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Selectmen Minutes 04172018
      Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
 Tuesday April 17, 2018

Members Present: Jeff Jordan, Tom Jameson, Ed Millette, Jodi Pinard Town Administrator and Kristy Barnouski Administrative Assistant

Attendees:  Lucille Noel, Zach Boyijian, Jonathon Halle, Jon Eller, Donna Chagnon, Bob Mann and other members of the public.

Call to Order: Mr. Jameson called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.

Jonathon Halle and John Eller
Mr. Halle stated that he has been working with NH Housing Finance to put housing up on his property behind Chichester Commons.  He stated that he is looking to close the gap with funds and wants CDFA funds.  This requires the Town to sponsor the project in order for him to get the funds he needs.  Mr. Halle is asking the Town to be a pass through to receive the funds.  Mrs. Pinard did go to the application training and stated that this program is to bring low to moderate income housing to the Town.  

Mr. Eller stated it used to be granted for municipal costs and now its housing money provided by HUD using low income tax credits and home funds along with CDBG monies.  

Mr. Millette stated he was concerned about to the tax impact with children attending schools.  
Mr. Eller stated that out of the 14 apartments ten are one bedrooms and four are two bedrooms so the school impact would be minimal.  

Mr. Jameson stated they were really looking for more elderly housing.

Mr. Millette is nervous about mixing municipal funds with the developers.

The Board is going to put out a public notice to hear the public’s opinion on the matter if the funds become available for the project.  

Conservation Commission-
Mr. Mann came before the Board to discuss the property located on Dover Road as part of the Shirley Waters Estate.  

Ms. Noel stated that she contacted the Attorney for the estate and asked where they stood on donating the piece of land.  The attorney asked the other trustees if they would sign off the part of the land being donated to the Town as the Shirley Waters bird sanctuary.  The Conservation Commission chose to accept the lot if offered as a donation or offer a specific amount at auction.  Looking for approval of Board.

Mr. Millette stated that he feels the property go to auction.  He does not see it being a value to the Town.  

Mr. Mann stated the vast majority of the conservation commission is in favor of the donation.  

Mr. Boyijian stated that it would protect the water quality of the wetland and maintain rural character.
 Mr. Jordan and Mr. Millette was not in support.  Mr. Jameson was in support but outnumbered.  

Alternate cemetery trustees:
Leslie Ari
Tammy Jameson
Frank Harrison
Library Trustees:
Kathy Hosmer Doutt
Lucille Noel
Mr. Jameson made a motion and Mr. Jordan seconded to appoint the above members as alternate Trustees. Motion passes.

Zoning Violation Update-Map 3 Lot 39
Mrs. Pinard reported that there are only three unregistered cars left and they will be out by the next BOS meeting.  

Lugg Plaza-
Mr. Millette expressed concern for the amount of signage at Lugg Plaza.  He asked that a visit be done to check the businesses and make sure that they are in compliance.   

CNHRPC Contract-
Mr. Millette was concerned about the contract not having deliverables.  
They would like Mike Tardiff and Mr. Brehm to attend the next meeting to discuss the contract.

Application for replacement signs for Town Hall/Grange-
Ms. Noel stated that she has the letter of intent and has started working on the application for the Grant through the State of NH DMV Moose Plates to replace the sings on the front of the Grange that became unhinged in the wind storm in 2017.  The final application is due on June 15th.    

Fire Department Roof-
Mr. Millette stated that the Fire Department roof is leaking terribly.  He also expressed that he felt the new roof should be a metal one. The office will obtain quotes to replace the new roof.  

Other Business-
Mr. Jameson stated concerns about large trucks being parked on the proposed sidewalk. Should talk to Mr. Bronnenberg. Cross walks and lights will spoil esthetic look on street and road.  

Mr. Millette and Mr. Jameson both expressed concerns about moving forward with the Crosswalk.

Mr. Jameson spoke with Ben Brown who wants to work on a plan for the school portion of Town Report for next year.  A meeting with be scheduled in the future.  

The Selectmen’s office is working on Town Cleanup.  More information will be available soon.  

Mr. Jameson stated that Jon White is trying to set up a Gofund me page to raise money for the playground. Mrs. Pinard stated that was not possible but another nonprofit could accept donations and then donate to Parks and Rec for the playground.  

Non-Public Session 91-A:3 II.~(c) Matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person, other than a member of the public body itself, unless such person requests an open meeting. This exemption shall extend to any application for assistance or tax abatement or waiver of a fee, fine, or other levy, if based on inability to pay or poverty of the applicant.~

A motion was made by Mr. Jameson and seconded by Mr. Jordan to enter into non-public Jordan Aye, Jameson Aye, Millette Aye. Motion Passes

A motion was made by Mr. Jameson and seconded by Mr. Jordan to exit non-public session Jordan Aye, Jameson Aye, Millette Aye. Motion Passes

A motion was made by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Mr. Jameson to seal the non-public meeting minutes indefinitely. Jordan Aye, Jameson Aye, Millette Aye. Motion Passes.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Mr. Millette to adjourn the meeting at 8:55pm. Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

                                                                        Not approved until signed
Kristy Barnouski, Administrative Assistant