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Planning Board Minutes 01/05/2005
(603) 798-4350

JANUARY 5, 2005

PRESENT: Chairman Tracy Scott, Stan Brehm, Tom Jameson, Skip Lawrence, Joanna McIntosh, Mike Stamowlarus, Brad Towle, Richard DeBold, Kerrie Diers CNHRPC and Secretary Andrea Deachman.

Kerrie reviewed the preliminary growth management report, several questions were asked about the various tables and how to read them.

Kerrie was given a copy of the Master Plan and CIP, discussion about the Master Plan recommendations regarding roads and a roads committee as well as tax information.

Continuation of proposed changes to the zoning to make it consistent overall, like parking requirements should be the same within the commercial zone removing adjacent lots for parking requirements, changing the 90% area to 70%.

Removing Planning Board J. Dwelling Conversions, the Planning Board doesn’t issue permits, and adding Building Inspector.

Adding Mixed Use – residential/commercial and Multi use – more than one commercial use.

Remove E. General provisions move to non-conforming lots and make new E. table of dimensional requirements.

Discussion changes in gmo part of zoning items such as permanent to annual, allowing carry forward of surplus, on sunset clause for growth management part of zoning. Kerrie to get to us.

Parking 200 feet of all floors and dimensions ½ space wording to increase to a whole space in ½ or more in equation.

Architectural features in commercial zone.

General public asked about the growth % and are we still within our rights, Kerrie believes so.

Notes from meeting by Andrea Deachman items are either already in the working copy of the zoning that has been available to the public for over a month, or will be added during January 6, 2005 public hearing with a continued hearing later in the month..

Items will be in full record of 1/6/05 public hearing.