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Selectmen Minutes 03/01/2016
 Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Members Present: Richard DeBold, Jeff Jordan, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard, and Administrative Assistant Kristy McIntosh

Others Present: Lucille Noel, Kristina Cole, Chief Quimby, Tom Houle, Alan Mayville, Gil Vien, Donna Chagnon, Sara Paveglio, Ann Davis, Tom Jameson, Teresa Paradis, Jim Plunkett, Stephen Stock, Michelle Haftman, Craig McIntosh and other members of the public.

Call to Order Mr. Paveglio called the meeting to order at 6:30pm

Fire Department-
Chief Quimby reported that he was not able to locate the service of agreement that what originally signed in 1996 or 1997.

Mr. Paveglio asked Chief Quimby what level of involvement he would like to see from the Board of Selectmen.  

Chief Quimby stated that Loudon would both Board of Selectmen to meet along with the Chief’s but he was weary that would work.  Chief Quimby feels the Chief’s should meet and come to an agreement.  Mr. DeBold will be the contact from the Board moving forward on this matter.  

Engine 3’s pump is not working.  It was not in proper working order at the fire on Center Rd. Stephen Stock reported it took seven times to get started.   The pressure governor control is not working and the Fire Department received a quote from Lakes Region Fire Apparatus Inc. for $3367.73.  

Mr. DeBold motioned to waive the purchasing policy for preferred vendors and repair Engine 3, parts and Labor for $3,367.73 to be paid out of the Government Vehicle Maintenance Trust Fund.

Mr. Paveglio seconded the motion.  Motion passes.

Engine 3 will be worked on in the morning and be back in service as soon as possible.  

Mr. Plunkett reported that the rain storm caused 4-5 washouts in town.  Lovers Lane was closed due to a 15’ culvert that collapsed.   Mr. Plunkett stated that the pipe will be replaced as soon as the water goes down.  The 18’ pipe is currently draining into a pond.

Mr. Plunkett continues to work on spot grading in town.

Mr. Plunkett also reported a problem with his computer, however RMON was able to log in remotely and fix it.  He also asked the Board about a preferred vendors list for things that need to be fixed at the shed.  

Ms. Noel reported that there will be a memory cage with the Epsom Library on March 11th. The first event will be at Epsom end the second will be held in Chichester.  The event is for people suffering from memory loss, and their caregivers to have social time and refreshments.

The Trustees will be meeting on March 14th.  

Ms. Noel stated that the Library will be holding a Ukrainian Egg workshop on March 14th.  

The Library will be selling Fun Passes which includes books of coupon to benefit the school. The coupons include lots of family activities.

Ms. Noel also reported that the insurance company representing the person that hit the tree offered $1000.00 which they declined.  The quotes that they received were in the $2,500.00 range to replace the tree.

Mr. Stock reported that forestry 2 is back in service.  

Public Input-
Tom Houle stated that he wanted to share his feelings on some current events in Town.  He was upset about the ongoing court case, some lies he felt were told and the same people being involved in Elections.

Discussion ensued between Mr. Jordan, Mr. Houle and Mr. McIntosh.  Several accusations were made by Mr. Houle and Mr. McIntosh directed towards Mr. Jordan and the current road agent, regarding untruths.  Mr. Jordan strongly denied all accusations.  

Mrs. Chagnon asked when the court case be resolved and stated it was unfair to the accused that it would not be resolved before the Elections. The Board stated that the ruling would not be back until sometime in April.

Mr. DeBold stated that he was on the stand longer than anyone and he told the truth.

Mr. McIntosh on another note asked about expiration of permits and how long they last.  Mr. McIntosh was advised it depended on the permit.  

Map 2 Lot 40
A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to accept the accessor’s recommendation to abate $67,662 in assessed value.  Motion Passes.

Other Business-
Ms. Pinard wanted to thank the Board and Ms. McIntosh for stepping up while she was out sick all week.  She also stated that the Town Reports will be in tomorrow.  She reported that you will see a budget drop.  The Town tax rate is currently $5.36.  There was 1.5 million added in assessed value and even if everything passes the tax rate will be $5.18 instead of $5.36 that it is now.  If you remove Hutchinson Rd. the approximate Town tax rate will be $4.56.  

Ms. Noel reported that on Tuesday the historical society will be open for coffee and cookies during elections.  She also asked permission to mount signs on the historical buildings.

Mrs. Pinard said a big thank you to Mr. Paveglio for serving as a Selectmen.  

Mr. DeBold stated it had been a pleasure serving with Mr. Paveglio. He thanked him for his service and stated we would miss him.  

Mr. Paveglio stated he did 26 years in the fire service, served as Fire Chief, on the Planning Board and Board of Selectmen in Chichester and it was now time for a break.  

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 7:34 pm.  Motion passes

Respectfully submitted,
                                                        Not approved until signed
Kristy McIntosh, Administrative Assistant

D. Michael Paveglio                                              Richard DeBold                                                  Jeffrey Jordan