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Planning Board Agenda 01/08/2015

Notice of Public Meeting
Thursday, January 8, 2015 6:30 PM
Chichester Town Hall


1.      Call to Order

2.      Business Meeting
        a.      Review/Approve the Minutes of December 4, 2014

3.      Application Reviews:
        a.      Lot Line Adjustment: Dennis Nolin and Dennis & Kathy Nolin, Map 6 Lots 20 & 22 respectively, located on Canterbury Road.

4.      Public Hearings:
        a.      Zoning Amendment #1 – Signs
        b.      Zoning Amendment #2 – Impact Fees

5.      Other Business
        a.      January 29, 2015 Agenda
                i.      Zoning Amendment Public Hearings (if needed)
        b.      February 5, 2015
                i.      Nothing at this time.
        c.      Planning Office Items
        d.      Board Member Items
        e.      Audience Items