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Selectmen Minutes 08/30/2016
 Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Members Present: Richard DeBold, Jeff Jordan, Tom Jameson, Jodi Pinard Town Administrator and Kristy Barnouski Administrative Assistant.

Others Present: Kris Cole, Jim Plunkett, Tom Houle, Donna Chagnon, Zach Boyajian, Heather White, Jonathan White, Ann Davis, Teresa Paradise, and other members of the public.

Call to Order Mr. DeBold called the meeting to order at 6:30pm

Old Home Day update-
Ms. Davis gave the Board an update on Old Home Day and the events that took place as well as financials.  

The financial update is as listed: the beginning balance of the Board of Selectmen funds were $2,000.00. The insurance certificate was $1,249.00.  The tent, table and chairs were $696.00 for a total of $1945.00.  The remaining balance is $55.00.  

Ms. Davis stated that the events were small but fun. Some events that took place were a family fun 5K run through Carpenter Park trails and woods, touch a truck, a silent auction which offered over $200.00 worth of gift certificates, a meet and greet with live animals from Live and Let Live Farm, and other stands from Town organizations.  For lunch, there was the traditional bean hole beans and pig roast.  Darren Tapp organized children’s projects and a volunteer offered face painting. There was also a video documentary called “Pieces of the Past” shown.

Mrs. White who volunteered on the committee stated that in her opinion the best part of the day was the bonfire by the Fire Department and the s’mores very kindly packaged by the Library and Historical society. She stated that the community really came together.  

Mr. Stock stated that they had cleaned up all of the charcoal and debris from the burn area of the bonfire.

Mrs. White stated that the Old Home Day Committee's leadership is toxic and sadly her children had to witness disgusting behavior. She stated that the Committee needs a leader and not a boss.

Mrs. Cole stated that she would not be willing to volunteer next year under the current structure and Mr. and Mrs. White agreed.  

Mrs. Pinard stated again that she would like the Board to consider the Town taking over the event to ensure that the event happens and is a success.  

There was a question of how funds would be accepted since the Town is not a 501C3.   Mrs. Pinard suggested that we may be able to use the Police Association to receive funds or use a revolving fund.  

Mr. Boyajian stated that he doesn’t feel you can use the Police Association for donations as it would be misuse of collecting funds and probably not in their charter.  

Mr. DeBold stated that he was not ready to make a decision on this yet and wanted to discuss the issue more.  He was leaning more towards possibly appointing a committee and leaving the 501C3 in place as it is now.

Mr. Plunkett stated that he recently returned back from vacation. Mr. Plunkett stated that he has installed the piping into Bear Hill Rd due to the Road Advisory Commission calling for culverts.   

Mr. Plunkett stated that the new pickup came in and the plow has been mounted and the sander and dump body controls are in.   He also stated that Mr. Cole ordered the lights for the truck and they will be in shortly.

Mr. Plunkett stated that he has been busy moving the kindergarten equipment at the school as it was partially on an abutters land.  

Mr. Plunkett will be digging the trenches for the underground wiring at Carpenter Park.

Mr. Plunkett has been working with Matt for the water source across from Freaky’s on Rt. 28.  They are waiting for DES/Wetland permits to come in. He will be creating the drive way into the access.

Mr. Plunkett stated that his budget is very tight already and he was concerned about ordering more salt.  He stated that it was going to be $10,000.00 for 200 ton.  It was the decision of the Board to wait to order salt but to reserve 200 tons now for next year.  

Mr. Jameson asked that Mr. Plunkett look at Granny Howe Road. There is a very low hanging tree branch that needs to be taken down.  

Mr. Jameson also confirmed that Mr. Plunkett will be in attendance at the Road Advisory Committee meeting.  Mr. Jameson stated that in the future, if Mr. Plunkett cannot attend the meeting, the RAC should consider rescheduling.

Hutchinson Road-
Brenda Roukey filed a formal complaint about Hutchinson Road and the condition she felt the Road was in.  A complaint was also filed by her parents whom live at the same address.  Ms. Roukey stated in the letter that the road is a complete rumble strip and as of October 1, 2016 she will start to send her tire and front end damage repair bills to the town for reimbursement.  She asked the Board and Road Agent several questions in the letter that she requires be answered within thirty days.

Mr. DeBold had stated that he had driven the Road and in some areas it had rough spots but all gravel roads have some rough spots. He also mentioned that we have been in a drought which doesn’t help matters.

Mr. Plunkett stated that the traffic count for Hutchinson Road performed by the Central NH Regional Planning Commission was 252 cars per day. He also stated that there is currently a drought which makes it worse combined with the sun drying it out.  Mr. Plunkett plans on adding water and grading the road again very soon.

