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Planning Board Minutes 01/05/2006
(603) 798-4350

JANUARY 5, 2006

PRESENT: Acting Chairman Stan Brehm, Joanna McIntosh, Mike Stamowlaros, Richard DeBold, Brad Towle, Tom Jameson, Mike Paveglio and Secretary Andrea Deachman

Mr. Stan Brehm introduced himself and stated that Chairman Tracy Scott has resigned therefore he will be the acting Chairman tonight. Selectmen DeBold read a statement in regards to Tracy’s resignation to be attached to the minutes.
Chairman Brehm introduced the Board, and requested they review the minutes of December 1, 2005. Motion was made to accept the minutes with the following changes:

Page 3,  Open Space conservation Development, line 6, remove “The Board was in agreement” and replace with “There was discussion” Same sentence end at “elderly” Remove “during discussion the board was in agreement” Begin new sentence with “There was also discussion that…”

Growth Management; line 3 end the sentence at housing remove “the board was again in agreement” Begin new sentence with “There was discussion that we…” line 4-5 remove “the Board was again in agreement that” replace with several members of the Board had suggested that an additional 50%”

There being no further correction to the minutes, motion was made to accept the minutes with the corrections.

                Towle/McIntosh                          (Passed)


Planning Board member and Subcommittee Chairman Brad Towle reviewed the proposal with the suggested changes from the December 1, 2005 Public Hearing.

Some comments from the general public were why would we change the setbacks and shouldn’t we be more restrictive. The subcommittee felt that this new wording was clearer and more useable then the current zoning while still protecting the wetlands and setbacks.

Motion was made to accept the Wetlands ordinance as written.

        Paveglio/Jameson                (Passed)

To be placed on the ballot for town vote in March.

                ZONING CHANGE - Growth Management

Planning Board member and Subcommittee Chairman Brad Towle read the proposal to the Board and general public. There were questions regarding the percentage of permits and was the 2.2% over and above the towns’ actual growth rate of 1.39% making the available permits 30. The answer was yes, but the 2.2% was for deeded elderly housing within the Open Space Conservation Development only. Some Board members were still concerned with the growth rate for the deeded elderly housing.

Some board members suggested that we move to the Open Space Conservation Development addition to better understand the change in the Growth Management.

Hearing Tabled

                NEW ZONING - Open Space Conservation Development

It was suggested that Subcommittee member Brandon Giuda present a short synopsis of this new ordinance. Mr. Giuda touched on each of the items within the ordinance. Discussion followed on #6 Open spaces: c. after discussion the Board was polled and was in agreement that the wording was correct and that the Board would have the opportunity to disallow any open space use as they may deem unacceptable this is just a guideline of items. The Board would also be able to request specific wording from the association.

Motion was made to accept the ordinance as written.

        Towle/Jameson           (Passed)

To be placed on the ballot for town vote in March.

The Board moved back to Growth Management.

There were still concerns on the number of available permits for deeded elderly housing. Several members suggested that we move on pass the ordinance and if there is a problem with the new permit numbers it will be reviewed next year and possibly changed.

Motion was made to accept the Growth Management ordinance changes as written.

        Towle/Paveglio          (Passed)
6 for 1 against

To be placed on the ballot for town vote in March.

DESIGN REVIEW:  Don Peterman
        Site Review – Multi Use –
        Retail Fire Works Businesses & Residence
        Map 4, Lot 158, Dover Road
Abutters present: Carl Malhstedt

Surveyor Dave Collier presented plans to the Board for review. The original portion of the house will be moved to the rear right of the property and the new building will be 40 feet by 60 feet, for retail fire works sales.

Mr. Peterman has been to the Board of Adjustment and received a variance of the wetlands setbacks although the property itself has no wetlands on it there are some on abutting property. Mr. Peterman is hoping that the State will grant him a double driveway. Mr. Peterman also discussed selling plant material, pumpkins and Christmas trees on the off season, the discussion on the topic was clear that Mr. Peterman would need to come before the Board with plans showing the areas on the property for the sales of the other items. Mr. Peterman will see if the state will approve the driveways and decide at that point what to do with the other discussed sales items.

The following list of items needs to be on the final plan:

·       Title block needs Owner of Record and proposal for
·       List on house single family dwelling
·       State Driveway permit number
·       State Septic approval number
·       Surveyor stamp
·       NH wetlands stamp
·       Business Name
·       Change note #3 removing the list and adding Retail Fire Works

The Chairman closed the Design Review.

