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Selectmen Minutes 02/02/2016
 Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Members Present: Richard DeBold, Jeff Jordan, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard, and Administrative Assistant Kristy McIntosh

Others Present: Tom Houle, Alan Mayville, Gil Vien, Donna Chagnon, Brenda Roukey, Doug Hall and other members of the public.

Call to Order:  Mr. DeBold called the meeting to order at 6:30pm

Awarding sale of the Fire Department vehicle-
The vehicle was advertised for bed and also posted outside the Town hall.  There were 3 bids made on the vehicle.  The highest bid was for $912.50.  

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold to accept the highest bid for $912.50 made by Lori Houle for the Fire Department vehicle.  Mr. Jordan seconded. All in favor, aye.  Motion Passes.

A resident requested an abatement in the amount of $18.27 for his taxes due to the bill being sent to the wrong address.  He did not receive it in time and that is the amount of interest that was accrued.

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold to abate $18.27 from Map 4 Lot 167B, 6 Horse Corner Rd. Mr. Jordan seconded.  All in favor, aye.  Motion Passes.

Boston Post Cane-
A nominee has been chosen for the Boston post cane award for the oldest resident in Chichester,   Doris Dottie McCone of 120 Bear Hill Rd.

Lucile Noel spoke about Dottie’s involvement with the historical society and also how she put on 2 shows “on the front porch” in town.  She suggest presenting it to Dottie on a Sunday afternoon at the Historical society since she was so involved.

Mr. DeBold makes a motion to award the Boston Post Cane with recommendation from Ruth Hammond and Fred Shaw. Mr. Jordan seconded. All in favor, aye.  Motion Passes.

Other Business-
Mrs. Pinard stated that she is currently working on finishing the Town Report and waiting for DRA to finalize the warrants.  She is also working on finding food for the Primary election on February 9th.  She will be in court February 11th, and 12th from 10-4.  

There will be no Selectmen’s meeting next week due to Primary election.

Doug Hall stated he will be at the election to help Ewen Mackinnon set up and get ready for his first election as Moderator.

Lucille Noel Stated that Historical society would be open from 9-3 on Primary day and offering coffee and cookies.  

Brenda Roukey asked what number the Hutchinson Rd. warrant would be listed as so she can buy signs. She also wanted to say that she was upset to read an article in the Concord Monitor that reported that the Board wished she had taken the proper steps.   She felt she did take the proper steps and took offense to that.  

Mr. DeBold felt that it was improper reporting and it was not what was said.  

Ms. Roukey asked Allen Mayville what they could do to get a road paved and he stated the only way was to put it on a warrant article and by talking to the R.A.C.  

Mr. DeBold stated that there has definitely been an increase in traffic.  

Tom Houle asked if the warrant states whether or not it’s ready to pave.  

Alan Mayville noted that the Pembroke end of the road is not ready and still needs a base.  

The Road Agent is currently collecting data for the cost of maintenance for roads.

Ms. Roukey stated that the cost of labor is not included in that.  

Mr. Mayville stated that it is cheaper to maintain a dirt road.

The count of cars passing through Hutchinson Rd. was spoken about and how it has increasingly grown.   

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 7:12 pm.  Motion passes

Respectfully submitted,
                                                        Not approved until signed
Kristy McIntosh, Administrative Assistant

D. Michael Paveglio                                              Richard DeBold                                                  Jeffrey Jordan