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Selectmen Minutes 02/04/2014
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Member Present: Jeffrey Jordan, Richard DeBold, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard

Others Present: Donna Chagnon, William Briggs, Charles Ladd, Philip Hitchcock, Tom Houlne, Barbara Frangione

Call to Order: Mr. Jordan called the meeting to order 7:03pm.


Shaw Field:  

Mr. Jordan informed all interested parties that this will be for one year and not a long term agreement.

Mr. Briggs feels the fields have been let go and asked if they have had the soils tested. Some of the field still needs to be cleaned up and we would be interested in turning a piece of the field over not the entire field.

Mr. Ladd stated that he had been maintaining it the last year. He will continue to do what he had been doing cutting the brush down and cut the rest for hay. I have not been informed of any complaint of what I have done.

Barbara Frangione stated Mr. Briggs has been maintaining my fields and I have to maintain the middle strip of the property. I would suggest if the town were to enter into an agreement with him to get some type of security from him.

Mr. Briggs stated that he has maintained Mrs. Frangione’s field and that he has done a good job. We have spread a good amount of what was out there. The soils are almost where they need to be. What we did to kill that Canadian bed straw cost a considerable amount of money and we did a good job. Then we tilled more grass into that. I have never been in the back field but that is rough ground needs to be overturned. 80% of her ground is almost where it needs to be. To say we haven’t done what you have asked us to do I feel is untrue. To make a statement that we are not doing what we said we would do is just not true.  

Philip Hitchcock stated that Mr. Ladd had taken some mulch hay to blue seal and sold it. I just do not think this is right.

Mr. DeBold stated that it does cost money to maintain fields.

Mr. Ladd stated he had not sold feed hay he sold mulch hay.

Mr. Hitchcock stated that he does not feel that it is right for someone to use the fields for free and then make money.

Mr. Ladd stated that he can sell mulch hay not feed hay according to the contract.

Mr. DeBold stated that no hay could be sold, would either of you have a problem that?

Mr. Briggs stated that no he had no problem with that but that he does sell a lot of hay but we would not have a problem not selling the hay the comes from the field.

Mr. Ladd stated that he sold at most 180 bales of mulch hay.

Mr. Hitchcock stated that he is new to the business but 180 bales seems like a lot.

Mr. Briggs stated that he did right by getting it off the land.

Mr. DeBold stated that the board will be making a decision when the full board is here.

Mr. Ladd stated that he believes that he deserves to have it one more year after all of the work that he had done to that field. I only got one cut off of it.

Mr. Briggs stated that he believe that if you are going to grow hay you have to feed it. I have been asking for this field for a few years.

Mr. Jordan stated that he believes that a man who pays taxes in town has more to a right to use the field.

Mr. DeBold stated that he cannot disagree with the tax payer issue but I think that it should be reviewed by the full board.

Consensus of the board will be made next week with the full board.

General Business/Board Discussion:

Proposed Signage Ordinance

Mr. Jordan asked if the board has had a chance to review the sign ordinance.

Mr. Houlne stated that you have two different ways of thinking. The businesses spend a lot of money in this town. They pay over $500,000 on Route 4. The planning board had the impression that we were not business friendly. If we can make money on Route 4 and Route 28 then I believe we should. I believe we should leave the interior like Main Street as the village.

Mr. DeBold asked about the addition of no restrictions in the residential areas.

Mr. Houlne stated that look at all the changes that have occurred since 2004 master plan. We changed the residential portion. There is going to be a fight. You have two residents that are working to ensure that this does not pass. I think the businesses need some help on Route 4.

Mr. DeBold asked if it was thought that these new ordinances will help. What is the problem with what we have today?

Mr. Houlne stated that he believed these changes would help. I think that it needs to be updated it hasn’t been updated since 1988. The formula for changing the electronic sign is specific.

Mr. DeBold stated he wasn’t sure that he could support it with the new residential component.

Mr. Houlne stated the Planning Board voted unanimously in support of this ordinance.

Consensus was to discuss this next week.

Allenstown Employee Benefits Study Committee

Consensus was to sign the letter of intent.

Library Trustees Alternate Member

The library asked the selectmen to appoint an alternate member to the Library Trustees. A motion was made by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Mr. DeBold to appoint Faith DeBold as an alternate member to the Library Trustee. Motion Passes

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to enter into non-public session under RSA 91-A, II(e). Motion Passes

Non-Public session (RSA 91-A, II(e)) – Consideration or negotiation of pending claims or litigation which has been threatened in writing or filed against the public body or any subdivision thereof, or against any member thereof because of his or her membership in such public body, until the claim or litigation has been fully adjudicated or otherwise settled. Any application filed for tax abatement, pursuant to law, with anybody or board shall not constitute a threatened of filed litigation against any public body for purposes of this subparagraph

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to exit non-public session. Mr. DeBold Aye, Mr. Jordan Aye. Motion Passes

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to seal the minutes indefinitely. Mr. DeBold Aye, Mr. Jordan Aye. Motion Passes.

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 8:05pm. Motion Passes

Respectfully submitted,

Not Approved until signed.

Jodi Pinard, Town Administrator

Jeffrey Jordan  Richard DeBold  D. Michael Paveglio