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Selectmen Minutes 01/26/2016
 Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Members Present: D. Michael Paveglio, Richard DeBold, Jeff Jordan, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard, Administrative Assistant Kristy McIntosh, and Moderator Ewen Mackinnon. Budget Committee, Jason Weir, Marlene Hammond, Don Peterman, Ed Millette, Doug Fisher, and Norman Larochelle.

Others Present: Chief Clarke, Tom Houle, Alan Mayville, John Martell, Kris Cole, Doug Hall, Gil Vien, Nick Reid, Tom Jameson, Tammy Jameson, Jim Plunket, Stan Brehm, and others members of public.

Call to Order:  Mr. Paveglio called the meeting to order at 6:00pm

New Moderator Ewen Mackinon introduces himself and opens the public hearing for the budget.

A member of the public asked the Police Department to explain the new hire warrant article. Chief Clarke stated that they are struggling to cover all the shifts.  He previously asked the Board of Selectmen what they wanted to do as far as coverage and it was agreed that 24/7 coverage was needed.  If a new hire was added, part time and midnight on call shifts will be reduced.  There will then be 5 full time officers.

Another member of the public asked if the police department would be getting a new cruiser.  Chief Clarke stated yes and that they would be using $20,000.00 from the Special Detail Fund.

A member from the public asked what it cost to hire a new police officer.  The total is approximately $75,000.00 after they are put through the academy and shifts are covered.   There is currently a shortage of certified officers looking for work.

Chief Quimby was asked about doing more transports.  He explained that Chichester will now be doing all transports unless there is a second or a third call and then Loudon will pick up the additional transport.  The Fire Department gained new members and they are now able to cover shifts.

Ann Davis asked if the new fee schedule would be out soon.  Mrs. Pinard stated it was almost ready for approval.  

Mr. Plunket asked why the fuel line was reduced.   It was stated by the Board that it was taken the week previously from $2.50 to $2.00. The 2014-2015 years were averaged.  It was agreed to leave it at $2.00.

Mr. Plunket was asked what the road projects were going to cost for asphalt.  He stated that Hillview Drive would cost $34,856.00, Burnt Hill Rd $56,678.00, Canterbury $15,000, Kelly’s Corner/Rt. 28 $2,000.00.

Ed Millette stated he didn’t feel we should fund half of a project. We should fund it all or take project out.
Tom Jameson stated that if we don’t seal the roads then we are going backwards.

Jason Weir felt that we can’t just do what’s best for the roads when we have a budget to keep under control.

Doug Hall asked why the Road Advisory Commission doesn’t have authority to look at road maintenance.  He felt that the R.A.C. should set priority.  

Mr. DeBold stated that the Road Agent manages the day to day road maintenance and when it comes to asphalt he felt the R.A.C. should manage that.  

Mr. Hammond asked why the salt line was so low.  It was answered that we have a stock pile of salt.  

A member of the public asked about the Library increase.  Lucille Noel stated that cost of books are up, and also the custodian salary is up due to increase in hours.  

It was asked by a member of the public why the librarian does not receive a 2% increase.  

Mr. Jameson stated that the librarian is a great value to the town, and she has done a lot for the town Library.  He is very sad to see the trustees do not value her.

Lucille Noel did not agree with Mr. Jameson’s statement and stated that she was given a 7% increase last year and her salary is in line with what other towns are paying.

No changes were made during this session.  It was left at $2,126,200.00.

Warrant Articles-

#4- The Board of Selectmen and the Budget Committee both recommend this warrant article.

#5- The Board of Selectmen and the Budget Committee both recommend this warrant article.

#6-The Board of Selectmen and the Budget Committee both recommend this warrant article.

#7- The Board of Selectmen and the Budget Committee both recommend this warrant article.

#8- The Board of Selectmen and the Budget Committee both recommend this warrant article.

#9- The Board of Selectmen and the Budget Committee both recommend this warrant article.

#10- The Board of Selectmen and the Budget Committee both recommend this warrant article.

#11- The Board of Selectmen are all in favor.  The Budget Committee had a majority vote to support this warrant article.

#12- The Board of Selectmen and the Budget Committee both recommend this warrant article.

#13- The Board of Selectmen and the Budget Committee both recommend this warrant article.

#14-Board of Selectmen does not recommend this warrant article.  The budget committee majority does recommend this warrant article.

#15- Relinquishing public interests of Clifford Rd. could deny abutters no access and possibly create backland.

Mr. Paveglio makes a motion to remove this warrant article.  Mr. DeBold seconds the motion. The warrant will be removed from the Selectmen’s Warrant Articles.  

#16- The Board of Selectmen and the Budget Committee both do not recommend this warrant article.

Ewen Mackinnon closed the public hearing at 8:40pm.

Mr. Paveglio continued with the Board of Selectmen meeting.

Food Pantry Donation
A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold pursuant to RSA 31:95-n, the Board of Selectmen shall accept and authorize the expenditure of unanticipated funds in the amount of $100.00 received from Fire Association to support the Food Pantry. It shall be the responsibility of the Town of Chichester to maintain accurate record of all funds, detailing their expenditures, and that such records shall be made available upon request. Motion Passes

Mrs. Pinard stated that Fred Shaw and Ruth E. Hammen have created a formal policy to have in place with criteria to use when selecting the Boston Post Cane recipient.

Mr. Paveglio made a motion to accept the Historical Societies policies and adopt the Boston Post Cane policies and qualifications. Mr. DeBold seconds. Motion Passes.

Matt Cole spoke about filling in as Building Inspector.  He stated so far it’s going well and he his adjusting to the learning curve.  He will be attending classes in the fall at NHTI to become a certified Building Inspector.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to adjourn the meeting at 8:52 pm.  Motion passes

Respectfully submitted,
                                                        Not approved until signed
Kristy McIntosh, Administrative Assistant

D. Michael Paveglio                                              Richard DeBold                                                  Jeffrey Jordan