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Planning Board Minutes 05/01/1997




MAY 1, 1997

PRESENT:  Chairman Paul Adams, Ron Lesieur, Jeff Andrews, Stanley Brehm, Harold Arey, Ted Bailey, Dave Bickert, Skip Lawrence, Tracy Scott and Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Adams called the meeting to order at 7:04pm and asked the Board to review the Minutes of April 3, 1997.

Motion was made to accept the minutes with minor corrections.

                        Brehm/Lesieur           (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING:                 Bruce Luksza
Continued from Dec. 1996        Subdivision
                                        Map 9, Lot 19, Swiggey Brook Rd.

Mr. Luksza was contacted and the secretary was informed that Mr. Luksza’s surveyor was not ready at this time for the subdivision.  The Board agreed that a letter be sent to Mr. Luksza explaining this will be the last continuation and if he does not show up for the June 5, 1997 meeting he will have to start from the beginning with the subdivision.

PUBLIC HEARING:                 Eleanor Daroska
                                        Map 3, Lot 121, Canterbury Rd.

Gwen Grossmiller, 27 Canterbury Rd. an abutter was present.

Mark Stevens Registered Land Surveyor presented plans, state subdivision approval and soil scientist report.  The soil finding is gloucester which fits in with the subdivision.

The Board did find that dimensions on the tax map 1/400 were not on the plan.

Motion to accept the subdivision with the dimensions added to the plan.

                Scott/Bailey            (Passed)


PUBLIC HEARING:                 Eugene & Rebecca Herbert
                                        Lot Line Adjustment
                                        Map 4, Lot 17 & 18, Main St.

Mrs. Herbert has decided to drop the Lot Line Adjustment at this time.

PRELIMINARY HEARING:                    Kathy Ward
                                                Map 7, Lot 27, Bear Hill Rd.

Mike Dahlberg, Land Surveyor presented the Board with plans.

Concerns were wet lands.  The Board requested soil types from Merrimack County soil survey on the plan.

The tax map 1/400 needs dimensions.

Motion was made to accept preliminary plans with Soil Survey and Tax map dimensions.

                        Andrews/Lesieur                 (Passed)

PRELIMINARY HEARING:                    Fred Moses
                                                Site Review
                                                Map 4, Lot 161A, Dover Rd.

Mike Dahlberg land surveyor presented the Board with the site review plans.

After review of the the plans the Board requested fire lanes be shown on the plan.

There needs to be at least 5 paved parking spaces on the lot.

Motion was made to approve the preliminary plans with the agreement of fire lanes being shown and 5 paved parking spaces.

                Scott/Bailey                    (Passed)

PRELIMINARY HEARING:                    Impact Fee Ordinance

A work session will be held May 15, 1997 to discuss impact fees.

Motion was made to continue preliminary hearing until June 5, 1997.

                Andrews/Scott                   (Passed)


DISCUSSION:                     D & A Trust
                                        Residential Care Facility
                                        Map 3, Lot 70, King Rd.

There is nothing on file for this building or property as planning should have.

After presentation and discussion the Board was in agreement to hold a public hearing for the abutters to have knowledge of what is being done on this property even though this is not a change in business.

Motion to wave preliminary hearing hold public hearing and require only items 3 & 4 on the site review checklist.

                Andrews/Bailey                  (Passed)

DISCUSSION:                     Frank Merrill
                                        Map 5, Lot 71, Dear Meadow Rd.

John St. John surveyor presented the Board with a set of old plans which shows a road over 400 feet with a cul-de-sac our regulations state no longer than 400 feet.

Mr. Merrill was requested to speak with the Town Engineer and set up an escrow account.

DISCUSSION:                     Gary DePalma
                                        Gary’s RV
                                        Site Review - Addition to Building
                                        Map 3, Lot 13, Dover Rd.

Mr. DePalma presented to the Board plans of the addition and site plan.

Mr. DePalma is adding a 40 X 60 foot storage building on to an existing storage building.

The Board requested a new plan when the addition was complete for our records.

Motion was made to wave preliminary and public hearing and except the plans.

                Andrews/Arey                    (Passed)


DISCUSSION:                     David Marsh
                                        Map 4 Lot 58F, Lane Rd.

Mr. Marsh would like to subdivide his property so to limit his liability from his business.

He does not have enough town maintained road frontage so he would either build a road into his property from Lane Rd. or try and open up part of Range Rd.

He will go back to his attorney to seek other alternatives.

DISCUSSION:                     Sludge Ordinance

The work session on Impact fees will also include Sludge ordinance.

We need to limit where the sludge can be placed without banning it.

Again the work session will be Thursday May 15, 1997 at 7pm.

DISCUSSION:                     Chairman

Nominations were made Paul Adams was nominated by Jeff Andrews and Tracy Scott was nominated by Harold Arey.  By paper ballot Mr. Tracy Scott was voted in as new Chairman.

Motion was made to adjourn.

                Andrews/Scott                   (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 10:50pm

                                                        Respectfully submitted,