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Selectmen Minutes 12/17/2014
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Member Present: Richard DeBold, Michael Paveglio, Jeffrey Jordan, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard

Advisory Budget Committee: Norm Larochelle, Don Peterman, Doug Fisher, Marlene Hammond, Jason Weir, Ed Millette, Stephen McCleery

Call to Order: Mr. DeBold called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.


Budget Meeting

Forestry – Stephen Stock stated I have made no changes the budget is level funded from last year. I have not had any Warden expenses since October. I don’t anticipate any additional administration or mileage for the remainder of the year. Equipment line is to replace anything that is broken and stocking supplies.

Welfare – Mrs. Pinard quickly reviewed the budget. It was reduced by $1,500.

Tax Rate Graph - Jason Weir reviewed a graph with information that he had put together in regards to the Town tax rate over the past 10 years. The path that we are on is unsustainable. A flat level budget is not good enough.

Mr. Larochelle stated level funding is finding a number and staying within it. It seems like we are supplementing and not running with what we can afford.

CIP – Matt Cole reviewed the CIP plan. Most of the departments have aged there items that have been requested because they have updated it with today’s costs. During the CIP process this year we went with how to fund all of the requests. We did not feel that we were enough of an expert in areas to decide what departments needed. We could only use the information given and we found a way to fund all of the requests.

Recreation – Zach Boyajian stated this is the first time I have had to present in front of you. It was my understanding the electric rates were increased due to the PUC decision. We have asked for an increase of $500 in the grounds and maintenance line. The two primary items are maintenance of the field and repairs to the trail around Carpenter Park.

Highway – Jim Plunkett reviewed the proposed budget. The fuel is always a variable and I am going with 8,000 gallons at $3.80 a gallon. I have $1,200 left in the budget for the year. I am reducing line 4312-26 to $1,700. Road reconstruction I believe needs to be explained by the RAC. The proposal is out to bid and we want to get a firm number by the Public Hearing on January 27th. Line item 4312-44 has an $8,000 increase for additional shimming to be completed in 2015. Line item 4312-45 I am reducing to $1. Line item 4312-63 was reduced by $2,000.

Mr. Millette asked why we are not bonding these roadway projects for a set payment for an extended amount of time.

Mr. DeBold stated that Doug Hall did a very good job of explaining why bonding does not work. I think we should invite both the RAC and Mr. Hall to our meeting on January 6, 2015.

Fire/Ambulance – Chief Quimby reviewed the proposed budget. There are lines that have been increased. We are also requesting a new line item in the budget for a grant writer to assist the department. This person would assist in writing grants for equipment as well as all areas of fire safety.

Mr. Weir asked if they would be requesting to purchase an ambulance this year.

Chief Quimby stated that yes we are. I am a supporter of having two ambulances. One ambulance could be out for maintenance or on another call. Having two ambulances makes this a nonissue for the town. There is always that concern that Mutual Aid could be having the same issue with an ambulance being busy and not able to respond quickly. We do understand that this will come up at town meeting and that concerns will be raised.

Deputy Cole stated call volume is roughly 400 calls per year. Roughly 25 calls per year are concurrent medical calls. What is not reflected in that number is motor vehicle accidents that require multiple ambulances.

Mr. DeBold asked what is the main reason for replacement of the ambulance.

Deputy Cole stated the paint is chipping away on the vehicle and safety concerns with EMTs assisting patients while in route to the hospital.

There was a lengthy discussion regarding the purchase of a new ambulance. Concerns were raised by all parties and the discussion was continued until the January 6, 2015 meeting.

Chief Quimby reviewed the Rescue Truck Capital Reserve Fund and reduced the request to $25,000 from the original $100,000 request.

Public Input



A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 9:10pm. Motion Passes

Respectfully submitted,
                                                                Not approved until signed
Jodi Pinard, Town Administrator

Richard DeBold, Chair                        D. Michael Paveglio                               Jeffrey Jordan