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Selectmen Minutes 06/10/2014
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Member Present: Richard DeBold, Michael Paveglio, Jeffrey Jordan, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard

Others Present: Matt Cole, Jim Plunkett, John Martell, Patrick Clarke, Lucille Noel, Donna Chagnon, Philip Hitchcock, Ed Millette,  Wanda Clarkson,

Call to Order: Mr. DeBold called the meeting to order at 6:30pm


Department Heads        

Police – Chief Clarke informed the board that Officer John Adinolfo is resigning as a full time officer but would like to stay on part time. Hopkinton was hiring and I sat in on oral boards. There were not a lot of applicants. None were certified. I want to run an ad and see what we come up with. We will get the ad in the paper fairly quickly and get the written and other testing requirements. Salary we are just above the median for this area.  

The break light went out in the cruiser and we had to buy the whole light.

Mr. Paveglio sit down with all department heads and review the vehicle maintenance issues to pay out of the capital reserve fund.

Shaw field kids are partying and the officers have been checking on the nothing has changed. Suggested putting signs that say no vehicles beyond that point. Jim Plunkett will clean the area up.

Emergency Management – Nothing to report

Fire – Matt Cole informed the board that the driveway is finished and backdoor will be in use soon. We are starting to work on sites for dry hydrants.

Building – Building report was reviewed

Library – Lucille Noel informed the board they had a really good plant and book sale and made about $1,100. That money will be spent on replacing the computer in the office. The front door has an area on the bottom panel that we will also be repairing. We are going to put a new seal on the bottom of the garage door in the back. The railing again needs to be painted. We have another book sale on the 21st and the summer reading program will begin at the end of June with an emphasis on science. We are very pleased with our library aide she is doing great.

Highway – Jim Plunkett informed the board I told Matt if the driveway comes in under budget that maybe pave an apron to the rear door. I contacted the testing company for the compaction testing and it is the same pricing. I will be using the flakes on the roadways and will not be using the magnesium chloride.

Mr. Paveglio asked about the ditching that is going on around town and where that material is being dumped.

Jim Plunkett stated that the ditching is going to the shed. When on the other side of town Mr. Mixer’s residence will sometimes be used to drop the ditching material as well. I am going screen the ditching material at the shed for whatever top soil I can get.

Dog Licenses - Wanda Clarkson – We have lived here for 20 years and have never been late in registering the dogs. The rabies had to be done but I had forgotten that we needed to come back with the updated rabies. I got the paper in the mail on the 4th. I called Mrs. Pike the following morning and asked that the penalty be waived as we had not done this on purpose. These situations are not always black and white and we made a mistake. I feel it is wrong that we are not even given the opportunity.

Mrs. Pike stated all of the words in the email were not the words that I said. I told her I treat everyone the same whether they have been in town 20 years or 20 days. When people elected me the elected me to follow the laws for the state of NH and that is what I am doing.

Mr. DeBold stated that I do not believe that we have the authority to overrule the tax collector. I believe that Chichester goes above and beyond when notifying the residents of when the dog registrations are to be completed. The signs a warrant that authorizes the tax collector to collect the outstanding fees.

Mrs. Clarkson stated that sometimes there should be exceptions to the rule. People do make mistakes and I just want be given an opportunity to have a fee waived.

Mr. Paveglio stated I feel it is important that we are consistent with this issue and treat everyone the same.

Mr. Jordan stated that everyone is given a 30 grace period for dogs they are due on April 30th and there are not penalties until June 1st.

Mr. DeBold stated that we have to be consistent in fairness to all. We have signed a warrant giving the authority to the tax collector to follow through on those who have not registered their dogs. I do not believe that we have the authority to waive the penalty.

General Business/Board Discussion

Salt Shed Plans Review –
The salt shed plans were reviewed.
Mr. Paveglio asked is we should meet on site and look at the options.

Jim Plunkett stated the easiest to maintain is the diversion berm and the paved swale. Then everything draining into that is the grass swale that you can maintain. You have the small level spreader. The other two have 40ft of swale and then pipe to also maintain. I am looking at this as a maintenance issue down the road.

Mr. Paveglio stated that he agrees with Mr. Plunkett that this would be easier to maintain. The storage rack will drain to this swale.
The Board directed the Road Agent to come with cost estimates for paving as well as the swale plans.

Draft Ordinances:
Construction Work requiring Uniformed Police Officers
The draft was reviewed. Add sentence from Northfield into ordinance for when required.

Nuisance/False Emergency Alarm Ordinance

The draft was reviewed. Will be brought back for a public hearing.

Outstanding Items:
10 Dover Road – Property Auction
A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to auction 10 Dover Road on July 18, 2014 at 2pm according to the proposed fee schedule. Motion Passes

Roadway Rehabilitation and Paving Bids

Mrs. Pinard reviewed the results of the bidding for the roadway projects. It was suggested to rebid the project.

Mr. Plunkett also spoke with contractor as why they did not bid and it was stated that no paving was involved.

Mr. Paveglio asked what if we were to have them bid the dirt without holding them responsible once it is completed. Will this encourage them to bid?

Mr. Plunkett stated that they are liable and that the contractors do not feel comfortable with doing this. I feel we should rebid the projects again to include paving.

Consensus of the board was to rebid the project.

Salt Shed Bid
Mrs. Pinard informed the board that no bids received. Mrs. Pinard will reach out to other municipal mangers and see what companies they use for steel work.

Public Input:
Jason Weir stated I am awaiting a response from the board regarding my questions and not just answers from Avitar. I posed question to the board and I would like answers. I am concerned as July 1st is approaching and I would like a decision of this board.

Mr. Paveglio stated that he would review those questions again as he may have missed the questions directed to the board.

Mr. DeBold stated that he also may have missed the questions directed at the board as well.

Mr. Weir asked if he came in with an appraisal for the property the board would then have two appraisals as a board what will your decision be. I do not feel things are coming together. It seems a lot of properties are falling under the same situation. I would like to have the answers to my questions.

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to adjourn the meeting at 8:10pm. Motion Passes

Respectfully submitted,

Not approved until signed

Jodi Pinard, Town Administrator

Richard DeBold, Chair   D. Michael Paveglio     Jeffrey Jordan