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Selectmen Minutes 05/17/2016

 Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Members Present: Richard DeBold, Jeff Jordan, Tom Jameson, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard, and Administrative Assistant Kristy McIntosh

Others Present: Zach Boyajian, Ed Millette, Kristina Cole, Brian Searless, Carolee Davison, Ann Davis, Phillip Hitchcock, Theresa Paradise Craig McIntosh, Tom Houle, Lucille Noel and other members of the public.

Call to Order Mr. DeBold called the meeting to order at 6:30pm

Old Home Day-
Mr. Hitchcock spoke for the Old Home Day Committee and stated that he had put multiple ads in the paper and had not received many responses for volunteers.   He had a meeting with Ben Chaffee with the Firefighters Association and made a plan for Old Home Day to do a pig roast, beans a bonfire and a parade.  He stated the next day there was another meeting and he felt the plan had changed all together.

The Old Home Day Committee did not ask for funds in the budget for Old Home Day at the budget meeting so the Fire and Police Associations asked if they could add the funds in the budget to have a simple old home day.

Mrs. Cole representing the Firefighters Association stated that they would like to work with the Old Home Day Committee to make the day happen because they feel that the day is very important to the community.  

Both groups seemed to have different perspectives on the day and had trouble agreeing on what would be the best options for the day.   The Old Home Day Committee wants to do a lunch and more day activities and the Firefighters Association would like to do a dinner and more evening activities.  There seems to be animosity on both sides and lots of miscommunications.

There was also some dispute as to who can use the money set aside in the budget for Old Home Day and what it should be used for.

Mr. DeBold stated that he felt the money should be used for the liability insurance and food primarily.

Mr. Jameson stated that the two group’s visions may be different.

Mr. Boyajian suggested that each group come to the next Parks & Recreation meeting and bring what the capability of each group is including the manpower and resources.  

Mr. DeBold recommended that the two groups sit down as equals and keep the day simple.  

June 1, 2016 there will be a special meeting with Parks and Recreation that both groups need to come prepared with what they would like to plan.  

It was decided that invoices will be sent to the Town and all proceeds from this years Old Home Day will go into the Old Home Day account.  

Other Business-
Mrs. Pinard stated that the audit will be happening next week by Roberts & Greene.  

The tax warrant will be signed tonight and tax bills will be sent out this week.

Public Input-

The plant sale will be held this Saturday the 21st. Millican’s Nursery donates $1000.00 worth of plants to sell.  

Ms. Davis stated that there are going to be Agricultural days this week at Chichester Central School this week.  Deb and Randy Harris will be bringing observation hives for viewing and Jeff Jordan will be shearing sheep.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 7:34pm. Motion passes

Respectfully submitted,
                                                        Not approved until signed

Kristy McIntosh, Administrative Assistant

Richard DeBold                                                   Jeffrey Jordan                                                Tom Jameson