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Planning Board Minutes June 2002
(603) 798-4350

June 6, 2002

PRESENT: Chairman Tracy Scott, Joanna McIntosh, Dave Colbert, Richard DeBold, Ron Lesieur, Stan Brehm, Harold Arey, Arnold Price, Skip Lawrence, Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Scott introduced the Board and asked the members of the Board to review the minutes of May 2, 2002.

Motion was made to accept the minutes as written.

                Arey/McIntosh                   (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING:                 Amerada Hess Corporation/Crossroads II
                                        McNichol Property
                                        Site Review, Multi-use
                                        Map 4, Lot 167, Dover Road
No abutters present.

Peter Howe of Fay and Spofford Engineering presented the Board with final plans for the project. Slight variations had been made an island will be placed at the entrance/exit from State Route 4 for right hand exit only. The landscaping and swale at the entrance/exit will also change.

Signature block for the plan that will be recorded is needed along with the State Driveway Permit.

Motion was made to accept the plan conditional on state driveway permit.

                Arey/Lawrence                   (Passed)

DESIGN REVIEW:                  Jim Mullaney
                                        Lot Line Adjustment and Subdivision
                                        Frontage in Pembroke, also Pembroke Hearings
                                        Map 2, Lot 61, Horse Corner Road

Abutters: Dan Poliquin, Stephen Gut, Fred & Estelle Moses, Lee Despres and Wendy Purington


Mr. Mullaney presented plans to the Board. This project consists of 2 lots zoned commercially in Pembroke and 1 lot of backland in Chichester.

Mr. Mullaney proposes to combine all three lots then divide the one lot into two with frontage in Pembroke. There is an easement through a lot in Chichester to the backland parcel; the Board would like a copy of the easement.

Abutters concerns were increased traffic onto Connemara Drive through the easement. If a commercial endeavor was to happen could they use the easement as another access to the property? Chairman Scott explained that state regulations state the driveway access must be within the frontage of the property.

Some of the concerns of the Board included use of the easement as a driveway, 911 access, and school responsibility.

The Board was in agreement to have Pembroke work on some of these issues also and maybe the two towns should hold a joint hearing. Design Review was closed.

PUBLIC HEARING:                 Jim Mullaney
                                        Lot Line Adjustment and Subdivision
                                        Frontage in Pembroke, also Pembroke Hearings
                                        Map 2, Lot 61, Horse Corner Road

Public Hearing was tabled until such time the issues facing the Board have been resolved.

DISCUSSION:                     Keith Sheehan & Scott Rivers
                                        Bed & Breakfast and Self Storage Units
                                        Map 4, Lot 168 & 168A, Dover Road

Did not show.

DISCUSSION:                     David Marsh
                                        Map 4, Lot 58F, Lane Road

Mr. Marsh presented plans to the Board. This would be a 5-lot subdivision, 6 lots total.

Plans will need readable soil types and elevations. Septic and water and signature block needs to be on the plan.

Town Engineer will be asked to review the road and advise the Board.

Design Review/Public Hearing will be set for July 11, 2002


DISCUSSION:                     Carey LaFleur
                                        Home Occupation – Dog Breeding
                                        Bear Hill Road

The Board was in agreement that Ms. LaFleur is in the Rural Agricultural Zone and does not need a home occupation to breed dogs for sale.

CIP Committee has met and a memo and ranking form are done and will go in the mail to department heads for a deadline date of July 15, 2002.

The next Board meeting will be July 11, 2002 because of the holiday on the 4th.

Motion to adjourn.

                Arey/Lesieur                            (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 9pm.

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        Tracy Scott