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Selectmen Minutes 11/19/2013
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Members Present: Richard DeBold, Michael Paveglio, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard

Others present:  Matt Cole, Alan Quimby, Ed Millette, Lucille Noel, Philip Hitchcock,


Other Business:

Fire Truck Repairs
Paul Sanborn informed the selectmen of the outcome of the meeting with Greenwood Emergency Vehicles that had occurred on Monday. In order to replace the rails the bottom of the back compartment will need to be removed so that they can replace the rails. Greenwood felt confident that the $27,900 with a 10% contingency in case something is found during the replace was a firm quote to complete this repair. Paul also gave Greenwood a list of repairs that were also slated to be fixed on the truck and it was asked that Greenwood quote those repairs as well.

Mr. Paveglio asked the board what was the opinion of paying for this repair this year? He is not set on this decision but felt it should be thought about.

Mr. DeBold asked when this truck was scheduled to be replaced on the CIP schedule. He also stated this not a bad price for the repairs as we thought it was going to be a lot higher,

Mr. Cole informed the board that it is scheduled for replacement in 2019 but it has been moved out previously and it could be again.

Mr. Millette stated that a rough figure of $50,000 had always been the thought of the fire department to have this truck repaired and road ready. With this repair is the hope to get another 6+ years of use out of it.

Mr. Paveglio stated he would like the fire department to present other options as well before a decision is made on the completion of this repair. He would like the options in writing to show that all options were researched and considered.

Mr. DeBold asked what the other repairs were that needed to be addressed.

Mr. Cole stated the brake cans, exhaust, fuel sending unit, and there are some electrical issues.

Mr. Sanborn stated the Mr. Regan of Greenwood stated the truck can be delivered there at any time and once it was they would have a couple of mechanics evaluate the truck.
The consensus of the board was to request Greenwood Emergency Vehicles provide a quote for the repairs that were given to them on the list as well as the fire department provide other options that could be considered.

Property Liability/Worker’s Compensation
Mrs. Pinard reviewed what had been stated the previous week, worker’s compensation had increased 42.9% and property liability had increased 44.8%.

The consensus of the board was for Mrs. Pinard to research and get other quotes on these services.

Historical/Community Building
Mr. Paveglio gave an update to the board as he had visited the building with a representative of both the fire department and the historical society and then again with a member of the fire department to determine the use of the upstairs room. The recommendations that have been made are to only use the upstairs as a display area and not a meeting room. The stove upstairs needs to be removed and the bathroom downstairs needs to be fixed. There are electrical issues that need to be addressed sooner rather than later. It is believed that there may be a volunteer to complete the electrical work. Mr. Paveglio would like the board to decide what direction they would like to go in.

The consensus of the board was to put this on the agenda for next week.

Purchasing Policy
Mr. DeBold asked if there was any feedback regarding the purchasing policy. Mr. Quimby stated that he was suggesting an increase of the purchasing amount from $1,000 to $2,500 as sometimes it is difficult to complete purchases.

Mr. Millette asked for some clarification on the Purchasing Policy. He had asked if the policy was for one item or a complete project.

Mrs. Pinard believed it was for both and used the dry hydrant as a project and a length of pipe to be replaced as an item.

Mr. Paveglio stated that does need clarification as it is not clear in the current policy. We would like to get to the point where we have a clean policy and use it for a year to see how it works, then consider what changes need to be made if any.

Mr. Millette wanted to know what the purpose of this was as the town had approved this money be spent by departments and felt this could be micromanaging.

Mr. Paveglio stated he understood where Mr. Millette was coming from but that it is about transparency and ensuring the town is receiving the most they can for the money they spend. Also this budget is ultimately the selectmen’s budget.

Chichester Condominium Corporation
Mrs. Pinard informed the board that she received a letter from the attorney stated the case had been closed and the town could move forward with tax deeding this property. She stated it will be on the agenda for next week for the selectmen to consider.

Parks & Recreation Charter
The charter was signed by the selectmen.

Public Input
Lucille Noel informed the board that some residents of Plainfield will be at the grange on 11/25 to take a look at the windows and talk about the grant that the town had received. They are considering applying for the same grant and wanted to get some information and see what had been completed. She also informed the board that the Preservation Alliance of NH has listed 7 Things to Save and an item on that list is Grange Halls.

Philip Hitchcock informed the board that he had attended the NH Volunteer Award Ceremony and that Lucille Noel received her award and it was a nice event. He also informed the board that he and his neighbor have had hunters on their property where it is stated no trespassing. He did call Chief Clark who came out and talked with them. But he wanted the selectmen to aware of the hunter’s activities. But also that Chief Clark came out to their residences and was keeping them update as to how he is addressing the situation.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 8:35pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,
Approved on 11/26/13

Jodi Pinard, Town Administrator

Jeffrey Jordan  Richard DeBold  D. Michael Paveglio