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Selectmen Minutes 01/12/2016
 Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Members Present: D. Michael Paveglio, Richard DeBold, Jeff Jordan, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard, and Administrative Assistant Kristy McIntosh

Others Present: Chief Clarke, Deputy Chief Cole, Ewen MacKinnon , Jim Plunkett , Donna Chagnon, Tom Houle, Lucille Noel, Ed Millette, Ann Davis, Tom Jameson, Douglas Fisher, Don Peterman, Jason Weir, Marlene Hammond , and others members of public.

Call to Order:  Mr. Paveglio called the meeting to order at 6:00pm

Budget Meeting

Mrs. Pinard stated that since last meeting, she had gone through and added the 2% raises, changed the fuel lines and replaced the holder of $78,000.00 for property and liability to $53,091.00 since she had received the bid. Workman’s compensation had also come in lower.  The town has also increased revenue.  If fund balance was utilized and everything passed, it will still be a .63 town tax rate decrease.  

Mr. Weir asked if shew knew who’s assessment went up.

Mrs. Pinard stated that the equalization rate had changed to 94.1 from 98.6.

Mr.  McCleery asked while touching upon raises, if we asked our employees for an exit interview.  Mrs. Pinard stated that we do ask if they would like one.  

A poll was taken of the budget committee to ask where they would like to see the budget fall.  The consensus was under 2% or level.  To reach that mark the board would need to cut $40,000.00.

All fuel lines will be changed to $2.00 per gallon.  

New hire for police department will be presented in a warrant article and health care for that new hire will be cut off budget.  Line 4155 line 11-14 was reduced by $7000.00.

Members from the Planning Board were present to speak about the $5,000.00 they asked for to increase the budget.  Mr. Paveglio and Mr. Weir both stated that they thought it should go into a warrant article.  Stan Brehm made a different proposal for $3,000.00 to work strictly on the master plan, and update the two major chapters, land use and change and the vision.  He stated the Planning Board will still meet and look for more volunteers to help with the process, but he felt that the Board needed outside thoughts from CNHPC.  After much discussion it was decided to put in for a $4,000.00 warrant article.  $3,000.00 would be for CNHPC and $1,000.00 for postage and printing for the community survey.  

Line 4194-12 Town Hall electric was changed to $3,000.00 and Line 4192-42 Highway shed was changed to $2,500.00.

Ambulance line 4215-18 was changed to $860.00.

Fired Department line 4220-18 was changed to $2143.00

Police Department has a total increase of $11,820.00.  Chief Clarke stated that overnight on call shifts should go away, and $25,000.00 would be off the budget next year after the new hire is settled.  

Highway fuel line 4312-13 was changed to $16,637.00.

The Police Department and Fire Department spoke about wanting to work together on old home day.  They want to do the pig roast and would like the Selectmen to pay for the fireworks.  It would be the 3rd Saturday in August.  The Board voted to add $2,000.00 to old home day to purchase fireworks.

Ed Millette suggested we split the difference on the asphalt line 4312-44 and change it to $90,000.00 or $100,000.00 instead of $120,000.00

Mr. McCleery stated that he would like to see more overlay instead of reconstructing.  

The Board will ask Mr. Plunkett at the town hearing to the answer the question of what the $90-100,000.00 would do to the road plan.  

Mr. Jameson stated that he didn’t agree with cutting the asphalt and thought the roads needed to be reconstructed.  

Chief Clarke spoke about using the Police Departments special detail fund for the cruiser so he didn’t spike the budget.  The price of a new cruiser is roughly $28,000.00 Chief Clarke was asked to find out numbers for what it would cost to trade in the inceptor or transferring it to the Fire Department and buying a new one.  Line 4210-89 was left at $23,500.00 in the mean time until Chief Clarke gets estimates.  

Next Budget Meeting will be held on February 26th at 6pm

Non-Public Session 91-A:3 II (c) matter which if discussed in public would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person, other than a member of the public body itself.

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to enter into non-public session under RSA 91-A: 3 II (c). DeBold Aye, Paveglio Aye, Jordan Aye. Motion Passes.

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to exit non-public session DeBold Aye, Paveglio Aye, Jordan Aye. Motion Passes

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. Jordan to seal the non-public meeting minutes indefinitely. DeBold Aye, Paveglio Aye, Jordan Aye. Motion Passes

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 pm.  Motion passes

Respectfully submitted,
                                                        Not approved until signed
Kristy McIntosh, Administrative Assistant

D. Michael Paveglio                                              Richard DeBold                                                  Jeffrey Jordan