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Selectmen Minutes 10/24/2017
      Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
 Tuesday October 17, 2017

Members Present:  Tom Jameson, Ed Millette, Jodi Pinard Town Administrator, Kristy Barnouski Administrative Assistant.

Others Present: Jim Plunkett, Chief Clarke, Chief Quimby, Zach Boyiajian, Tom Houle, Lucille Noel, Donna Chagnon, Residents of Conomara, Dan Humphreys, Alan Mayville, Stan Brehm, and other members of the public.

Call to Order Mr. Jameson called the meeting to order at 6:30pm

Public Hearing-Acceptance of Additional Highway Block Grant Funds RSA 31:95-b, II (a)
Mr. Hall suggested that the Town use the extra money for the King Road project of 2018.  
Mr. Brehm stated that he would like to see the money go towards the paving of Hutchinson Road.
Mr. Jameson stated that the money should be used for projects that would normally never be funded such as the sidewalks and crosswalks for the Charrette.  Ms. Noel stated that without engineering studies the estimated cost given was $45-$50,000.00.
Mr. Plunkett stated that he has a long laundry list of projects he needs to do in Town that he could use the money for.
Mrs. Pinard stated that the money was non-lapsing.
Mr. Jordan stated that he would like to see the money be used to pave part of Hutchinson.

Mr. Millette made a motion and Mr. Jameson seconded to accept the additional funds for the Highway Block Grant in the amount of $77,562.26. Motion passes.

Public Hearing-Fire Department Expenditure from SCBA Trust Capital Reserve fund
Chief Quimby and Mr. Searls stated that the Fire Department are in need of new SCBA air packs as the current ones will be taken out of service in 2018 and the Department will have to come into compliance.
Mr. Searls stated that there would be a significance savings if they ordered now and the quote they received was only good until 12/2017.  There is no choice next year, they must be replaced.

Mr. Jameson made a motion and Mr. Jordan seconds to expend the $126,200.00 to the Fire Department Breathing Apparatus Capital Reserve Fund to purchase SCBA equipment.  Motion passes.

Conemara Drive-
Mr. Lakowicz wanted to find out if there was any potential resolution to the residents’ concerns about the road.  He stated that he is concerned about the water pooling in the road and freezing.  
Mr. Plunkett stated that did walk the road with the contractor and they found no delamination.
Mrs. Hayden stated that she wants a solution and questioned why it was even done in the first place.
Mr. Plunkett stated that he needed to do it to preserve the road until it can be paved and carry the road out until the 20-22 year cycle.  
Mr. Pearson stated that the taxes are high so they should have a high end road.
Mr. Jameson stated that if the road was not chip sealed it would not make it the life cycle and the road would be crumbling.  He encouraged the residents of Conemara Drive to attend the Budget Meetings.  

Fire Pit at Carpenter Park Discussion-
Mrs. Pinard stated that she received opinion for Mr. Mayer regarding the fire pit at Carpenter Park.  Mr. Mayer stated in his letter that the Town would be held harmless if there was an injury.  
The Board was in agreement to limiting its use to Town sponsored events and local organizations.   They will have to receive permission at a Board of Selectmen’s meeting before the Fire Department will issue a permit.  
Mrs. Pinard will create a form to apply for written permission for use of the fire pit.  

Mr. Jordan made a motion and Mr. Jameson seconded to allow for a fire at the Town sponsored event, The Haunted Walk. Motion passes.

Garvin Hill Road-
Mr. Millette stated that he feels that top coat on the hill would be the most cost effective and efficient way to solve the slipping on the hill in the winter.
Mr. Plunkett suggested a 2.5inch base with chip seal for grip.  
The road will be discussed further at budget meetings.  

Police Department equipment-
Chief Clarke stated that one of the Surface Pro’s is broken and they need to replace it.
Mr. Jameson made a motion and Mr. Jordan seconded to purchase a Microsoft Surface Pro 3 for $639.00 out of the Police Officer Equipment Capital Reserve Fund. Motion passes.

Award of financial Audit Bid-
Mr. Millette made a motion and Mr. Jordan seconded to accept the bid from Roberts & Greene for the financial audit.  
Motion passes.

2018 Revaluation Bid-
Mrs. Pinard recommended Avitar who is the Towns current accessor.  

Mr. Jordan made a motion and Mr. Jameson seconded to accept Avitar’s bid for the 2018 revaluation. Motion passes.

Zoning Violation updates
Map 3 Lot 36-
The Board asked for the Town Attorney to draft a letter to the land owners.
Map 3 Lot 39
Mrs. Pinard reported that 10 more cars have been removed from the property and they were making lots of progress.  

Other business-
Mr. Hall requested that the website be updated so that all minutes are updated.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Millette made a motion and Mr. Jameson seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:50pm. Motion passes.
Respectfully submitted,
                                                                        Not approved until signed
Kristy Barnouski, Administrative Assistant