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Selectmen Minutes 05012018
      Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
 Tuesday May 1, 2018

Members Present: Jeff Jordan, Tom Jameson, Ed Millette, Jodi Pinard Town Administrator and Kristy Barnouski Administrative Assistant

Attendees:  Chief Quimby, John Martel, Jim Plunkett, Matt Cole, Brian Searless, Lucille Noel, Donna Chagnon, Kevin Gagne  and other members of the public.

Building Inspection-
Mr. Cole stated that Avitar recently installed new building permit software which ties into the assessing.  It is working out well so far. He also stated that there are steady permits coming in.

Emergency Management Grant-
Mr. Searless and Mr. Martell have been working on getting a traffic trailer grant and received paperwork today from the State of NH that the grant has been accepted and needed signature from the Selectmen. This is a 50/50 grant but the Town will be using the 2016 Highway truck for the grant match so no more funds will be distributed.  This needs a public hearing for acceptance and the invoices need to be in by September.
The public hearing will be on May 15, 2018.

Fire Department-
Chief Quimby reported that there was a fire at the Lazy River Campground that the Chichester Fire Department responded to.  Fire Chief of Epsom sent a letter of thanks for the mutual aid.
Chief Quimby stated that the per diem applications have started coming in but still looking to obtain more.  It will be going up on multiple websites.  
Chief Quimby reported that it has been a slow season for brush fires due to weather.
A permit was issued for the Shaw pasture brush fire.
FirstNET is doing a training for their standalone communication system.  Chief Quimby would like others to go to training.  He explained that the system is segregated just for emergency services.   Nationwide contract with AT&T.  Date TBD.
May 30th-June 1st Chief Quimby and Deputy Cole will be in Rhode Island doing a training.
Department of Labor meeting with Labor board on May 17, 2018.

Annual Book and Plant sale on May 5, 2018. The plants are   donated by Millicans Nursery.  
Inspection done on elevator lift.  Feb is inspection month large expense not anticipated.
Library story time will be held in the Grange parking lot Thursday May 10, 2018 with Deputy Chief Cole and the ambulance.  
Ms. Noel stated they are having some problems with staffing.  Trustees have been helping out but they are considering a roster of substitutes possibly.  

Mr. Plunkett stated that all the sanders are cleaned and oiled and put away for the year.
Mr. Plunkett stated that he is making a claim with FEMA for the Election Day storm.  He is trying to get gravel replaced and also reimbursement for the truck accident.
Mr. Plunkett stated that the stairs out front haven’t been removed because he didn’t want to leave a hole.  He will be removing them and doing poured concrete stairs with a hand rail.  This will not be ADA compliant.  The hand rail will be kept with the character of the building.
On Monday the concrete for Greenspace will be poured.
Comcast recently put in new modem at the Highway office.
Mr. Plunkett stated that the Merrill subdivision is coming quickly to a close, only 7 more lots to build.  At Town meeting there may be two roads to accept and take over.  
The Highway Department moved a plank of hemlock over to thunder bridge for bridge inspection.  
Mr. Plunkett offered use of the chipper for Parks and Recreation.  Mr. Boyiajian will be notified.  
Mr. Plunkett stated that Garvin Hill road will be a 50/50 cost share with the resident.  He will be requesting a quote under the Busby contract for the asphalt.   
Mr. Millette asked if there a problem taking private funds to fix a public road.  Mrs. Pinard will ask for attorney opinion.
The Highway Department filled potholes on King Road and will be going to fix Kelly Corner Road next Thursday. They are also finishing grading on Hillard Rd, Perry Brook and Hutchinson next week.  
Mr. Plunkett stated that the budget is overspent on the winter fund due to 26 storms.  The gas budget is high as well.  It is a Jan-Jan budget. Only 30% through the year.

Kevin Gagne-Trail Dogs Snowmobile
Mr. Gagne stated that some of the snowmobile trails comes up through Chichester on class 6 roads and private property and Town fields.  He is looking for spring trail permission to be signed.  Went to Bee Hole club meeting trying to help them with resources. He is also looking to get a grant on Granny Howe Road to put culverts in on the road near a beaver damn and also looking to relocate some trails out of wetlands.  
Mr. Plunlkett stated that the culverts near beaver damn is Epsom and not Chichester. Mr. Gagne wasn’t sure where town line was.  He will seek permission in Epsom.  
Permission for use of the town trails was granted and signed.

CNHRPC-Mike Tardif
Mr. Brehm came before the Board with Mr. Tardif to discuss the contract with the Board of Selectmen.  Mr. Brehm stated nothing is hard and fast, and in no way shape or form will CNHRPC dictate what the Town need to do.  
Mr. Tardif explained that we will be supporting the Board in whatever the Board needs.  
Mr. Brehm stated we will not be defining the zones by soil types.  The Board is looking for guidance on what size lots and doing this with the help of an outside agency and not done with personal interest in mind.
Mr. Tardif explained they will be using best practice, and having public sessions.  They will also be using some funding from OSI and getting other assistance under dues.  There will be maps generated at completion.

71 Kelly Corners Road
Mrs. Barnouski stated that this property consists of two lots.  The house was built on the lot line and now the current owners would like to do lot line adjustment to be within the   .  They now have two apartments along with the daycare. Bart suggested said not to hold up the lot line adjustment but to forward over to the BOS.  
Reach out to property owner.

Chichester Commons- Mrs. Pinard stated that the funding for CDBG funds were not granted for the project.  He is seeking alternate funding.  

Mrs. Pinard is waiting to hear from progressive on the payout for the stone wall that was damaged.  There are numerous claimants awaiting payouts and is taking some time as there is insurance limit concerns.  

 Map 3 Lot 39 zoning update-
Mrs. Pinard stated that the property owner is down to two unregistered cars and is now complies with the zoning.  

Mr. Jameson made a motion to appoint Kevin Mara as an alternate of the Planning Board and Mr. Jordan seconds. Motion passes.  

Ms. Noel stated that the License plate grant letter of intent was accepted and she will be moving forward with the completed application.

Ms. Noel also stated that there is a great article about Thunder Bridge in this months NH Magazine.  

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Millette and seconded by Mr. Jameson to adjourn the meeting at 8   :55pm. Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

                                                                        Not approved until signed
Kristy Barnouski, Administrative Assistant