In Ms. Roukey’s letter she asks about guard rails that were purchased in the past for Hutchinson Road and why there were not installed. Mr. Plunkett commented that guard rails were purchased with a warrant article before his time and he has no knowledge of the whereabouts of guard rails. He commented that they are not at the Highway shed.  

Ms. Roukey also mentions in the letter he has been using “garbage” materials.  Mr. Plunkett stated that he has bought all of his materials from Continental, which she has suggested in the past to use.  He will be sending her copies of invoices.  

Mr. Jameson stated that it is the Roads Advisory Committees charge that they oversee paved roads and and that Hutchinson Roads traffic count is not high enough to be considered for paving.  

Mr. Plunkett stated that there are a lot of paved roads that still need reconstruction and    the Merrill development that will have to be taken over by the Town and maintained as well.

Mr. Jameson encourages Ms. Roukey and other residents to come to the Road Advisory Committee meetings if they would like to discuss this matter further.  He also stated that he has driven the road and there is nothing on the road that would cause tire or front end damage.  

Mr. Plunkett will respond to Ms. Roukey’s letter and send her receipts within a few weeks.  

Board of Selectmen meeting schedule-
Mr. Jameson stated that he feels we should keep the every other week meeting schedule until things pick up in budget season.

Mr. DeBold was not in favor of keeping the every other week schedule.

Mr. Jordan stated he would be in favor of the every other week through September.  

The Board agreed that they will continue the every other week schedule starting 09/06/2016 through the rest of September.  The Board can call a meeting in 24 hours if necessary.

28 Smith Sanborn Road-noise/light complaint-
Mrs. Pinard had spoken to Colman Concrete and they stated that the light was set on timers for safety but they would try to redirect the light away from Mr. Brochu’s property.  

Mrs. Pinard stated that she sat in front of Mr. Brochu’s home and only heard some back up beeping and heard nothing from the plant.  She used the decibel reader and nothing registered past 70 decibels.

Mrs. Pinard stated that she had sent Mr. Brochu a packet of information he asked for and she has not heard back from him.  

Highway truck-
Mrs. Pinard is meeting with Atlantic Traders to discuss further options for auctioning the truck off.  

Pound Road-
Several complaints were made about a boulder being placed in the middle of Pound Rd.  Mrs. Pinard did research on deeds going back to 1828 and it looks to be that the current path is on the Mr. Anderson’s land who placed the boulder there.  It looks like that the actual Pound Road path was blocked and rerouted on to Mr. Anderson’s property.  Mr. Anderson did offer to clear out Pound Road when he has time.  

Haunted Walk/Trunk or Treat-
Mrs. Pinard stated that her and Mrs. Barnouski are partnering with the school to do a Halloween event that will include Trunk or Treat for the smaller children followed by a Haunted Walk for older children, teens and adults.  Details will be provided closer to the event.

Mrs. Pinard stated that the SVRTA (Suncook Valley Regional Town Association) had a meeting August 25, 2016 and they decided that they would be choosing HealthTrust as the healthcare provider for a two year contract. Any Town that decided not to participate would lose the discounted rate option and the rates would skyrocket.

Master Plan update-
Mr. DeBold asked how the Master Plan was coming along.  

Mr. Houle stated that it was moving forward.  

Mrs. Barnouski stated that Mr. Williams who is now the chairman has sent out letters to all the committees involved in the Master Plan asking them for their updated chapters and the committee is moving forward working together to complete it as soon as possible.   

Economic Development Committee-
The committee will be starting back up in September and two local business owners will be on the committee, the owner of Bobcat and the manager of Campers World.  

Ms. Davis stated that Ms. Noel would like to be on the committee, Mrs. Pinard will be in touch with Ms. Noel to discuss it.  

Ms. Noel stated that construction is coming along well on the addition. The siding is going up now, and the lift will be installed soon.

Historical Society-
There is a cracked water pipe at the historical society that needs to be repaired.  The estimate to replace the pipe is $1,500.00-$1,800.00 from McBride’s.  It will be fixed as soon as possible.

Agricultural Commission-
Ms. Davis stated that Agricultural Days was a success and wants to combine with the school this year.  She is looking for volunteers from Town to show at school.  Last year, they had Mr. Jordan shear some sheep and a resident from Town show their bee hive.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 7:53 pm. Motion passes

Respectfully submitted,
                                                                        Not approved until signed

Kristy Barnouski, Administrative Assistant

Richard DeBold                                                    Jeffrey Jordan                                                            Tom Jameson