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Selectmen Minutes 12/13/2016
 Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Members Present: Jeff Jordan, Tom Jameson, Ed Millette, Jodi Pinard Town Administrator

Budget Committee: Stephen MacCleery, Don Peterman, Marlene Hammond, Don Peterman, Norm Larochelle, Steve Stock, Doug Hall.

Others Present: Alan Quimby, Donna Chagnon and other members of the public.

Call to Order Mr. Jordan called the meeting to order at 6:00pm

Meeting with Advisory Budget

Police – Chief Clarke
Chief Clarke reviewed the proposed Police Department budget. A couple of things that have increased but the major item is the radios. The radios that we have now are obsolete. What we are looking at this year is not trading in the cruiser because the mileage is not where it usually is at this time due to being down a full timer. By doing this it would then offset the radio purchase. This would replace the 4 radios in the cruisers and 6 portable radios. The reason for the new radios is they can no longer be fixed.

Mr. Hall asked if this would cause the replacement schedule to be a five year program now.

Chief Clarke stated that yes it could be.

Mr. Millette stated that he is concerned about the replacement schedule with the vehicles being thrown off and seeing how well it works. These one-time purchases are usually on the warrant. I would like to see you stick with the replacement schedule and put the radios in a warrant.

Mr. MacCleery stated that he agrees and does not want to see the program of replacing vehicles go away.

Chief Clarke also stated that they will need to be complete a computer software upgrade to be compatible with the state electronic ticketing program. He is hoping that he may be able to do this in two phases but he is not sure yet as he is waiting to hear back from the software company

Cemetery Trustees – Discussion regarding Landscaping

Mrs. Pinard reviewed the proposal of moving all town landscaping over to the Highway Department to begin maintaining. The Board wanted to hear from the Cemetery Trustees regarding concerns or questions.

Mrs. Hammen stated the concerns are who will be overall in charge of whomever does the landscaping. They would like to able to call whomever and let them know if they see something that needs to be done and know that it will be taken care of quickly. We have done very well and done a lot with the cemeteries. Our concern would be losing control and the possibility of a scheduling concern. Another thing would be having to keep records of time at each cemetery for perpetual maintenance.

The Board will speak with Jim regarding the scheduling aspect of the cemeteries to ensure that the Highway Department can meet the RFP.

Budget overview
Mrs. Pinard reviewed the changes in the budget since last week. The draft warrant was given out and everyone was informed this is a very preliminary warrant as there are still some numbers that we are waiting to come in.

Next Budget Meetings are January 10 & 11, 2017 at 6pm in the Grange Hall.

Food Pantry Donation-
A motion was made by Mr. Jameson and seconded by Mr. Millette pursuant to RSA 31:95-n, the Board of Selectmen shall accept and authorize the expenditure of unanticipated funds in the amount of $100.00 received from Lakeside Trading LLC to support the Food Pantry. It shall be the responsibility of the Town of Chichester to maintain accurate record of all funds, detailing their expenditures, and that such records shall be made available upon request. Motion Passes

Food Pantry Donation-
A motion was made by Mr. Jameson and seconded by Mr. Millette pursuant to RSA 31:95-n, the Board of Selectmen shall accept and authorize the expenditure of unanticipated funds in the amount of $200.00 received from Baby Threads of NH Out of the Attic to support the Food Pantry. It shall be the responsibility of the Town of Chichester to maintain accurate record of all funds, detailing their expenditures, and that such records shall be made available upon request. Motion Passes

Fire Department
Chief Quimby came before the Board with quotes for a hose tester. We asked the bidders to requote strictly the hose tester and nothing else.

A motion was made by Mr. Jameson and seconded by Mr. Jordan to award the hose tester bid to IPS in the amount of $2,638 pursuant to the purchasing policy. Motion Passes

Parks & Recreation
Mr. Boyajian brought the letter for the grant extension to the Board for signature. This is awarding the 1 year extension for the Parks project.

The Board signed the extension.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Millette and seconded by Mr. Jameson to adjourn the meeting at 6:58pm. Motion passes

Respectfully submitted,
                                                                        Not approved until signed

Jodi Pinard, Town Administrator

Jeff Jordan                                                   Tom Jameson                                                  Ed Millette