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Planning Minutes January 3, 2002
(603) 798-4350

JANUARY 3, 2002

PRESENT: Chairman Tracy Scott, Stan Brehm, Joanna McIntosh, Ted Bailey, Harold Arey, Ray Towle, Skip Lawrence, Richard DeBold, Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Scott introduced the Board and asked the members of the Board to review the minutes of December 6, 2001.

Motion was made to accept the minutes with the date changed to December 6, 2001 in the heading.

                Arey/Lawrence           (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING:                 Earl & Marilyn Weir and
                                        Francis & Evelyn Pike
                                        Lot Line Adjustment
                                        Map 7, Lots 5 & 8, Perry Road

Continued to February 7, 2002 meeting.

DISCUSSION:                     Pat Kargezian
                                        Site Review – Home Occupation
                                        Map 4, Lot 158, Dover Road

Unable to attend.

DISCUSSION:                     Brandon Giuda
                                        Map 10, Lot 9, Pleasant Street

Mr. Giuda presented the Board with a plan of his property. Mr. Giuda asked as to what extent of area needs to be surveyed. The Board was in agreement that the area to be subdivided off needs to be surveyed. He will contact Secretary Deachman to continue.

CHICHESTER PLANNING BOARD MINUTES  1/3/02                       PAGE 2

DISCUSSION:                     Jay & Karen Baas
                                        Site Review
                                        Gallery/Gift Shop
                                        Teacher Education & Certification
                                        Map 8, Lot 4, Depot Street

Mr. & Mrs. Baas reviewed with the Board what they intended to do with the property and asked questions on how to get the Home Occupation. Mrs. Baas will be teaching and holding workshops along with the Gallery and Gift Shop. They will go through the checklist with their surveyor and return in February for a Design Review/Public Hearing.

DISCUSSION:                     Paul Adams
                                        Citizen Petitions – Zoning ordinance changes
                                        Elderly Housing and Wetlands

Mr. Adams has asked the Board to reconsider placing the Elderly Housing and Wetlands ordinances he has written on the Ballot for vote in March.

The Board was in agreement that although these items are important zoning, proper review by the Board, Central NH Regional Planning Commission (CNHRPC) and the Town Attorney are necessary.

Making corrections, holding public hearings and receiving adequate feedback from the public, CNHRPC and the Town Attorney does not allow the Board to move forward on these items at this time for the March ballot.

The Board feels that it is not fair to the town to present these zoning changes with three weeks time before ballot information is due with no proper review by the Board, CNHRPC or the Town Attorney. Therefore these items will not be on the March 2002 ballot.

Arnold Price has been appointed as an alternate to the Board.

Motion was made to adjourn.

                        Arey/Lawrence           (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 7:55pm

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Tracy Scott