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Planning Board Minutes 01/02/1997




JANUARY 2, 1997

PRESENT:  Chairman Paul Adams, Jeff Jordan, Jeff Andrews, Steve MacCleery, Harold Arey, Ron Lesieur, Tracy Scott, Doug Hamel, Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Adams called the meeting to order at 7:09pm.

Chairman Adams informed the Board Stanley Brehm would not be present tonight.

The Board was introduced by Chairman Adams to the public in attendance.

Board members were requested to review the minutes of December 5, 1996.

Change:  Page 1, after motion was made to accept the minutes as written.

                to be added:        Scott/Andrews    (Passed)

Motion was made to accept the minutes as corrected.

                        Lesieur/Scott   (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING:                         John Sabol/Blanche Willinger Property
                                                New Home Occupation - Change name
                                                and  add 1.
                                                Map 9, Lot 126, Webster Mills Rd.

Mr. Sabol called and explained that he would be out of town again this month and he would need to continue into February 1997.

PUBLIC HEARING:                         Bruce Luksza
                                                Map 9, Lot 19, Swiggey Brook Rd.


Mr. Luksza called and explained he has gotten a new surveyor and would not be ready in time for the hearing.

Mr. Luksza had also spoken with a Board member and explained he was all done he was not going to continue.  Secretary Deachman will contact Mr. Luksza and find out what he is doing.

DISCUSSION:                     Town of Chichester
                                        Master Plan 1996

Moved to end of agenda.

DISCUSSION:                     DSM, Inc. Willam Perry,
                                        Jim Spain & Joseph Spain
                                        Map1, Lot 27, Hutchingson Rd.

Michael Seraikais presented the Board with plans prepared by Steven Luger Surveyor.                                             
This is an eight (8) lot subdivision.

Mr. Seraikais explained to the Board that ShC soil is not listed in the soil types in the zoning regulations or subdivision regulations.  The Board is requesting a soil scientist to explore lot 1 to determine soil type other than Rural Agricultural.

Mr. Seraikais also would like to know who to present the possibilities of giving some of the back part of the property to the town to add to the town forest.  The Board referred them to the Selectmen’s Office.

The Board will have the Town engineer research impact on the Road.  Secretary Deachman will take the plans to the engineer on Friday 1/3/97 Chairman Adams will

speak with Bill Rollins on the project and estimated cost for a escrow account and will inform Mr. Seraikais of that amount.

Preliminary Hearing will be set for February 6, 1997.

DISCUSSION:                     Marden Farms
                                        Clarence Gordon - Continental Paving
                                        Rick Charbonneau - Charbonneau
                                        Family Development Co.
                                        Map 3, Several Lots.
                                        King & Dover Roads


Rick Charbonneau presented the plans from the approved subdivision done in 1988.  
These plans stay the same.

Mr. Charbonneau is willing to pay any impact fees assessed even if over the original $1,000.

The Board reviewed Zoning, Town Engineer Caron’s letter, G & L Attorney’s letter.

Mr. Charbonneau feels vesting is not a concern, town zoning has not changed since subdivision approval in 1988.

Mr. Charbonneau will be dropping off a check for an escrow account on Monday January 6, 1997 in the amount of $2,000.

Mr. Charbonneau is requesting a letter from the Board that the subdivision is in good faith.

Motion was made to write a letter for Mr. Charbonneau, the letter will read as follows:

To Whom it May Concern:

The Chichester Planning Board is in agreement that the subdivision approved in 1988 for Charbonneau Family Development Company in the name of Marden Farms on King and Dover Roads, is in good faith with the town.  Plans were reviewed on January 2, 1997 and all is in accordance with zoning and subdivision regulations.

Motion made by:                 Arey/Jordan                (Passed)

Mr. Charbonneau will bond from King Road to town line and Gurnsey Court.

DISCUSSION:                     Town of Chichester
                                        Master Plan

Changes were made to the following:  Library - page IV - 5 School - page IV - 3&4

Draft copies will be made and left at the library and town hall for all to review.

It was brought to the Boards attention that the selectmen took a vote on the Water Resources part of the master plan and request it be removed from the master plan.

It was suggested to change recommendation on the water resources and see if the selectmen and other Board members could accept the plan .

Some members of the Board are requesting that the water resources part be completely removed from the master plan and not be reintroduced at all.


Some members of the Board will meet with the selectmen next week to see what can be done to fix the water resources recommendations.

Motion was made to adjourn.

                Hamel/Scott              (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 9:37pm

                                                Respectfully submitted,