – New Building,
        Parking and driveway
        Map 5, lot 2, Main Street

Abutters present: Donna Chagnon for Jeff Swain, Carolee Davison for Shirley Brown, Pat Hauk and Barbara Frangione.

Marc Vanson surveyor from TF Moran presented application and check list and plan for the project.

Motion was made to accept the application as complete.

        Paveglio/DeBold (Passed)

Application has been accepted as complete.

Special exceptions were approved by the Board of Adjustment, note #13 on plan.

The plans consist of a new building, driveway, and parking. The old parsonage and the attached barn will be removed, the existing driveway of the parsonage will then be modified and will be the new entrance for the church. The existing trailer beside the existing church will be moved and used for storage behind the new church building with no utilities hooked up.

New septic application has been sent to the state and approval is expected within a few weeks.

Swales behind the new church and along the library road are directed to the detention pond at the north end of the property toward Pound Road.

Possible phase II with additional building and parking to be reviewed at a later date.

Rich Redowski and Jim Willis from DOT, District 5 met with the developer and requested that the middle driveway be abandoned and the driveway at the parsonage be modified to become the primary drive. Concerns that if the presented plans are followed that the Library will loose part of it’s parking, the developer is requested to review and change the design of the entrance so not to interfere with the Library parking.

The Board and abutters had some concerns, the zoning states the amount of paved parking for this type of site review and the developer was requested to follow the zoning in regards to the paved parking and drive areas. There needs to be a clear and adequate area to drive around the building for life safety issues, the detention basin needs to be reviewed due to the overflow on the town road, the culvert size should be reduced.

The Library well is located on the property near the parsonage and the new culvert seems to be dumping runoff into the well, because there is now an issue with the water in the Library.  The new leach field will remain in about the same location it is now and at least 200 feet away from the Mrs. Brown’s well, the septic may need to be expanded  and that is part of the request into the state.

The times of operation will be similar to what is going on now with some increase as more programs are added. Wednesday and Friday nights and Sundays for Sunday school and services, they church has no plans for a day school.

Plans need to be reviewed by the Town Engineer, Public Hearing continued to July 6, 2006

DISCUSSION:                             Epsom Planning Board

A breakdown of the discussion is as follows:

Betsy Bosiak, Chairman of the Epsom Planning Board and two of her alternates were present for this discussion.

This meeting is the start of a cooperative discussion between the two towns which each Chairman is in hopes that we meet on a regular basis and discuss concerns each Board has.

Discussion included Commercial Development, connecting developments and joint town roads. Cut off roads prior to the Epsom Circle from Route 4 to Route 28 not just Chichester’s Main Street.

Sharing agendas, concerns with large projects and the flow of traffic to the Epsom Circle from both Route 4 and Route 28 and from Epsom to Concord.

Working with DOT and CNHRPC on items of interest to both towns and both Boards.

State RSA’s and fees. A state by-pass and possibly a shared Planner.

The Board thanked Epsom Planning for their topics and hoped to meet again soon.                                         

DISCUSSION:     Robert Cavaco
        Hillcrest Campground
        Map 4, Lot 156, Dover Road

Mr. Cavaco would like to subdivide one lot off of his property west of the campground.

Mr. Cavaco was advised to pick up a subdivision application and checklist to give to his surveyor for the project.

Mr. Cavaco will call the secretary when ready to continue.

DISCUSSION:     Robert Cavaco
        Hillcrest Campground
        Site Review – Storage Units and Apartment
        Map 4, Lot 156, Dover Road

Mr. Cavaco is interested in building Self Storage Units on the parcel that he is planning on subdividing from his lot. There will also be a living area above the units for the person running the facility. The Board reviewed the Commercial Village District (CVD) and has concluded that this project is not within the CVD.

Mr. Cavaco was advised to pick up the site review application and checklist and give to his surveyor for this multi-use project. Once the site review plan is complete it will need to go to the Town Engineer for review, escrow money will be requested at that time.

Mr. Cavaco will call the secretary when ready to continue.


Policies and procedures – notes and revisions to be reviewed during the month and changes made for next month.

Chairman Towle met with CNHRPC and he is of the opinion that we are looking for a Developer Plan Reviewer (DPR) . Chairman Towle reviewed the meeting and after much discussion the Board decided that each member would volunteer a month or two and come into the office and review the plans and application for completeness. The Board will try this procedure for a few months and make a decision from there as to the needs of a DPR. Richard DeBold has volunteered for June. The Secretary will call Richard to let him know when the plans have arrived.

The Secretary will investigate who the neighboring towns use for engineering services and report back to the Board.

Motion was made to adjourn.

        Brehm/DeBold    (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 10:35pm.

                Respectfully submitted,

                Brad Towle

As approved on 7/6/06 by majority vote of the Board.