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Planning Board Minutes 11/07/1996




NOVEMBER 7, 1996

PRESENT:  Chairman Paul Adams, Jeff Jordan, Jeff Andrews, Tracy Scott, Ron Lesieur, Doug Hamel, Stanley Brehm, Harold Arey, Stephen MacCleery, Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Adams called the meeting to order at 7:04pm.

Chairman Adams informed the Board Tracy Scott and Stan Brehm will be voting members tonight.

Board Members were requested to review the minutes of October 3, 1996.

Motion was made to accept the minutes as written.

                Scott/Hamel     (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING:                         Bruce Luksza
                                                Subdivision/Site Review Winter Storage Bldg.
                                                Map 9, Lot 19, Swiggey Brook Rd.

Abutters present:  Robert & LouAnn Lowe, Brian & Jane Cavanaugh, Ms. L. Doucette, Ms. A. Doucette, Geoffrey Seymour, M. W. & Donna Lawrence.

Mr. Luksza presented the Board with a single plan done by his surveyor.  At the October 3, 1996 meeting the Board requested two (2) separate plans one(1) for the subdivision and one(1) for the site review.

Abutters concerns were:
The amount of trees being cut.  Mr. Luksza is not trying to cut any more trees.  
Oil and gas contaminants.  Mr. Luksza does not change oil or repair his vehicles.

There is a pile of cold patch on the lot.  It is not cold patch it is tar, and when it is large enough Mr. Luksza will have it removed.

Rain water leaching off the equipment.  Board member states no more pollutants than is coming off Route 28.

How many more vehicles will be on the lot.  Mr. Luksza explained he has five (5) trucks that move in and out not and would like to add two (2) trucks per year.  Most of the trucks come to shop empty and leave empty.
Will Mr. Luksza have access to route 28 for his driveway.  Mr. Luksza hopes to get an exception for a driveway on route 28, he must meet with the state.

It was brought to Mr. Luksza’s attention he must meet frontage on both roads.  Board members disagreed Chairman Adams will research this.

It was also brought up to the board that a storage building is not in the permitted uses in the zoning and maybe Mr. Luksza should go to the Board of Adjustment.


Motion Board take a vote as to whether this is a permitted use under our current zoning,

                        Andrews/Brehm           motion carries.

Discussion on motion.   Could this be considered Industrial.  No he does not make anything.

The Board was then polled as to permitted use or not.

Yes 3            No 4

Storage Building Not permitted use.

Because Mr. Luksza is a business and will be using the lot not only as storage he is willing  to change the site review title.

The Board has explained to Mr. Luksza in order to hear a different hearing he would need to stay until all other issues have been heard.  Mr. Luksza agrees.

PUBLIC HEARING:                         Jim Towle                                                                                               Subdivision
                                                Map 3, Lot 5, Towle/Mason Rds.

Abutters Present:  Bradley Towle

Ernest Veinotte registered land surveyor presented the Board with the final plans.

The Board had requested a statement on the plan stating unbuildable until town maintained road.  Mr. Veinotte explained he had put class six (6) road on the plan.

Motion to accept the plan.

                Brehm/Hamel            (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING:                         Ted Bailey
                                                Map 1, Lot 35, Leavitt Rd.
Abutters Present:  Walter Sanborn

Ernest Veinotte registered land surveyor presented the Board with the final plans.

There is a small shed on the existing lot.

The Board needs: soil type, well, septic and frontage on the remaining lot.

Motion to accept the plan, which will be signed once the plan is fixed.

                        Brehm/Hamel           (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING:                         William Briggs
  Continued from Aug. 1, 1996          Site Plan Review
                                                Map 8, Lot 37, Carpenter Rd.

Mr. Briggs presented the Board with new plans with all changes done except maximum trailers on trailer yard.  Mr. Briggs was not sure how many he would store at one time and will not limit himself to a specific amount.


Motion was made to accept the plan as is.

                Jordan/Lesieur         (Passed)

The plan could not be signed.  Signature block was omitted by the surveyor.

PRELIMINARY HEARING:                    Robert Adamsky
                                                Lot Line Adjustment
                                                Right of Way Purchase
                                                Map 2, Lot 30 & 32B, Horse Corner Rd.

Ernest Veinotte registered land surveyor presented to board with a drawing of the proposed lot line adjustment.

