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Planning Board Minutes 07/07/2005

(603) 798-4350

JULY 7, 2005

Present: Chairman Tracy Scott, Stan Brehm, Joanna McIntosh, Brad Towle, Tom Jameson, Mike Stamowlaros, Peter Wade, Mike Paveglio and Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Scott introduced the Board and requested the Board Review the minutes of June 2, 2005, and asked for corrections.

One correction was made on page one under Design Review, Robert & Kathleen Gagne, second paragraph last line the word and should be “at”. There being no further changes motion was made to accept the minutes with the one correction.

        Stamowlaros/Brehm                               (Passed)

DISCUSSION:                     Jim Viall – Marc Chronis Property
                                        Site Review – Rental Business
                                        Map 4, Lot 155B, Dover & Cross Roads

Mr. Viall informed the Board that he believed that he had stated with the time constraints for public hearing from the last meeting he had informed the Board that he would call the Secretary when he was ready to continue. The Board reviewed State information on waste water discharges from vehicle washing presented to the Board by Mr. Viall and after discussion about best management practices rules WD-WSEB-22-10 put out by State of New Hampshire, Department of Environmental Services, Water Supply Engineering. The Board was in agreement that if Mr. Viall was not washing more than 30 vehicles per week that he would not need a wash bay.

Mr. Viall agreed that he would not make the August meeting the secretary suggested he be placed on the September agenda for a Design Review/Public Hearing all agreed.

DESIGN REVIEW:                  Canterbury Cove Development
                                        Subdivision – Epsom
                                        Dover Road

Abutters present: Frank Quimby, Dod Rott, Joan Kitson. Several home owners from Five Hill Estates


Tracy Sweeney, from Richard Bartlett and Associates, presented the plans for the subdivision. The Board reviewed a letter from the towns’ attorney and Bill Rollins, town engineer was present.

Mr. Rollins felt that Steve Pernow presented the town with a traffic count not a traffic study, Volmer Associates focused on a traffic study and feels that the amount of trips a day will be closer to 300 and Andre from Volmer (traffic engineer) feels that a lot more trips will be heading west toward Concord. Volmer is in agreement with the Board in regards to the traffic moving toward Hillview Drive and will not choose to go out onto Route 4. The discussion consisted of the impact on these roads in Five Hill Estates, Smith Sanborn is a scenic road and it has several site distance issues along with areas that would need widening. Hillview Drive has some very sharp curves and the road in some areas are narrow.

Epsom Planning Board would like to work with Chichester to move forward with this subdivision. Chichester Planning Board is in agreement and would like to make sure all of Chichester’s issues are addressed and solved before final approval is granted. The Selectmen in Chichester will have the final say as to if the two roads will be attached or not and that takes a public hearing.

The Board was in agreement that the developer should contact State of New Hampshire, Department of Transportation, District 5 in Hooksett again concerning the traffic entering Route 4 at Smith Sanborn Road and at their proposed new enterance onto Route 4.

This proposed subdivision can have 6 house lots if no connection is made to Hillview drive in Chichester, but if the connection is made then 26 house lots would be created by this proposal.

Questions and concerns of neighbors and abutters were heard.

Canterbury Cove is willing to work with Chichester on the infrastructure to assure that the roads will adequately service the increase in traffic.

Further discussion will take place after the town engineer has reviewed the surrounding roads.

DESIGN REVIEW:                  Joe Austin
                                        Site Review – Home Occupation
                                        Garden Center
                                        Map 3, Lot 68B, Dover Road

Abutters present: Claire Merrill and Shirley Waters

Mr. Austin would like to have a garden center on the property while he is waiting on approvals for the condo units.

Mr. Austin will still build the Model home on Route 4 and will have a sign for the Garden Center, he also would like to have a small display area on Route 4 with the selling area at the main building.

The Board was in agreement that he would need to go to District 5 and get either a new driveway permit with the Garden Center as an accepted use or a letter stating that the current permit is acceptable.  The road/driveway is posted no left turn.

The Board was in agreement that the following items were needed for Mr. Austin to proceed.

Change the project name to Garden Center on the plan
Show all display areas on the plan
Show all signs on the plan
Letter from DOT or a new driveway permit with the new use.
Model home needs to be on the plan.

Public Hearing will be continued.

DISCUSSION:                     Klia Ververidis/Elias Pizza
                                        New Business – Auto Dealer – Office Only
                                        Map 4, Lot 159, Dover Road

Ms. Ververidis came to the Board to discuss the possibility of having an Auto Dealer office on the property. The only cars on the lot will be the personal cars driven by the office staff and that of the restaurant patrons and workers.

The new business with have a sign but it will not exceed the total allowable signage for the lot.

Design Review/Public Hearing will be set for August.

DISCUSSION:                     Wendy Gadwah & Brent Moses
                                        Home Occupation – Hair Salon
                                        Map 2, Lot 57, Higgins Road

Unable to attend, no action taken.

DISCUSSION:                     Karl & Frank Merrill
                                        Map 9, Lot 32 & Map 10, Lot 2
                                        Healy Pasture Road

Ed Roberge from ELR Design Group presented plans to the Board on the proposed subdivision. The Merrills would like to subdivide 70 plus acres and create 16 house lots on this property. The Merrills have a right-of –way to Perry Brook Road and they are considering attaching the two roads for life safety concerns and the desirability of a through road.


The Merrills are interested in the discussion on Conservation Open Space Development for this property. The configuration of the road system is pleasing to the fire department. The large looping road with possible two road exits makes the site more favorable for life safety issues. The Selectmen would need to be contacted on the connecting of the two roads.

The Merrills will contact the Board when they are ready to continue.

DISCUSSION:                     Mark Drew
                                        Map 1, Lot 4, Lovers Lane

Mr. Drew would like to subdivide off a 2-acre lot with 200-foot frontage from the 17.5 acres 590 foot frontage existing lot. The Board was in agreement that any wetlands on the new lot need to be shown on the subdivision plan.

Mr. Drew would like to go to Design Review/Public Hearing in August.

DISCUSSION:                     Mark Drew
                                        Site Review
                                        Map 4, Lot 167B, Horse Corner Road

Mr. Drew presented plans of his property and he would like to develop the property. The property now is part of the Commercial Village District and Mark will review the zoning to determine what he will do for a site review and contact the Board on what the project will be.

Mr. Drew would like to go to Design Review/Public Hearing in August.


Discussion on Board members attending meetings.

Sidewalks on Route 4 are very important.

Motion to adjourn.

                McIntosh/Brehm                          (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 11:20 PM
                                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                                Tracy Scott