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Selectmen Minutes 12/08/2015
 Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Members Present: D. Michael Paveglio, Richard DeBold, Jeff Jordan, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard, and Administrative Assistant Kristy McIntosh

Others Present: Donna Chagnon, Alan Mayville, Tom Houle, Lucille Noel, Craig McIntosh, Michelle Haftman, Joe and Nancy Amour, Pat Clarke, Carolee Davison, Gil Vien, and others members of public

Call to Order:  Mr. Paveglio called the meeting to order at 6:00pm

Budget Committee:
Mike Paveglio stated that the town was facing some challenges this year within the budget to include the Police Department asking for a full time employee, Fire Department and Property and Liability Insurance.

Jodi Pinard stated she would be sending bids out for Property and Liability Insurance due to our current company going out of business.  She also stated that our health insurance has gone up 17.4% and the road projects are also up from last year.

Jim Plunkett the road agent was here to speak about his budget.  Highway is up 3% due to road construction, 6% total.  He would like to reduce a full time position to, two part time for plowing.  

Mr. Plunket stated that he can get everything done with 1 full time and 2 part time.

Line 4311-14 changed to $31,200.00

Road project bid is $300,000.00 for Horse Corner Rd through Busby. Everyone agreed they did a great job.  Road signs went up due to King and Canterbury Rd.  Mr. Plunkett also spoke about the shim work he would be doing. He plans to finish Burnt Hill Rd, Hillview Drive and possibly Harvest Rd. Conemara will be next on the list.  He plans on renting a roller to roll and grade.  Tree removal was reduced since Unitil has been doing a lot.  Two culverts need to be fixed on Rt. 28.  They both need head walls.
The committee asked Mr. Plunkett where he could cut to reduce his budget.  Mr. Plunket stated he could possibly reduce asphalt, revisit fuel and some overtime. He also stated he had a reserve of salt and he could cut some from the budget there.
Line 4312-63 changed $27,000.00

Carolee Davison spoke about the library budget. They have a 5.7% increase.  Increases come from custodial costs, education, and supplies have gone up.  Ms. Davison stated that they also need to lease a full size copier. Library also asked for more money for nonfiction books to keep an up to date inventory. Community room has been used very often which has led to increased expenses.
Police Department:
Chief Patrick Clarke spoke about the Police Department budget and how he tried to tighten the budget as much as possible. The PD budget is up 6%.  Chief Clarke is asking for another full time officer to help with coverage for essential operations. Chief Clarke stated that Chichester has outgrown 4 full time officers.  Currently the 4 full time officers have no weekends off and Chief Clarke fears burning his employees out.  
No changes were made to the Police Department budget at this time.

Jodi Pinard spoke about the Planning Board asking for an additional $5000.00 in the budget. The Board of Selectmen asked that the Chairman Kevin Mara be present at the next budget meeting 12/9/2015 to come and explain the increase.  It was also stated that the planning board needs leadership and the Master Plan needs to be done.

Budget meeting ends at 7:51pm and regular Selectmen’s meeting begins.

General Business/Board Discussion:
Michael Paveglio voiced his concern about the Building Inspector.  He would like rejections in writing to Board of Selectmen and Planning Board.  He is also concerned that it delays people up to a month when they are sent to the Planning Board.  He would like the issue to be put on the following Tuesday nights agenda for Board of Selectmen. If no decision can be made, then they will have to go the Planning Board.

Food Pantry Donation
A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. Jordan pursuant to RSA 31:95-n, the Board of Selectmen shall accept and authorize the expenditure of unanticipated funds in the amount of $100.00 received from Frank & Joyce Lemay to support the Food Pantry. It shall be the responsibility of the Town of Chichester to maintain accurate record of all funds, detailing their expenditures, and that such records shall be made available upon request. Motion Passes

Food Pantry Donation
A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold pursuant to RSA 31:95-n, the Board of Selectmen shall accept and authorize the expenditure of unanticipated funds in the amount of $300.00 received First Congressional Church to support the Food Pantry. It shall be the responsibility of the Town of Chichester to maintain accurate record of all funds, detailing their expenditures, and that such records shall be made available upon request. Motion Passes
Jodi Pinard asked the Board of Selectmen for leeway to use her earned personal time. She will taking vacation the last week of the month.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 8:14pm.  Motion passes

Respectfully submitted,
                                                        Not approved until signed
Kristy McIntosh, Secretary

D. Michael Paveglio                                              Richard DeBold                                                  Jeffrey Jordan