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Selectmen Minutes 07102018
      Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
 Tuesday July 10, 2018

Members Present: Jeff Jordan, Tom Jameson, Ed Millette, Jodi Pinard Town Administrator and Kristy Barnouski Administrative Assistant

Attendees:  Chief Clarke, Blaze Konefal, Dick Pratt, Andrea Deachman, Lucille Noel, Donna Chagnon, Kasen Kenney and other members of the public.

Fire Department-
Chief Quimby stated that the new per diem shifts are working out well.    
Chief Quimby wanted to thank Mr. Plunkett for his assistance with the barn fire on Towle Road.
There is currently a moderate drought.   

Police Department-
Chief Clarke thanked the Board for his leave of absence and leniency in missing meetings recently due to other commitments.  
Chief Clarke stated that the new officer, Sammy West is doing well and is almost ready to go out by himself in his own cruiser despite the big learning curve because they do things differently down south.  Chief Clarke stated he is still waiting to hear back about his certification which will be in within the next few weeks.
Chief Clarke stated that he sent an email to a safety engineer about putting in a one lane each direction on Rt. 4, using radar signs, and adding cameras at lights.   Mrs. Pinard is working on a letter from D.O.T. to submit about the Town’s safety concerns for Rt. 4.   
Mr. Millette stated that he has met Officer West on a few occasions and he has been very pleasant on scene.  

Emergency Management- nothing to report.

Building Inspection-
Mrs. Pinard stated that Matt was forced to work overtime in Concord so he has been out of the office and won’t be in until Tuesday or Wed of next week.  He is taking his annual vacation and there needs to be coverage. Loudon has agreed to cover the Town from July 23 to August 3, 2018.  This is the same agreement that they have had previously.  
Mrs. Pinard also stated that after speaking with Mr. Cole, looking ahead if the plans for the apartment building go through he would be looking for assistance with plan review and inspections.  
The Board asked Mrs. Pinard to discuss with Loudon if they would be available for some on call time in the future.

The Library has a series of programs going on and is very busy.  The book sale on Saturday made over $500.00.  
Ms. Noel stated that the landscaping is complete at the library. Jack Harkness is watering it twice a day.  Ms. Noel stated that the summer reading program is off to a great start.  
Two awards were given to two eighth grade students in memory of Lisa Prizio which will be done every year.  
The Library is currently working on a design for the children’s area which had a $5,000.00 donation given for that purpose.
The Library Trustees met yesterday and Ms. Noel is now an alternate.  A regular Trustee will be now be attending the BOS meetings.  The new Librarian is working out very well and is a great fit.
The Boy scouts were asked as a project to repaint the well cover in the back of the Library which they will be working on.  

Trustees of the Trust Fund-
The Trustees attended the meeting so that they could express their concerns about their file cabinets being moved.  Ms. Deachman stated that she felt uncomfortable with them being at the end of the hallway and also it was an inconvenience for them to be in that location.  She also stated that the Trustees would have appreciated more notice.
Mrs. Pinard stated that office is currently being outgrown with all the people using it.  Mrs. Barnouski is in the office full time, along with the Building Inspector, the Treasurer and the Assessor using the office part time.  The conference room is full and Mrs. Pianrd felt that was a safer place for the cabinets since the conference room is utilized so often.  
Mrs. Barnouski did state that she did send them an email letting them know of the move as well as a letter in the Trustees box letting them know of the new location.  She stated that with the Trustee’s only meeting one time per month officially it seemed logical to move them to this location.    
The Trustees expressed concern about the locks not working properly on their current filing cabinets.  The consensus of the Board was to replace the fire proof filing cabinets with new ones in good working order.
The Trustees also asked that the rights meeting dates and times be adjusted online.
The Trustees also alerted the Board that when making motions to be sure to use the correct language such as “up to or not to exceed “so they are able to pay the bills.

Map 3 Lot 99, 195 Canterbury Road $170,600.00 as it was burned down last year and still is on the card.  

Mr. Jordan made a motion and Mr. Millette seconded to abate $170,600.00 for Mr. Thomas Kenneally Jr. for Map 3 Lot 99 located on 195 Canterbury Road due to the total loss of a fire at the residence. Motion passes.

Safety Center Roof-
Mr. Kasen Kenney came before the Board to discuss the roof at the Safety Center.   
Mr. Millette stated that he would like to find a resolution ad would like to get him paid and get the roof finished.  
Mr. Millette stated the not having snow rails on the roof is very much a safety issue, and felt Mr. Kenney should have known to include them in the job when he bid the project.
Mr. Kenney stated that it was overlooked and would have never agreed to do snow rails for that price because he wouldn’t have been able to.   
The Board and Mr. Kenney agreed upon 2 rows of snow rails on the back 3 rows on the front and 10 rows total for the quote given of $8,325.00.
Mr. Kenney also agreed to look at the front peak on the front of the Fire Department bay doors.

Other Business-
Resident Donna Chagnon stated that she has a concern about dumping of human waste by her neighbor’s home at 16 Horse Corner Road.  Chief Clarke stated that he will speak with Mrs. Chagnon privately and will be looking into this matter.

Zoning Complaint-
A formal complaint was written by and turned in by a resident.  The Kollett’s are upset that their neighbors seem to be running a Kennel out of their home.  They are complaining of loud barking sometimes all hours of the day.  Chief Clarke stated that he has been to the house several times and they didn’t hear any dogs barking.  Mrs. Pianard stated that she will also be checking in on this matter periodically to see if she can hear any barking.

Ms. Noel stated that the floor and the benches are stained in the gazeebo in the greenspace. White stain was donated to do the outside and that will be done soon as well.  Tasker will be doing ramp for the gazeebo.  

Mrs. Noel asked for the meetings for the Charrette to be changed to the 4th Monday of each month instead of the last.  

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Millette and seconded by Mr. Jameson to adjourn the meeting at 7:53pm. Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

                                                                        Not approved until signed
Kristy Barnouski, Administrative Assistant