Mr. Adamsky would like to purchase a right of way from Mr. Griffiths and add that land to his own.  Public hearing will be set for December 5, 1996.

Tax map seems to be incorrect.

Motion to accept preliminary plan.

                        Hamel/Lesieur   (Passed)

DISCUSSION:                                     Rebecca Herbert
                                                Lot Line Adjustment
                                                Map 4, Lot 17 & 18, Main St.
                                                Daroska/Leavitt Property
                                                Map 3, Lot 121, Canterbury Rd.

Mrs. Herbert presented the Board with a sketch of her two (2) lots.  Mrs. Herbert would like to make into one (1) lot.

The Board explained to Mrs. Herbert that both lots were substandard lots and combined would also be substandard.  The Board also cannot allow two (2) homes on one(1) lot.

Mrs. Herbert has been requested to meet with the Board of Adjustment.

Second Discussion Mrs. Herbert - subdivision

Mrs. Herbert informed the Board the tax map is incorrect.

Is the property residential or agricultural.  Maps show Rural Agricultural.

A surveyor can verify enough land for residential.  Both lots must qualify as residential.

Mrs. Herbert asked about expanding culverts/storm drains.  She would need to speak with the road agent.

Mrs. Herbert will contact the secretary when she is ready to move on.

DISCUSSION:                             Scott Markey
                                                New Business
No show


PRELIMINARY HEARING:                    John Sabol/Blanche Willinger Property
                                                New Home Occupation
                                                Map 9, Lot 126, Webster Mills Rd.

Mr. Sabol presented to the Board that he is now having a problem with only one(1) home occupation permit.  His accountant and attorney request that Mr. Sabol and his son split their business back up.  They both are Incorporated through the State of New Hampshire.

Was advised needed a public hearing.  Mr. Sabol will contact secretary when available for public hearing.

Motion was made to accept preliminary hearing.

                        Hamel/Jordan            (Passed)

DISCUSSION:                                     Abby Mitchell
                                                Christmas Craft Sale
                                                Map 5, Lot 89, Main St.

Ms. Mitchell would like to sell her property but if she can’t she would like to have a craft shop.

She also would like to know what to do about the change from Commercial lot to a residential lot.  The Board advised her to contact the selectmen’s office.

PRELIMINARY HEARING:                    Mike Anderson
                                                Home Occupation - Small Engine Repair
                                                Map 4, Lot 160, Dover Rd.

Mr. Anderson presented the Board with drawings and other pertinent information for his home occupation.

Mr. Anderson explained to the Board any parts or equipment will be stored in his shed.

Chairman Adams went over site review because of commercial zone.  Mr. Anderson is aware of what he needs.  Public Hearing will be December 5, 1996.

Motion was  made to accept preliminary hearing  - Home occupation - small engine repair.

                        Scott/Jordan      (Passed)

DISCUSSION:                             Matt Alger
                                        Gladys Towle Property
                                        Map 5, Lots 27 & 27B, Center Rd

Mr. Alger is questioning the soil types for these two (2) lots.  Mr. Alger would like to beable to subdivide.  The Board informed Mr. Alger of soil types and frontage he would need to subdivide.

PRELIMINARY HEARING:            Bruce Luksza
                                        Subdivision/Site Plan Review
                                        Office, Storage and Repair Garage for Hillcrest Paving
                                        Map 9, Lot 19, Swiggey Brook Rd.

Mr. Luksza is not sure if he would like to call his site plan this but is willing to work with the Board on getting his site review done.


Mr. Luksza questions the facts on needing frontage on both roads.

The Board showed concern with the pond on the second piece of property.

Mr. Luksza will work with his surveyor to fix this.

Mr. Luksza is understanding of what the Board needs on the next plans.

Public Hearing set for December 5, 1996

Motion was made to accept as preliminary hearing for both subdivision and site review.

                        Hamel/Andrews           (Passed)

Discussion:                             Bankers Title
                                        Steve & Kim Tucker Property
                                        Map 4, Lot 44, Horse Corner Rd.

Bankers Title has requested a letter stating property is not in violation of subdivision.

Secretary Deachman will send letter.

Motion to adjourn.

                Hamel/Lesieur   (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 11:45pm

                                                        Respectfully submitted,