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Planning Board Minutes 06/05/1997




JUNE 5, 1997

PRESENT:  Chairman Tracy Scott, Paul Adams, Ron Lesieur, Jeff Andrews, Harold Arey, Ted Bailey, Dave Bickert, Skip Lawrence and Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Adams Called the meeting to order at 7:05pm and asked the Board to review the Minutes of May 1, 1997.

Motion was made to accept the minutes as written.

                Arey/Bailey             (Passed)

Alternates Dave Bickert and Skip Lawrence will be voting members

Nomination was made for Tracy Scott to be the new chairman of the Board.


Nomination were closed.

Vote was taken by the Board and was unanimous.  Mr. Scott is now chairman of the Chichester Planning Board.

PUBLIC HEARING:                 Catharine F. Ward Revocable Trust
                                        Map 7, Lot 27, Bear Hill Rd.

Abutters Rob Eifler, Harold Losey and David Osterman all of Bear Hill Rd.  were present.  

Mike Dahlberg, Registered Land Surveyor, presented the Board with Final Plans on the subdivision.

There was discussion about lot 4 and the amount of wet lands involved Mr. Dahlberg showed the Board how he came to the calculations with the soil maps.  The Board decided a soil scientist was not necessary.

No objections from the abutters were made.


Motion was made to accept the plans with the proper name of Owner of record on the plan. Catharine F. Ward Revocable Trust.

                        Arey/Bailey                     (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING:                 Fred Moses
                                        Site Review
                                        Map 4, Lot 161A, Dover Rd.

Abutters present were JoAnn and Jaan Luikmil.

Mike Dahlberg, Registered Land Surveyor, presented the Board with the final site review plans.

A concern of the abutters was the amount of traffic this project will bring to the site.
The developer feels that on a good day they may see 10 costumers not many more so it would be considered low impact.

All the lighting will be on timers and on buildings or the sign.

The Board requested that General Note #6 on the plan read paved parking

Motion was made to accept the final plan with note #6 being changed.

                Bailey/Bickert                  (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING:                         D&A Trust
                                                Alan Johns/Donna Dodge Owners
                                                Site Review-Residential Care Facility
                                                Map 3, Lot 70, King Rd.

At the last the Board had only required  #3 and #4 on the site review check list be fulfilled #3 was list of abutters #4 was required fees.  Both were done.

Motion was made to accept the site review.

                        Lesieur/Arey                            (Passed)

DISCUSSION:                             Ann & Ronald Wallace
                                                Move Right of Way
                                                Map 2, Lot 26A, Horse Corner Rd.


Mrs. Wallace showed the Board a plan of her property and explained that the garage had been partially built on the 50Ft piece of property that leads to a back land property that her son would like.  The Board informed her she needs 200ft road frontage for a buildable lot and at this time she does not have that.  Mrs. Wallace will have to think about what she would like to do and be back in touch with the Board.

DISCUSSION:                             Jackie Gayer
                                                Lot Line Adjustment
                                                Map 6, Lot 36, Bear Hill Rd.

The Towns records show Russell not Lloyd owner of one of the lots involved with this case.  Phillis and Richard Ricker informed the Board there maybe a problem getting the name changed.  The Board requested a letter from their attorney stating such a problem and the Board would be willing to sign the plan.

DISCUSSION:                             Gene Cote
                                                School Administration

Would like to know what the school needs to do to place a modular classroom on the school grounds.

The Board would like to speak with Mr. Cote if he is willing to come and talk with us.
Andrea will call.

DISCUSSION:                             Bruce Luksza
                                                Map 9, Lot 19 , Swiggey Brook Rd.

A letter will be sent to Mr Luksza explaining the Board has been more than generous and has decided to terminate the application for the Subdivision.  This means that Mr. Luksza will have to start from the beginning of the Subdivision process.

DISCUSSION:                             Eugene & Rebecca Herbert
                                                Voluntary Lot Merger
                                                Map 4, Lot 17 & 18 Main St.

Motion to accept voluntary lot merger for Eugene & Rebecca Herbert Map 4, Lot 17 & 18 Main Street, in accordance with RSA 674:39A

                        Arey/Andrews                    (Passed)


DISCUSSION:                     Impact Fee Ordinance

The Board was in agreement to finish the ordinance and bring it to the town for a vote in March.

Work meeting June 18, 1997 at 7pm

July meeting will be held on July 17th due to Holidays and Vacations.

Motion to adjourn.

                Arey/Lesieur            (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 9:25pm

                                                Respectfully submitted,