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Selectmen Minutes 10/03/2017
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
 Tuesday October 3, 2017

Members Present:  Tom Jameson, Ed Millette, Jodi Pinard Town Administrator, Kristy Barnouski Administrative Assistant.

Others Present: Jim Plunkett, Chief Clarke, Chief Quimby, Zach Boyiajian, Tom Houle, Lucille Noel, Donna Chagnon, Seth O’Donnell, Heather White, Jonathan White, Malinda Weir, Michelle Plunket, Kevin Pearson, Carl Lakwicz, Joanne Como, Scott and Jennifer Hayden, Robert Cika, Mary Ann Toy, Mike Robinson, and other members of the public.

Call to Order Mr. Jameson called the meeting to order at 6:30pm

Department Heads
Mr. Plunkett stated that the road reconstruction bids are finished and sent out to potential bidders.  He also stated that he has ordered salt for the year and Mr. Drew has been grading the roads in need.  Mr. Plunket asked the Board if he could order some Tractor Crossing signs for a resident who is willing to pay for them.  The consensus of the Board was that it is ok as long as the resident pays for them.  Lastly, Mr. Plunket stated that they had just paved the entrance to Martel Road and roadside paving is still on the agenda.   

Resident Complaint- Mrs. White came before the Board to address some concerns about the Road Agent, Mr. Plunkett.  Mrs. White stated that she was treated very poorly by Mr. Plunkett and was screamed at by him.
Mr. Plunkett stated that there were signs posted that the roads were closed and that he didn’t want anyone to get hurt.  
Mr. White also stated his discontent for the way his wife was treated and stated that the Road Agent should act in a much more professional manner.
After some discussion between the Board and Mr. Plunkett the decision was made by Mr. Plunkett to completely shut down the Road during the rest of construction.  

Police Department
Chief Clarke stated that he has had numerous problems with the computers at the PD.  The PD has been losing documents and reports when the computers crash that have to be retyped.  
Mrs. Pinard stated that due to the severity of the situation with the PD computers, both new computers will be going to their department.   There was also some discussion on the current IT Company and the servers.  
Chief Clarke stated that the printers have been placed in the cruisers for E-Tickets.  Lastly, one of the tablets for the cruisers is broken.  He is getting a quote to replace it, and will be asking for approval to replace it.

Emergency Management-
Nothing to report.

Ms. Noel stated that they have been able to continue the scheduled activities.  There will be a open house for Lisa Prizio on October 21, 2017 from 9:00-12:00pm during the next book sale.  Also, on November 8, 2017 the teen group will be making sweet rolls at the Fire Department.    

Fire Department
Chief Quimby stated that there have been no major events in Town.  He also stated that there will be a permissible fireworks display at the Dell Lea on October 7, 2017.

Connemara Road
Residents of Connemara Road came before the board to express their discontent for the chip seal used on their road.  Some of the concerns were, the loose rocks hitting them and damaging their vehicles, many no longer want to jog or ride their bikes due to unevenness,  looks and feels like gravel road, unaesthetically pleasing to the eye, dogs not wanting to walk on the rough surface, and the devaluation of their homes.  Many of the residents were upset they were not given notice and who made the decision to do this.

Mr. Jameson stated that the State of NH D.O.T. very commonly uses chip seal as a road treatment and  high traffic roadways have precedence for paving.

Mr. Plunket explained that using chip seal helps preserve the road for another 7-8 years.  The RAC makes the recommendations for paving, however Mr. Plunkett makes the decisions on maintenance.
Some of the residents stated that they pay a lot of taxes and felt that they deserved a fully paved road, some residents even threatened legal action.   
There was some discussion on possibly fog sealing the road which would help with the peaks and valleys.  Mr. Plunket stated he would go out to walk to the Road again and see if he can make a recommendation.  

Fire Pit
The Board discussed the topic of the fire pit at Carpenter Park.  There have been requests for residents to use it, but the Board is concerned about the liability if someone is hurt or the fire is not put out and spreads.  The Board stated that the intended use was for Town events.  Mrs. White did state that she would love to be able to use the fire pit the Girl Scout troop at the park so the girls can do campouts there.  Mrs. Pinard will obtain legal opinion and insurance information for the next meeting.

Zoning Violation updates

Map 3 Lot 36-
Mrs. Pinard stated that she was waiting to hear from the Noonan’s attorney as they stated would be in touch.  An attorney did come in to view the property file but we never heard back.  The office is still waiting to hear from the property owners.

Map 3 Lot 39
Mrs. Pinard reported to the Board that Mr. O’Donnell currently has 78 cars on his property down from 106 cars.  She stated that she told Mr. O’Donnell was extremely helpful and was encouraged by the continued cooperation. A car count will be done again on October 17, 2017.

Mr. Jameson made a motion and Mr. Millette seconded to appoint Richard Millette as a voting member of the BCBP. Motion passes.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Millette made a motion and Mr. Jameson seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:27pm. Motion passes.
Respectfully submitted,
                                                                        Not approved until signed
Kristy Barnouski, Administrative Assistant