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Planning Board Minutes 05/06/2004
(603) 798-4350

May 6, 2004

PRESENT: Chairman Tracy Scott, Joanna McIntosh, Mike Stamowlaros, Richard DeBold, Brad Towle, Fred Chagnon, Stan Brehm, Skip Lawrence, Peter Wade, Tom Jameson and Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Scott introduced the Board, and requested they review the minutes of April 1, 2004. The following changes were made to the April 1, 2004 minutes:

Page 1 under Master Plan: First sentence a period between Plan and Tracy not a semi-colon. Last line after meant should add “to be.”

Page 2 Talbot Site Review first sentence after tonight add “, but” and remove “he”

Page 3 Briggs Lot Line Adjustment first line change “being” to “be” end of paragraph change coma to period.

Motion was made to accept the minutes with the changes

                Stamowlaros/Lawrence                    (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING:                         MASTER PLAN

Discussion took place about the recommendations made by the Master Plan Committee after lengthy discussion new wording has been established for recommendation #10. The new wording reads as follows.

#10 Since the town is not in favor of using tax dollars to expand recreational facilities, the Recreation Commission should investigate alternate funding sources to fund any proposed recreational improvements.

Motion was made to accept the Master Plan with the change.

                Scott/McIntosh                  (Passed)

Mr. Giuda will make the change and forward the complete Master Plan to the Board. The Board will review the plan for final hearing in June.

Final Hearing set for June 3, 2004


PUBLIC HEARING:                 Mark Drew
                                        Site Review – New Business
                                        Storage Units
                                        Map 4, Lot 167B, Horse Corner Road
Abutters present: Bob Shaw

Mr. Drew has come to the Board with a plan for his new business. Mr. Drew explained to the Board the he just wants to put up a sign. The Board was in agreement that Mr. Drew needs to go through the site review process and bring to the Board a recordable mylar with surveyor stamp.

Mr. Drew explained that he has no wetlands on his property but there are wet areas down the side of the road in the ditching and possibly on a neighboring property. The Board was in agreement to write a letter to Mr. Drew indicating that they did not consider roadside ditching as wetlands in the ordinance and the delineation of wetlands was for the property he was developing.

Continue to June 3, 2004

PUBLIC HEARING:                 Don Talbot/Russell Nelson Property
                                        Site Review – New Business
                                        Window and Door Sales
                                        Map 3, Lot 17, Dover Road
Abutters present:  Margaret Barrar

Brandon Giuda is representing Mr. Talbot tonight. He just wanted to update the Board on the process Mr.Talbot is taking. Since they have an approved septic system from the state they will be installing it soon and didn’t want the Board to think they were doing anything without approval.

Mr. Talbot will be attending next month with the final plan for the site review.

Continued to June 3, 2004

DISCUSSION:                     Mark Blasko – Luke & Elaine Smith Property
                                        Site Review – New Business
                                        Map 2, Lot 87A, Dover Road

Mr. Blasko presented plans for the Board to review. He has been to the Board of Adjustment and received a variance. He is now back to the Planning Board to complete the site review process.

He will be building a 4600 square foot shop for his company Shirtmasters. Mr. Blasko requested advice on what he needed and he was advised to follow the site review checklist.

Design Review/Public Hearing will be set for June 3, 2004.


DISCUSSION:                     Charlene Bennett/Fred Moses Property
                                        Map 2, Lot 8, Horse Corner Road

Ms. Bennett came to the Board tonight to see if a subdivision could be placed on this property. The parcel only has 50 feet of frontage so the only way to do a subdivision would be to build a road. The Board was in agreement that the existing house needs the same frontage as any of the other lots. The only way to have more than one house on this lot is to subdivide put in a road and create road frontage.

Question will be made to New Hampshire Municipal Association as to whether or not the Town can hold a ballot vote on Zoning at the Primary or National Election.

Motion was made to adjourn.

                Stamowlaros/Lawrence                    (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 9:55pm.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Tracy Scott

Posted 5/12/04
Approved 6/3/04
By majority vote