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Selectmen Minutes 02/16/2016
 Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Members Present: Richard DeBold, Jeff Jordan, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard, and Administrative Assistant Kristy McIntosh

Others Present: Lucille Noel, Matt Cole, Chief Quimby, Chief Clarke,Tom Houle, Alan Mayville, Gil Vien, Donna Chagnon, Ann Davis, Carolee Davison, Bernie Reinhardt and other members of the public.

Call to Order Mr. Paveglio called the meeting to order at 6:30pm

Department Heads-

Police Department
Chief Clarke stated that he will be holding a PT test for potential police officer candidates on Saturday February 20.  Chief Quimby will have a crew on standby for any medical needs.  The run may be canceled weather pending.  

Chief Clarke reported that there is currently a person living in what he refers to as a tree house on the ground at 13 Main St.   There are extension cords running into the structure and is not safe and in violation of the zoning.  Mr. DeBold asked Mrs. Pinard to send them a letter right away letting them know that they are in violation of the zoning and the Board of Selectmen has had a complaint from the Health Officer.  

Chief Clarke also had a complaint made to him for health/safety.  The renter of an apartment came in to complain that his housing was unsuitable and his landlord refused to make the repairs.  Upon further review, he discovered that the apartment was previously condemned for mold and never received a clearance to rent again.   He complained of horrible living conditions to include, mold, critters running around in the ceiling, urine stains on ceiling tiles and the heat being blocked off by lock boxes.  The house is not listed as a rental unit on the property card.  Chief Clarke recommended that they find a new place to live immediately.  Mrs. Pinard will be sending a letter out immediately asking for a report from a certified cleaning company showing the removal of mold.

Mr. Plunkett was not able to attend tonight’s meeting

Lucille Noel stated that she was waiting for the insurance company to resolve the claim on the tree so it can be repaired.  She also stated that the library has continued to be very busy.  There will be a motivational speaker on Sunday February 21st. His name is Randy Pierce, and he speaks about being a blind hiker among other things.  Lucille also mentioned there will be a game day during school vacation and they are also ready to sign the contract for the lift being added to the building.  

Fire Department-
Chief Quimby stated that the Engine 3    is now back in service after fixing a fuel leak and a separator replaced.   The Fire Department has continued to be busy with 63 calls as of today.  He also stated that the grant writer suggested he write a letter to the governor and senator’s office looking for support of the fire warrants.  The Board of Selectmen also agreed to write a letter of support for the fire warrants.

Building Inspector-
Matt Cole stated that there have been 7 new permits totaling $300.00 in fees.  

Charrette Team Update-
Lucille Noel spoke on behalf of the Charrette Team.  She stated what a long journey it had been and wanted to give some historical background.  The application was written in 2014 with endorsement of the Board of Selectmen and many other Boards.  It was accepted by Plan NH in November of 2014.  Charrette, a Village Center Again, was produced by donations of private funds.  This consists of 5 phases.  Phase 1 has been completed.  They are currently continuing on phase 2-continuing dialogue. They have the Grange’s blessing to continue on the phase 3 which is to work on memorial park and make it more vibrant with landscaping and flowers.  The DOT gave the official ok to put a crosswalk in on Main Street approximately where the planter and sign are.  There have been recent pedestrian accidents in front of the church and historical society and they hope to fix the problem with the crosswalk and sidewalks.  They also want to make sure there is a green space with a gazeebo being built by volunteers.  

Phase 4 would be paving and handicap parking.  Also, putting railing where the steps are.

Phase 5 would be the gazeebo and planter.  Bernie had the idea to do a stamped sidewalk which they had lovely example pictures of.  They would like to get this project into the CIP to move it forward.  They would like the Planning Board to also add the Charrette to its Master Plan.  

The Town engineer Heidi is putting together a proposal at no cost to the Town.

Lucille would like to mention all the members who have been working on the Charrette to include Tom Houle, Ann Davis, Kate Hall, Carolee Davison, Donna Chagnon, Bernie Reinhardt, herself.   Mr. DeBold also added that Nate Bronnenberg had been actively participating.

Other Business-
Mr. Paveglio stated that he participated in the Road Advisory Committee (RAC) meeting last night and in summary they took a good look at the charter.  The message the RAC wanted to bring back to the Board was that gravel roads should be put into the plan with the rest of the paved roads so they can be eventually addressed.  The intent previously was that gravel roads would be considered maintenance only. Due to recent activity they should be listed on the RAC report to be monitored and reviewed.  This was the consensus of the RAC and board agreed.

The renewal for Sparks Fly Fireworks was signed by the Board of Selectmen.

Mrs. Pianrd stated the Primex agreement needs to be signed.  The Town needs to enter into an agreement so that the Fire Department and Police Department can have access to attend the free training workshops.  Property and Liability will still be our insurance company until June 30, 2016 when the contract ends and Primex takes over.  
Mr. Jordan makes a motion to enter into an agreement with Primex.  Mr. DeBold seconds the motion.  All in favor, aye. Motion passes.

Food Pantry Donation
A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold pursuant to RSA 31:95-n, the Board of Selectmen shall accept and authorize the expenditure of unanticipated funds in the amount of $300.00 received from First Congregational Church, Doris Guild to support the Food Pantry. It shall be the responsibility of the Town of Chichester to maintain accurate record of all funds, detailing their expenditures, and that such records shall be made available upon request. Motion Passes

Mrs. Pinard stated that she and Ms. McIntosh have been very busy.  She wanted to thank Matt Cole for helping them set up the voting booths.  She wanted to thank Kristy McIntosh for getting the goods for the election and helping it run smoothly.  The Town report is currently being formatted and getting ready to be printed for town meeting.  The warrant is currently with DRA waiting to be approved.  Mrs. Pinard recently sent out appointment letters, letting the members know who is up for re-appointment.  Most of the Boards are looking for volunteers.  

Thank you to the Windmill Family Restaurant for providing excellent food for the Primary Election.

CNN came to the Election to report on Chichster hand counting the ballots.  Our New Moderator Ewen MacKinnon did a great job his first election and counting went very smooth.  

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 pm.  Motion passes

Respectfully submitted,
                                                        Not approved until signed
Kristy McIntosh, Administrative Assistant

D. Michael Paveglio                                              Richard DeBold                                                  Jeffrey Jordan