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Planning Board Minutes 03/02/2006

(603) 798-4350

MARCH 2, 2006

PRESENT: Chairman Brad Towle, Joanna McIntosh, Mike Stamowlaros, Richard DeBold, Tom Jameson, Stan Brehm and Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Brad Towle introduced the Board and requested that they review the minutes of February 2, 2006. Motion was made to accept the minutes with the following changes:

Page 1, Public Hearing, Don Peterman, second line end the first sentence after Peterman, second sentence to read “All members were in agreement, and the application has been accepted.”

Page 2, Public Hearing, Jeff Andrews, second line end the first sentence after Plummer’s, second sentence to read “All members were in agreement, and the application has been accepted.”  

Page 3, New Business, second paragraph, second sentence should read as follows: Chief Paveglio feels that the location of the cistern will be hard to fill. Third sentence to begin: The newly proposed location…

        McIntosh/Stamowlaros    (Passed)

DESIGN REVIEW:  Russ Abbott/Jim Fidolfi Property
        Lot Line Adjustment/New Business
        Map 3, Lots 32 & 34, Dover & Mason Roads

Abutters Present: None

Motion was made by Mr. Richard DeBold and seconded by Mr. Mike Stamowlaros to accept the formal application from Mr. Abbott. All members were in agreement, and the application has been accepted.

Mr. Abbott presented the Board with plans for the proposal along with the decision from the ZBA on the wetlands setbacks variance. All items are in order on the checklist, the sign will be 102.64 square feet based on the road frontage and site distance is cause for the increase, however, only 64 square feet will be internally illuminated.

Septic design has not yet been approved by the state as of this meeting.

Design Review was closed.

PUBLIC HEARING: Russ Abbott/Jim Fidolfi Property
        Lot Line Adjustment/New Business
        Map 3, Lots 32 & 34, Dover & Mason Roads

Abutters Present: None

The Board was in agreement that the Septic Design Approval needs to be on the plan for recording purposes. Motion was made to accept the proposal conditional on State Septic Design approval.

        Jameson/DeBold          (Passed)

DISCUSSION:     Eddie Watson
        Site Review
        Map 3, Lot 22-1, Dover Road

Registered Land Surveyor Tim Bernier presented a drawing to the Board on this property and explained the businesses that are currently operating on the premises along with a residence.

Mr. Bernier is looking for guidance on whether or not the property would need to go through the Site Review process. The Board was in agreement that the property would need to follow the Site Review Checklist and Regulations and should be presented as a multi-use project. Mr. Watson would need to look into floor drains and paving of the parking area, along with an accessible drive area around the building for fire trucks in case of an emergency, it is not required that this area be paved.

At this time Hilltop mill supply, Breezy Hill Equipment Rental, Bills RV Repair and a truck repair business are all operating on site along with Mr. Watson’s personal residence.

Mr. Bernier will contact the Secretary as soon as they are able to begin the process.

DISCUSSION:     Don Peterman
        Parking and pavement
        Map 4, Lot 158, Dover Road

Mr. Peterman is requesting that the pavement and paved parking be reduced to the actual required by site review. This would put the pavement about half way up the side of the new building on each side with the required parking paved.

The Board agreed that Mr. Peterman had voluntarily paved all of the parking and drive area on the site review over and above the requirements of the site review.

The Board requested a letter from Mr. Peterman requesting a reduction in the paved area. The Chairman would respond to the letter that the Board approved the reduction of said paved area.

DISCUSSION:     Chichester Congregational Church

The Church is having difficulties with the State of New Hampshire, Department of Transportation, (DOT) in regards to the Boards request of paving the aprons of the existing driveways. DOT has stated that there is no need to grant a new driveway permit for the new parking area, but if the Church will be paving the aprons DOT has stated that they will require the entrance to the Church closest to the corner on Main Street be discontinued leaving only one entrance.

The Church is requesting that the Board remove the condition of paving the aprons so there will be no issue with DOT. The Board has agreed at this time to grant an extension of the requested paving of the aprons by November 15, 2006.

Motion was made to extend the pavement requirements to be completed by November 15, 2006.

        DeBold/Brehm            (Passed)

The Board discussed the Zoning Informational Meeting scheduled for March 7, 2006.  Mr. DeBold commended Chairman Towle for his informational fact sheet to be handed out at the meeting as well as being available at the Town Hall and Library. All members were encouraged to attend the March 7th meeting.

The Selectmen will be holding interviews to fill Board vacancies next week.

Motion was made to adjourn.

Meeting adjourned at 9:13pm

Respectfully submitted,

Brad Towle
