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Selectmen Minutes 10/18/2016
 Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Members Present: Richard DeBold, Tom Jameson, Jodi Pinard Town Administrator, Kristy Barnouski Administrative Assistant.

Others Present: Chief Quimby, Zach Boyajian, Tom Houle, Donna Chagnon, Patty Milligan, Lucille Noel, Gordon Jones, Kevin Gagne and other members of the public.

Call to Order Mr. DeBold called the meeting to order at 6:30pm

Department Heads-

Fired Department-
Chief Quimby stated that training has been completed for the new gas meters and are now in service.

Deputy Cole and Mrs. Cole just returned from North Carolina to inspect the ambulance.  They are doing some minor changes to the rig and is set to be delivered on approximately October 30th.

This week is fire prevention week and the Department is visiting schools this week to discuss fire prevention as well as an open house was held on October 15th at the station.

Mrs. Pinard asked Chief Quimby if it would be possible to obtain a permit for the joint event Trunk or Treat/ Haunted Trail at Carpenter Park taking place on October 30th from 4-7.  Chief Quimby stated that it shouldn’t be an issue and some members of the Fire Department should be able to assist with the burn.

Police Department-
Chief Clarke was not able to attend the meeting but did pass along to Mrs. Pinard that he had nothing to report.

Ms. Noel stated that the last book sale had a large attendance and did quite well. The next book sale will be held on November 5th.

Historical Society-
Ms. Noel stated that they had just held the Harvest Fair which was a success.  The attendees made homemade scarecrows which came out wonderful and Mr. and Mrs. Jameson did the cider pressing.

John Porter will be doing a show on October 20th at 7:00pm located in the Grange Hall called, Agriculture as told by barns.

The Historical Society will be placing a new informational sign down at Thunder Bridge in the near future.

Building Inspector-
Mr. Cole attends class on Tuesday nights however, Mrs. Pinard stated that the building department has been staying very busy.  Mrs. Pinard stated the revenue report showed a total of $23,000.00 which is well over the estimated $16,000.00.  

Other Business-
Mrs. Pinard stated that the budgets went out and are due back from department heads on November 17th. The new budgets will hit the Budget Committee on November 23rd, and the first budget hearing will be on December 6th.

Mrs. Pinard stated that she checked on the tax rate setting today and she was notified by the DRA that they were still waiting on the SAU to submit the needed paperwork.  Mrs. Pinard was told by the SAU that would be submitting their paperwork tomorrow.  

Trail Dogs-
Kevin Gagne came before the Board to ask for permission to for the NH Trail Dogs to use the trails on Town property for this season for snowmobiling.  The Board approved the use of the Trails for one year.  

Conservation Commission-Spaulding Forest
The Conservation Commission came before the Board to discuss a Conservation easement. The Commission wanted to know if they would have the support of the Board if they chose to bring the issue to Town Meeting in March.  

The Conservation Commission stated that they wanted to put the easement on Spaulding Forest to protect it from future development.  The easement would have an associated cost that the Conservation Commission would pay and would have no tax impact on the Town.   

All three Selectmen are in support of putting a conservation easement on the Spaulding Forest.

Food Pantry Donation-
A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jameson pursuant to RSA 31:95-n, the Board of Selectmen shall accept and authorize the expenditure of unanticipated funds in the amount of $200.00 received from St. Stephens Episcopal Church to support the Food Pantry. It shall be the responsibility of the Town of Chichester to maintain accurate record of all funds, detailing their expenditures, and that such records shall be made available upon request. Motion Passes

Old Home Day-
Mr. DeBold asked Mrs. Pinard if she had heard back about any of the other Towns that use charter’s for Old Home Day. She stated that she had put calls in and was waiting to hear back.

Mr. Jamson stated that Kyle Mitchell had completed his Eagle Scout project on Carpenter Trail.  He constructed three benches along the trail that transition to view either side, the trail or the field.

Mr. DeBold asked about Quest Auto Outlet and the excessive parking on the lot and blockage of the entrance and egress.  Mrs. Barnouski stated that they had appeared at the last Planning Board meeting to discuss these issues and the owners assured the Board all the concerns would be taken care of.  The Board will be checking to assure that the problems are solved.  

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jameson to adjourn the meeting at 7:24 pm. Motion passes

Respectfully submitted,
                                                                        Not approved until signed

Kristy Barnouski, Administrative Assistant

Richard DeBold                                                       Jeffrey Jordan                                                   Tom Jameson