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Selectmen Minutes 06192018
      Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
 Tuesday June 19, 2018

Members Present: Jeff Jordan, Tom Jameson, Ed Millette, Jodi Pinard Town Administrator and Kristy Barnouski Administrative Assistant

Attendees:  Chief Quimby, Lucille Noel, Patricia Humphrey, Dan Humphrey, Officer West, Alan Mayville, Patty Mulligan,  Donna Chagnon, and other members of the public.

Garvin Hill Road Discussion-
The Humphrey’s came to the Board meeting to discuss the paving of Garvin Hill Road.  Mrs. Pinard had a figure of $22,000.00 from Mr. Plunkett the Road Agent for the cost to pave Garvin Hill Road.
In a previous Select Board meeting there was discussion on doing a cost share for the project.  Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey’s expressed their concern about having to contribute to the cost.  They both stated that they paid a lot of taxes and felt that the Town should cover the expense.  
Mr. Millette stated that the Town is under no obligation to improve a dirt road.  

Mr. Humphrey stated that it is a safety concern and the Town spends a lot of money on the maintenance.  

Mr. Jameson wanted to see the Humphrey’s contribute to the cost share and the Town would continue the maintenance.    

The Selectmen proposed that the Town and the Humphreys each pay fifty percent totaling $11,000.00 each. This would cover the base coat and a rough surface.  Mr. Humphrey stated that he was not excited with the cost share but in the interest of safety he was willing to agree.

 Mr. Millette stated that he was hesitant of paving any dirt roads as the Town cannot afford to keep up with the current paved roads and didn’t want to set a precedent.

The Board agreed that the Humphrey’s will pay no more than $11,000.00.  The project should be done in late July or early august before school starts.  

Mr. Millette made a motion and Mr. Jameson seconded to abate the following amounts for the following properties,
Map 4 Lot 156 073RV in taxes $175.00
Map 4 Lot 156101RV in taxes $293.92
Map 4 Lot 159 in taxes $776.16
Map 4 Lot 165 in taxes $504.50
Motion passes.  

Safety Complex Roof-
Mrs. Pinard stated that the metal roof on the safety complex looks great but there were no snow rails installed which is a major safety concern.  The actual quote does not mention snow rails, however on a roof that size it is necessary and standard procedure especially with the pitch as steep as it is on the Police side to have snow rails to keep the snow from falling and killing someone.  

The contractor sent a separate quote for an additional $8,325.00 after the job was complete to add the snow rails but he told Mrs. Barnouski that he would include the entire job for $30,000.00.  

The Board does not feel he made the quote in good faith and the consensus is to hold the remaining balance owed to the contractor until this matter can be resolved.  

Other Business-
Mrs. Pinard introduced Officer Sammy West who just recently joined the Police Department and the Board welcomed him to the Town.  

Route 4 Safety-
Mr. Jameson stated that he is very concerned about the safety on Route 4 after multiple accidents in the recent weeks. He would like to see a D.O.T. transportation engineer revisit the traffic pattern on Route 4.  

The consensus of the Board was to put a letter together to send to D.O.T. stating the Towns concerns about the number of accidents and safety concerns about the Road.  

Canterbury Road
Ms. Noel asked the Selectmen about a current dispute on Canterbury Road regarding an old range way and deed access between two neighbors.  Mrs. Pinard stated that it was a civil matter and the Town should not be involved.  

Town Fire Pit-
A member of the local Girl Scout Troop came before the Board to ask for a fire permit to use for their campout on July 14th at Carpenter Park and they would like to use the Town fire pit.

Mrs. Pinard stated that she had already spoken to Primex and they sent her some proposed regulations including no accelerants, no burning trash, fire must be completely extinguished at the end of use and only permitted during the hours of 5:00-11:00pm.  The Selectmen will also need to give approval for each fire.   

The Board did approve the use of the fire pit for the Girl Scout Troop on July 14th, 2018.  

Mr. Millette had some concerns about a new approval by the Planning Board and asked that Mr. Brehm the Planning Board Chairman attend the July 10th meeting to discuss this matter.  

Mrs. Barnouski will extend the invitation to Mr. Brehm.  

July meetings will be held on July 10th & July 31st, 2018.  

Non-Public Session 91-A:3 II. (b) The hiring of any person as a public employee
A motion was made by Mr. Jameson and seconded by Mr. Jordan to enter into non-public Jordan Aye, Jameson Aye, Millette Aye. Motion Passes

A motion was made by Mr. Jameson and seconded by Mr. Jordan to exit non-public session Jordan Aye, Jameson Aye, Millette Aye. Motion Passes

A motion was made by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Mr. Jameson to seal the non-public meeting minutes indefinitely. Jordan Aye, Jameson Aye, Millette Aye. Motion Passes.

Chief Quimby stated that a donation was made to the Fire Department of 20 bags of speedy dry.  
Mr. Millette made a motion and Mr. Jameson seconded to accept the donation of 20 speedy dry bags for use at the Fire Department.  Motion passes.

Chief Quimby stated that Fire Rescue 2 blew out a tire due to dry rot and wanted direction on whether or not to replace the other three now.  The consensus of the Board was to replace only one tire at this time.  

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Millette and seconded by Mr. Jameson to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 pm. Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

                                                                        Not approved until signed
Kristy Barnouski, Administrative Assistant