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Selectmen Minutes 05/10/2016

 Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Members Present: Richard DeBold, Jeff Jordan, Tom Jameson, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard, and Administrative Assistant Kristy McIntosh

Others Present: John Martell, Craig McIntosh, Tom Houle, Lucille Noel, Bernie Reinhardt and other members of the public.

Call to Order Mr. DeBold called the meeting to order at 6:30pm

Emergency Management-
Mr. Martell had nothing to report.

Ms. Noel asked if Tim Baker would be doing cleanup at the Library this year.

Mrs. Pinard stated that she had not heard but she assumed he would be since he does it every year.

The Memory Café will be held in Epsom this month.

The plant sale will be held on Saturday May 21, 2016.  

Ms. Noel inquired if the Town had an Emergency Operations Plan.

Mr. Martell stated yes and it will be updated over the next few months.

The Library will be submitting a CIP application for parking. Ms. Noel asked what direction the Board would like the Library to go in.

It was Mrs. Pinards recommendation that the Library get the application in now to the CIP so the funds will be held.  After the project is voted on at Town Meeting and approved, funds would be available for an engineer to look at parking options.

Mr. Jameson asked if the church would allow the Town an easement for parking.  

The Library will submit a plan to the CIP and the possibility of an easement will be researched further.  

Fire Department-
Mr. DeBold reported for the Fire Department.  The Department was at a Wardens Training and was not able to attend the Selectmen’s meeting.   

The 2008 ambulance is currently at Grappone’s getting exhaust work done.  

Joel French is putting together an estimate for work to make the Fire Department ADA compliant.  

Mr. DeBold is reporting for Mr. Plunkett as he is out with the flu.  

Mr. Plunkett wrote in his report that they will be filling pot holes this week and roadside mowing is completed for the year.  

Three quotes were submitted for shimming.  Mr. Plunkett would like to go with Wolcott but Advanced was the lower bidder.  The bid was over by $2,070.00.

Street signs have been ordered.

Mr. DeBold makes a motion to award Walcot Paving the bid for shimming in the amount of $69.00 per ton. Mr. Jordan seconds the motion. Motion passes.

Police Department-
Phillip Arnone started May 2, 2016 at the Police Academy.  

Building Inspector-
Mr. Cole was not in attendance.  He was also at the Wardens Training.  

Mrs. Pinard stated that Mr. Cole had been very busy with permits.  She also stated that she had spoken with Loudon and they should be able to cover the time Mr. Cole Is away for his vacation in June.  Loudon’s Fire Chief will be bringing it to the Board of Selectmen for review tonight.  

Road Advisory Committee (RAC)-
Mr. Jameson stated that at the last meeting the RAC had, the committee had spoken about the four orphan sections in town which they analyzed. Out of the four sections they will pick one to be added to the work list next year.  Mr. Jameson believes it will either be East Ricker Rd. or Pleasant St.  

Map 8 Lot 50 requested an abatement.  The accessor recommended the abatement for a small change in value due to a greenhouse no longer being on the property.  

Mr. DeBold makes a motion to abate Map 8 Lot 50 for the amount of $15,600.00 in assessed value, $411.37 in tax.  Mr. Jameson seconds the motion.  Motion passes.

Public Input-

Mr. Reinhardt asked if Mr. Plunkett had any fill for the parking lot to make it level.  

The Board stated that they would bring it to Mr. Plunket’s attention.

Mr. Reinhardt also wanted to bring to the Boards attention that the bottom of the back door of the Historical Society had fallen off and the frame is rotted.  

The Board asked that he get some quotes for the work and suggested that Mr. French may be able to give him one.   

Mr. McIntosh stated that he has an 8 inch gulley at the bottom of his driveway and after the last shimming it’s up another ½ inch. He cannot pull in or out of his driveway without bottoming out.  He would like to know if the Town could look at the driveway and possibly find a way to reduce the depth of the gulley.

The Board will make Mr. Plunkett aware of it and ask him to take a look at it.  

Code Enforcement-
A complaint has been made about 290 Dover Rd. There are numerous scrap cars accumulating on the property.  The Board will be investigating.  

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jameson to adjourn the meeting at 7:31pm. Motion passes

Respectfully submitted,
                                                        Not approved until signed

Kristy McIntosh, Administrative Assistant

Richard DeBold                                                   Jeffrey Jordan                                                       Tom Jameson