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Selectmen Minutes 02/23/2016
 Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Members Present: Richard DeBold, Jeff Jordan, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard, and Administrative Assistant Kristy McIntosh

Others Present: Lucille Noel, Matt Cole, Chief Quimby, Tom Houle, Alan Mayville, Gil Vien, Donna Chagnon, Ed Millette and other members of the public.

Call to Order Mr. Paveglio called the meeting to order at 6:30pm

Fire Department-
Chief Quimby stated that ambulance one is currently out of service.  The water pump is not in working condition.  They took it to get a quote from Grapponne which was $1310.86.  The oil is leaking as well as the exhaust. To have all the repairs made the quote is $2840.00.  The water pump must be fixed to make the ambulance usable.  They are hoping the new ambulance will be approved at Town meeting.  There are two options, they can fix it or do nothing and put the ambulance out of service which Chief Quimby is not in favor of.  He stated that the Department really needs two ambulances on the road covering all the night shifts.  Mr. Vien state that this is the second time the water pump has gone because he replaced it once also.  

Mr. DeBold stated that he was in favor of fixing the ambulance.  

Mr. Paveglio motioned to waive the purchasing policy for preferred vendors and fix ambulance one.

Mr. DeBold seconded the motion.  Motion passes.

The ambulance will be worked on in the morning and be back in service as soon as possible.  

Chief Quimby, Mr. Cole, and Mr. Millette spoke about meeting with Loudon  about updating the transport agreement. For approximately twenty years there has been a “gentlemen’s agreement” and not a signed document. There was one signed written agreement that both Towns are trying to locate. They have met with the Loudon Fire Department several times to try to agree on a written agreement.  Drafts have been going back and forth  between the Departments.  There are a few concerns that the Chichester Fire Department has with the wording. One being the mutual aid not being referenced in the agreement and level of availability.  Loudon’s fiscal year ends on June 30th so they would like to resolve this in a timely manner.  Loudon has requested that their Fire Department heads along with the Loudon Board of Selectmen meet with Chichester Fire Department heads and the Chichester Board of Selectmen.  

The next steps to be taken will to try to find the last written agreement made which was in 1996-1997 and do some more research.  

Other Business-
Ms. McIntosh spoke about ordering new desktops for the Selectmen’s office out of office equipment.  We would like to order vari-desks, which are used widely in state offices.  They offer a ergonomic design going from the standing position to the sitting position with ease.

Mr. DeBold makes a motion to purchase 2 vari-desks for the Selectmen’s office out of the office equipment fund.  Mr. Paveglio seconded the motion.  Motion passes.

Ms. McIntosh spoke about a resident who came into the office to ask about hunting on conservation land.  The Board of Selectmen stated that they have no say over the conservation land and suggests he speaks to the owners surrounding the conservation land.  

Lucille Noel spoke on behalf of the Heritage Commission.  She stated that she had been doing research on the Webster Mills area which was an important industrial area in the 1960’s. They would like to put signs up explaining the importance.  There is a stretch of land that the Town owns that they are proposing to put signs on and would like permission to do so.  

The Board of Selectmen asked Ms. Noel to provide the deed for the land and otherwise they didn’t see a problem with it.  

Non-Public Session 91-A:3 II (c) matter which if discussed in public would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person, other than a member of the public body itself.

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to enter into non-public session under RSA 91-A: 3 II (c). DeBold Aye, Paveglio Aye, Jordan Aye. Motion Passes.

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to exit non-public session DeBold Aye, Paveglio Aye, Jordan Aye. Motion Passes

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 pm.  Motion passes

Respectfully submitted,
                                                        Not approved until signed
Kristy McIntosh, Administrative Assistant

D. Michael Paveglio                                              Richard DeBold                                                  Jeffrey Jordan