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Selectmen Minutes 06052018
      Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
 Tuesday June 05, 2018

Members Present: Jeff Jordan, Tom Jameson, Ed Millette, Jodi Pinard Town Administrator and Kristy Barnouski Administrative Assistant

Attendees:  Chief Quimby, Jim Plunkett, Matt Cole, Zach Boyijian, Lucille Noel,   Donna Chagnon, and other members of the public.

Department Heads

Mr. Plunkett stated that they started putting chloride solution down on the roads in need.  
Mr. Plunkett also stated that FEMA was recently in Town.  He gave them a tour around Town to show them all the damage that was incurred during the storm of October 2017.  Mr. Plunkett sated that he did need the estimate or invoice from the fence that was fixed at Leavitt Cemetery that was damaged and also for the shed in Shaw pasture. The shed is considered a historic structure being over 60 years old.  Other items included in the FEMA claim are the road materials used, Library sign, Town Hall/Grange sign and the Historical building roof.  

Mr. Plunkett stated that he is planning on using prefab cement slabs to replace the staircase falling apart outside the Town Hall connecting the upper and lower lot.  He is working on finding the right contractor.  

Mr. Plunkett stated that he is waiting for the pond water to lower before he fixes the damaged drain in the Town Hall parking lot to avoid further problems.  

Mr. Jameson asked Mr. Plunkett what the pink tape on the trees were around Town.  Mr. Plunkett stated that Unitil puts those on tree ready for removal and they have been working around Town.

Chief Quimby stated that he and Deputy Matt Cole just returned from training in Rhode Island.  He also stated that Chichester had another successful blood drive with the Red Cross last month.  

Chief Quimby told the Board that the Department began interviews for the per diems to be starting in July.  So far there are 10-15 candidates.

Engine one is currently out of service until the parts arrive and it can be repaired.  

Chief Quimby received a letter from the Epsom Fire Department for Chichester’s attendance of the junkyard fire that sent one member to the Hospital.  
Mrs. Pinard stated how thankful she is for Chichester’s Police and Fire Department.  Recently there has been a lot of activity taking both a physical and emotional toll and she is proud of the departments and all that they do.  They are truly appreciated.  

JLMC- Mrs. Pinard stated that Joint loss management meeting was held and an inspection at the Fire Department was completed.  The Committee found that the Fire station kitchen is not suitable for public use and she is recommending to the Board that public use stop. The consensus of the Board was to discontinue public use of the kitchen.   The Board put a new policy in place that only Town Boards will be using the Fire Department Conference room.  
Parks and Recreation-
Mr. Boyijian stated that there will be a work party held.  There have been issues with the water and lots of debris.  CYA is asking for donations for the filter unit to make the water system more functional.  

Ms. Noel stated that preschool hour ends on June 14, 2018 and the summer reading program will be starting.  The summer reading theme is rock.  
The Library trustees meet on Monday at 4:00pm and they are open to the public.  
The Teen breakfast is on Saturday June 16, 2018.  
The Library’s last book sale was successful.  
Ms. Noel stated that the new Librarian Caroline Pynes is working out very well and is a great fit to our community.  
The Gazeebo was put up a week ago.  KM Cheney did the foundation and Mr. Reindt put up the benches.  

Building Inspection-
Mr. Cole stated that the building department continues to be very busy with 1.2 Million in assessed value in the past month.  

Mrs. Pinard stated that Avitar has sent out letters to property owners who were not home during the revaluations to give them the opportunity to schedule an appointment.  

Adjudicative Hearing-Cruiserparts, LLC.
The Board reviewed all the paperwork for Cruiserparts, LLC. including the ZBA and Planning Board approvals.  

Mr. Jameson made a motion and Mr. Jordan seconded to grant the Junkyard License to Cruiserparts, LLC. All in favor, Jameson, aye. Millette, aye. Jordan, aye. Motion passes.

Other Buisness-

Camper Abatements-
Mr. Jameson made a motion and Mr. Millette seconded to abate the following:
Map 4 Lot 156-039RV $137.00 2018
Map 4 Lot 156-044RV $52.49 2017
Map 4 Lot 156-044RV $12.00 2018
Map 4 Lot 156-048RV $351.97 2017
Map 4 Lot 145-050RV $172.00 2018
Motion passes.

Pound Road discussion-
Mr. Jameson stated that the path looks very confusing and if Mr. Anderson is willing he feels the Town should put up signs directing to Center Road. He also felt that no trespassing signs should be placed on gates with a snowmobiling permitted sign.
A Trail was made but it is eroded and muddy.  Mr. Millette stated that it should go on to the warrant to continue straight.  

Heritage Appointments-
Mrs. Pinard that Ann Davis is being appointed an alternate to the Heritage Commission and Margarite Friary is being appointed a full member.  

Mr. Pinard stated that 71 Kelly Corner Road has been sold and a zoning violation letter will be sent to the new owner.  

Mrs. Pinard stated that she received a letter from the Trustees of Trust Funds who are upset about their filing cabinets being moved.  Mrs. Pinard stated that with 4 people now in the front office there was simply no room and we are unfortunately outgrowing the office.  

The next Board of Selectmen meeting is on July 10, 2018 which will be Department Heads

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Millette and seconded by Mr. Jameson to adjourn the meeting at 7:22pm. Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

                                                                        Not approved until signed
Kristy Barnouski, Administrative Assistant