        Site Review – Multi Use –
        Retail Fire Works Businesses & Residence
        Map 4, Lot 158, Dover Road
Abutters present: Carl Malhstedt

Letter to be sent with remaining items to be completed on the final plan. The Chairman suggested that this could be a conditional approval with the items listed complete, but if the driveway needed to be changed or Mr. Peterman was going to have other sales items he would need to come back to the Board for another Public Hearing.

Motion was made to accept the proposal with the list completed and if there is a significant change will return to the Board for a continued Public Hearing.

        DeBold/Stamowlaros              (Passed)

DISCUSSION:     Doug Hamel
        Lot Line Adjustment
        Map 3, Lots 33 & 35, Dover Road

Craig Keeler presented a drawing of Doug Hamel’s property and showed the Board how they would like to create equal frontage for the two lots and keep the acreage about the same as it is now. The Board discussion was there needed to be general topography and the wetlands need to be delineated. The Board suggested that they follow the subdivision regulations.

Mr. Hamel will contact the secretary when ready to proceed.

DISCUSSION:     Russ Abbott/Jim Fidolfi Property
        Lot Line Adjustment/New Business
        Map 3, Lots 32 & 34, Dover & Mason Roads

Mr. Abbott presented a set of plans to the Board with new buildings and parking. The old building will get a facelift the second floor will be removed and the new building will be 32 feet by 60 feet. Mr. Abbott would like to remove the lot lines between the two pieces of property. Jeff Andrews from the Conservation Commission informed Mr. Abbott of the Federal Storm Water Permit he will need if he is disturbing more than an acre of property.

Design Review/Public Hearing set for February 2, 2006

DISCUSSION:     Mark Blasko/Lewis Family Trust Property
        Site Review – Multi Use- Seasonal
        Miniature Golf & Ice Cream Stand
        Map 2, Lot 82, Dover Road

Mr. Blasko would see if this property would sustain a business like this. There is about an acre and a half of useable land. He will need to cross the stream that runs across the front of the property and a boardwalk to cross the wetlands towards the middle of the property to get to the useable land. The Board suggested that Mr. Blasko get the property surveyed, then have a septic designer put together a proposal and submit to New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services to see if it would work.

The Board really needs a survey to see exactly what is there to make any decision.

Will call when ready to continue.

DISCUSSION:     Jeff Andrews/ Plummer Property
        Map 4, Lots 8 & 10 Main Street

Mr. Andrews is representing the Plummer’s who own the property next to the town hall. The Conservation Commission would like to purchase part of the Plummer property to create access to the Sanborn/Cray Conservation Area and have the town hall parking area be available to the public for access to the foot path trail to be created.

The Board of Adjustment has granted a variance to create a substandard lot for the Plummer’s. There will be 3 acres remaining with the house. The property will not be attached to the Conservation Area as of now.

·       Need surveyor stamp
·       Wetlands stamp
·       Signature Block just a date line and chairman line
·       Abutters listed on plan
·       Locate well and septic

Design Review/Public for February 2, 2006

DISCUSSION:     MEYERS RV/Larry Leppard property
        Additional Parking area
        Map4, Lot 30, Dover Road

Mr. Tarbel presented to the Board a rough plan for a new parking area to be used as storage of purchased inventory.  Mr. Tarbel has gone to the Board of Adjustment for a variance to the Commercial Village District to allow the parking area. The Board of Adjustment sent them back to the Planning Board for a waiver. After reading the waiver instructions and have found that there is nothing to waive. The waiver is clear that it is intended to waive requirements. The Board discussion came to a conclusion that there is no requirement to waive, they are actually looking for an addition to the permitted uses, which the Planning Board cannot grant. There is also a wetlands issue on this lot which the Board is concerned with and needs to be delineated.

A letter will be sent to the Board of Adjustment with the Planning Board opinion and discussion along with the fact that this zoning is to prevent further commercial parking lots within this zone trying to create a town center.

Mr. Tarbell will call when ready to continue.

New Business

We are missing 1 voting member and one alternate, Brad would be the next in line to fill a voting position. Richard will suggest to the other Selectmen to appoint Brad to the voting position. The Selectmen will interview and appoint remaining members.

After much discussion Brad accepted nomination to become Chairman. Brad Towle is now the Planning Board Chairman.

Andrea and Richard will work on the policy and procedures for the Planning Board.

Motion was made to adjourn.

        Stamowlaros/Paveglio            (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 11:30 pm.

                        Respectfully submitted,

                        Stan Brehm
                        Acting Chairman