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Planning Board Minutes 02/05/2004
(603) 798-4350

FEBRUARY 5, 2004

PRESENT: Chairman Tracy Scott, Joanna McIntosh, Mike Stamowlaros, Dave Colbert, Brad Towle, Skip Lawrence and Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Scott introduced the Board, and requested they review the minutes of January 8, 2004. Brad Towle will be a voting member tonight.

The following changes were made: Page 1, last paragraph under Don Talbot Design Review. The Board requested State Driveway permit and a letter from the owner that the project is acceptable. Page 2, under Public Hearing Zoning changes, Lighting last line of first paragraph change the word “of “ to the word “or”. Page 3, Public Hearing Zoning Changes, Zoning Violation Penalty, change “Continue to February… to “Was voted on and accepted, to be put on town ballot in March.” Page 4, add the #4 to the top of the page. Under Design Review, Mike Sargent first paragraph, first line between soil types and signature block add the word “and”. Under Discussion, Mark Blasko, last line, change to read: “the Board is in agreement to deny this proposal. A letter of denial to be sent to Mr. Blasko.”

Motion was made to accept the January 8, 2004 minutes with the changes.

                        McIntosh/Lawrence                       (Passed)

CONSULTATION:                   Dave Paviglio
                                        Building Inspector

Mr. Paviglio had some questions regarding wetland setbacks and crossing them, Chairman Scott, feels that the State Wetlands Bureau will get involved and it will be resolved at the state level. If Mr. Paviglio is uncomfortable with measuring distances from the edge of the wetlands the town does have an Engineering Firm with a wetlands scientists and if it were in question the landowner would be responsible for the cost of the fee charged to plot the area. Mr. Paviglio thanked the Board for their help and the Board thanked Mr. Paviglio for coming.

The following Public Hearings will be tabled: Buffer Zones, Village District and 62 and Older Housing.



The lighting addition to the zoning was read, explained and discussed. No further modifications were made.

Motion was made to accept as written and placed on the ballot in March.

                        Lawrence/McIntosh                       (Passed)


Another motion was made to increase the penalty amount to $100. And placed on the ballot in March. (Prior vote was not recorded with motion and seconded by which Board member)

                        Lawrence/Colbert                        (Passed)
PUBLIC HEARING:                                Don Talbot/Russell Nelson Property
                                                Site Review – New Business
                                                Window and Door Sales
                                                Map 3, Lot 17, Dover Road

Unable to attend, no action taken, continued to March 4, 2004.

PUBLIC HEARING:                         Mike Sargent
                                                Map 8, Lot 50, Suncook Valley Road

Unable to attend, no action taken, continued to March 4, 2004.

PUBLIC HEARING:                         Chris & Tina Drew
                                                Home Occupation – Dog Boarding
                                                Map 1, Lot 489A, Lane Road

Abutters present: Claude Valenze, Lucinda Reide.

Mrs. Drew presented the Board with her home occupation permit and requested that it be mortified to include boarding of up to 3 dogs at one time, not including her own. Each dog will be housed inside unless being taken out on a leash, no kennel runs will be on the property.


Mr. Valenze would prefer the Board not allow this home occupation as it would devaluate abutting property and the noise level would be out of control. Ms. Reide was content with the discussion and approved of the home occupation. A letter was received from an abutter stating she feels that it would be a negative impact in the residentially zoned area. The Chairman explained that this is open space wetlands and rural agricultural zoned property and dog boarding is an acceptable home occupation. The Chairman also explained that if the animal noise got out of control Mr. Valenze could call the police or the Selectmen and complain.

Motion was made to accept the home occupation.

Colbert/ Stamowlaros            (Passed)

DISCUSSION:                     Cassandra Fabiano
                                        Moving Business from House to
                                        Other existing Building
                                        Map 9, Lot 89 & 90, Kelly’s Corner Road

Ms. Fabiano would like to move the School from the house into the commercial building. A site review was done several years ago to put the commercial building into zoning compliance. Site Review regulations were given to Ms. Fabiano and she will contact the secretary when she is ready to move forward.

DISCUSSION:                     Richard Blanchette/Kendall property
                                        Change of use – Martial Arts School & Rental                                    Map 3, Lot 15, Dover RoadDid not attend, no action taken.OTHER BUSINESS:                        Non-public Session – RSA 91-A:3, II (e)Present: Chairman Tracy Scott, Joanna McIntosh, Skip Lawrence, Mike Stamowlaros, Dave Colbert, Brad Towle and Secretary Andrea DeachmanMotion was made by Skip Lawrence and seconded by Joanna McIntosh to enter into non-public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (e) at 8:30pm, to discuss pending litigation. All were in favor. Motion passed. Non-public session commenced.Motion was made by Skip Lawrence and seconded by Dave Colbert to come out of non-public session at 8:55pm. All in favor. Motion passedOne vote was taken.TOWN OF CHICHESTER PLANNING BOARD MEETING 2/5/04                PAGE 4Motion to seal the minutes of non-public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (e), was made by Dave Colbert and seconded by Skip Lawrence. All in favor. Motion passed. Minutes of non-public session are sealed.Motion was made to adjourn.            Lawrence/Colbert                         (Passed)Meeting adjourned at 8:58pm.                                                                                    Respectfully submitted,                                         Tracy Scott                                         Chairman