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Selectmen Minutes 01172018
      Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
 Wednesday January 17, 2018

Members Present: Jeff Jordan Tom Jameson, Ed Millette, Jodi Pinard Town Administrator and Kristy Barnouski Administrative Assistant
Budget Committee Members: Stephen MacCleery, Don Peterman, Doug Hall, Norm Larochelle, Richard Bouchard.  
Attendees: Zach Boyijian, Chief Quimby, Matt Cole, Ewen MacKinnon, Donna Chagnon and other members of the public.

Call to Order Mr. Jordan called the meeting to order at 6:00

Budget Meeting-

Parks and Rec-
Mr. Boyijian stated that he wasn’t ready to move forward with the request for a small tractor.  He needed more time to talk to the other committee members and discuss going in on one with the CYA.  The line for $5,000.00 was removed.  

Mr. Cole stated that he had the draft CIP report but had to collect some data before finalizing it.  
Mr. Cole stated that need to add $40,000.00 for crosswalk on Main Street on the CIP.
Mr. Cole stated that the driveways are not currently on the warrant.  
Mr. Cole and Chief Quimby stated the Fire Department driveway needs to be rebuilt as every time they plow more pavement comes up.  
There was discussion of the Bear Hill water maintenance debated whether or not to keep it in trust or move it to budget line.  The consensus of the Board was to keep it in the budget.
Mr. Jameson asked why it is broken out with and without roads. Mr. Cole stated that it was too heavy of a burden to keep the roads on the CIP with the amount of money involved.

The Highway dump body still needed to be added to the warrant.

Fire Department-

Chief Quimby stated that Loudon is busier than ever and can’t take our calls any more.  He’s looking to hire two per diems shifts during the day.
Mr. MacCleery asked why mutual aid cannot cover day shift.  Chief Quimby stated that mutual aid is to assist other Towns and not cover them.  The Town has to be responsible for their own coverage.  

Chief Quimby agreed to budget cut.  Engine 3, Engine 1, Rescue 2, Forestry 1, will be reduced on maintenance.  He also agreed to reduce forest fire budget by $1,000.00 dollars.

Chief Quimby stated that there are several water source projects out right now but are waiting for land owners to move forward.  

Mr. Jordan reviewed an email from DRA by Jaime Dow which stated that it is not advisable to give a FUND balance number until the auditors release the final number due to adjustment they will make.  Mr. Hall disagreed with this statement.

Community action program was given $2,000.00 for services rendered.

Selectmen’s budget-
The Budget Committee asked about Mrs. Barnouski’s five additional hours.  They inquired to whether or not these hours would be specifically for Planning.  Mrs. Barnouski stated that to complete her job adequately she need the additional hour which is why the increase was added to her original position line instead of the Planning line.  

The Budget committee recommended that more money be added to the CIP for Police Department training in the event the Town needs to hire a new officer in the future.  

Mr. Cole cautioned that pushing to many things will make the budget spike after being consistently level.  

The Board did discuss leases and effect on the budget.  

Mr. Jordan wanted to cut road reconstruction and Mr. Jameson did not agree and countered with the fact the rotation is far too long and roads are becoming way too damaged and costing more in the long run.  

 Mrs. Pinard stated that it was unfair to cut $45,000.00 from the Highways budget.  She stressed again that the Town cannot run on this tight of a budget and the Town needs additional funds to run properly.  
There was a discussion on the highway block grants and the budget advisory committee wanting to use money to offset budget but Mrs. Pinard clearly stated that it cannot be used to offset, it is earmarked for projects that are not budgeted for.

Mr. MacCleery proposed that the Town use the funds in the Municipal & Transportation Improvement Fund to offset the increase in roads.  Road reconstruction would be level at $300,000.00 and remainder would come out of the fund.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday Jan 30, 2018 at 6:00pm.
The public hearing will be held on February 6, 2018 at 6:30.

February 13, 2018 is the place holder for second budget hearing if necessary.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Jordan made a motion and Mr. Jameson seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:27pm. Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,
                                                                        Not approved until signed
Kristy Barnouski, Administrative Assistant