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Selectmen Minutes 03/12/2016
 Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Members Present: Richard DeBold, Jeff Jordan, Thomas Jameson, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard, and Administrative Assistant Kristy McIntosh

Others Present: Lucille Noel, Tom Houle, Alan Mayville, Kris Cole, Donna Chagnon, John Martell, Jim Plunkett, Craig McIntosh, Brenda Roukey, Doug Hall, and other members of the public.

Call to Order Mr. DeBold called the meeting to order at 6:30pm

Election of Chair-
A motion was made by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Mr. Jameson to elect Mr.  DeBold as Chairman of the Board of Selectmen.  Motion passes.

Department Heads-

Fire Department-
Kris Cole stated that the Chief wanted to share that Engine 3 is in working order.  The Fire Department will be meeting with the ambulance company and will have purchase and sales agreement shortly.  

Emergency Management-
John Martell stated that he is putting the committee together for an Emergency Operations Plan.  He is currently applying for a grant.   

Jim Plunkett stated that culvert was replaced on Lover’s Lane, and he has been grading the gravel roads.  The warrant passed for the purchase of a new truck and he provided specs for a truck he wanted to purchase. The truck will be purchased from Colonial Ford in Massachusetts who was awarded the State bid.  

Busby called Mr. Plunkett and touched base with him on Horse Corner Rd.  The contract will be signed tonight and Mr. Plunkett will sign also.  He plans to start in late April early May.  The project will start at Dame Farm Rd. and go all the way down to Higgins Rd.  

R.A.C meeting was held on Monday night.  They are currently looking for a new member.  

Ms. Roukey asked Mr. Plunkett about the frost heave on Hutchinson Rd near the Pembroke line.  He reported that he had looked at this morning and found a large piece of clay pumping water into the road.  

Car counts will be done soon by Central NH Regional Planning Commission.

Memory Café will be held on March 11th.  The library met with the construction company and they are looking at putting on a 24X16 addition, which may need steel beams. Two plans are being done and will be presented. The 12x10 and the 24x16.  The plans are expected to be done in about 2 weeks.

Lucille Noel stated that the Library will be holding the Ukrainian Egg Workshop on March 14th.  The meeting room is being used very frequently. The Library settled with the insurance company regarding the tree for $1500.00.

The Library will be resubmitting the parking lot expansion to the CIP for next year. They had previously received quotes for this project.

Agricultural- The committee meets on Wednesday nights.

Evelyn Pike-Tax Collector for Tax Deeding-
Mrs. Pike presented a tax deed to the Board of Selectmen for acceptance. Map 8 Lot 46.  Has not paid since 2012. The tax deed was sent certified to the owner, Ann Titus.  Evelyn explained that she is sick and she has no money to pay her taxes.  $6,147.28 owed at this time.  The Selectmen would like to give her some time to come in and talk to her before the property is taken.  

Mr. Jameson asked to put a time limit on how many days the board would give Mrs. Titus to contact the board.  This was not supported by the other selectmen.

Mr. DeBold makes a motion not to take any action on Map 8 Lot 46 until they have contact with Ann Titus and seconded by Mr. Jordan.  DeBold, Aye. Jordan, Aye. Jameson, Nay.  Motion passes.

Ms. Roukey proposed we should give her 90 days.  Mr. DeBold stated that the Selectmen and Mrs. Pinard would be staying on top of the matter. Mrs. Pinard will send a certified letter reaching out to her to come in and speak with the Board of Selectmen.

Official Recount-
A petition was made for a recount of the amendment to our zoning. The Board of recount by state law will include Mrs. Pike, Ewen McKinnon the Moderator,  and Board of Selectmen on Tuesday March 22, 430pm. Notice has been given in 5 places.  

Other Business-

Complaint regarding light at Philips Auto-
The Board of Selectmen received a letter from Linda Rauter regarding the light at Philips Auto.
Doug Hall spoke about light, Unitil actually owns it.  Unitil spoke about shielding all their lights but never followed up.  Philips pays the bill but the fixtures all belong to Unitil.  The Board of Selectmen need to make Philips aware that their lighting is in violation of the lighting code. Mrs. Pinard will be sending out a letter to Philip’s Auto to inform them of this matter.  

Letter from Matt Cole, Assistant Building Inspector-
The Board of Selectmen received a letter from the Assistant Building Inspector regarding possible zoning or permitting violations.

244 Dover Rd has several vehicles parked in the rear of the property that do not appear to be registered. Mrs. Pianrd will be sending out a certified letter about this matter.

200 Suncook Valley Rd has changed use.  Ms. McIntosh stated to the Board the Planning Board is aware that there was a change of use at this location and is in the process of sending a letter to the owner informing them they will have to go through Site Plan Review.  

Doug Hall stated that this may be setting a precedent, and he feels they need to be consistent.

Horse Corner Road Rehabilitation Contract Signature-
Mrs. Pinard presented the rehabilitation contract to the Board of Selectmen for signature as the budget was approved at Town Meeting.

Zoning Amendment-
Mrs. Pinard received a call from Mr. Giuda that he will be looking into the legality of the Amendment as he believes that it is unconstitutional.  He asks the Board to also speak to the Town Attorney before the Town issues any permits for the lighting of Flags.
Planning Board needs to amend the zoning

Mrs. Pinard stated that the office has been working on finishing up from election, and will be doing appointments over the next few weeks.  The Board of Selectmen will meet with Planning Board to discuss appointing the new full time member.

Doug Hall asked to please send a letter to people who volunteer for committees if they were not selected.  

Ex-Officio appointments-
Heritage Commission- Richard DeBold
RAC- Tom Jameson
Planning Board- Jeff Jordan and alternate Tom Jameson
Zoning- Tom Jameson
BCEP- Ex officio, Mr. Richard DeBold
Agricultural- Jeff Jordan
Welfare- Donna Stockman

Richard DeBold makes a motion to appoint Ms. Stockman and seconded by Mr. Jameson. Motion passes.

Health Officer Pat Clarke –Health officer deputy emergency management motion debold, Jordan second. Motion Passes.

Emergency Management, John Martell reappointment.  Mr. DeBold makes a motion to appoint Mr. Martell. Mr. Jordan seconds. Motion Passes.

Heritage Commission, Bob McAnney reappointment.  Mr. DeBold makes a motion to appoint Mr. McAnney to the heritage commission. Mr. Jordan seconds it. Motion Passes.

Capital Improvement Committee-Richard DeBold Motion to reappoint Ann Davis, Mr. Jameson seconds. Motion passes.

Capital Improvement Program- reappoint Matt Cole.  Motion made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jameson to reappoint Mr. Cole to the Capital Improvement Program. Motion Passes.

Capital Improvement Program - reappoint Alan Mayville. A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jameson to reappoint Alan Mayville to the Capital. Motion Passes.

Capital Improvement Program – appointment of Brenda Roukey. A motion made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jameson to appoint Ms. Roukey to the Capital Improvement
Program. Motion Passes.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr.DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jameson to adjourn the meeting at 7:53pm.  Motion passes

Respectfully submitted,
                                                        Not approved until signed
Kristy McIntosh, Administrative Assistant

   Richard DeBold                                                       Jeffrey Jordan                                   Thomas Jameson