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Selectmen Minutes 11/12/2013
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Members Present:  Chairman Jeffrey Jordan, Richard DeBold, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard

Others present:  Jim Plunkett, Matt Cole, Jon Martell, Patrick Clark, Donna Chagnon, Lucille Noel, Philip Hitchcock, Tom Houlne, Jamie Pike


Department Heads
Police Department – Chief Clark informed the board that the garage project has been completed and that the department has begun applying for more grants from the state for Safe Patrols.

Emergency Management – Nothing to Report

Fire Department – Deputy Chief Cole reported on the quote from Greenwood Emergency Vehicles for repairing the fire truck with the cracked frame. E-One has offered to supply the town at no cost a set of zinc coated frame rails. Greenwood Emergency Vehicles gave a budget number of $27,900 to complete the repair.

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to accept the offer of a set of zinc coated frame rails from E-One at no cost to the town. Motion Passes

Greenwood will come back out to look at the fire truck to give an accurate estimate on the work to be completed. Mrs. Pinard will report the findings back to the board at the next meeting.

Deputy Chief Cole also reported that the department is working on obtaining the easements for the dry hydrants. The easements will be forwarded to Mrs. Pinard and the town attorney for review.

Deputy Chief Millette asked that the attached letter to be read out loud. (see attached)

Library – Lucille Noel reported that it has been a busy month at the library. They had a book sale on November 9 and made over $700. She also wanted to remind everyone of some upcoming events. On 11/21 the Charrette meeting will be occurring and 11/25 the Down Cellar Writers Group will be at the library.

Highway – Road Agent Jim Plunkett reported that he is submitting his application for Salt Applicator License. This is something that the state is requiring for contractors. State and Municipal employees are exempt from this but Jim felt he should have it. They are still waiting on the second quote for the mobile loading dock for inside the salt shed. They will also be doing some touch up grading in anticipation of the winter season.

Other Business:

Health Insurance Renewal
Mrs. Pinard presented the new rates for the health insurance. The plan saw an 11.5% increase but with changes to employee’s who are eligible for the insurance the town will see a savings. This savings is roughly $7,800. Mrs. Pinard recommended accepting the new health insurance contract for the 2014 year.

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to accept the 2014 Health Insurance rates as presented. Motion Passes

Assessing RFP
Mrs. Pinard informed the board that since tax bills had arrived at resident home’s we have had roughly 15 residents come in and request abatement information and paperwork. This was something that was expected but it is a concern for the upcoming contract. We have received complaints regarding the current assessor. Mrs. Pinard did recommend granting the Assessing Services contract to Avitar Associates. They have a flat rate and there will be no additional charge for handling the abatements that will be and have been filed.

Mr. DeBold stated that we did have complaints when we had Avitar and felt it is the nature of the business.

Mr. Pike stated that he would recommend either Granite Hill Services or Avitar but was leaning towards Avitar due to the flat rate. He had done some rough numbers and with the estimated number of abatements it would raise the Granite Hill Services contract amount.

A motion was made by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Mr. DeBold to award the Assessing Services contract for the 2014 and 2015 years in the amount of $8,000 per year to Avitar Associates of New England. Motion Passes.

Parks & Recreation
Mr. DeBold presented some changes he would like to see made to the Parks and Recreation Charter. The committee would have 7 members with 2 alternate members to assist in conducting business. Also to add the position of Vice-Chair to assist in running the meetings if the Chair is unavailable.

TAC Meeting
It was discussed at the latest TAC Meeting that Main Street and Route 28 intersection as well as the King Road and Route 4 intersections had been removed from the 10 year DOT plan. It was suggested that if the town would still like to have these intersections looked at that they should draft a letter to the state informing them of this request.

Food Pantry Donation
A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan pursuant to RSA 31:95-n, the Board of Selectmen shall accept and authorize the expenditure of unanticipated funds in the amount of $934.00 received from Chichester Congregational Church to support the Food Pantry. It shall be the responsibility of the Town of Chichester to maintain an accurate record of all funds, detailing their expenditure, and that such records shall be made available upon request. Motion Passes

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan pursuant to RSA 31:95-n, the Board of Selectmen shall accept and authorize the expenditure of unanticipated funds in the amount of $80.00 received from Jason Lambert to support the Food Pantry. It shall be the responsibility of the Town of Chichester to maintain an accurate record of all funds, detailing their expenditure, and that such records shall be made available upon request. Motion Passes

Property Liability Trust
Scott Wedon and Lara Cole of Property Liability Trust went over the new rates for the Property Liability and Workers Compensation. The town has seen an increase in these rates. Part of the Bureau of Securities ruling when LGC separated into 3 different entities was there would be no more package pricing allowed. This was where towns would see a savings for having all of their insurances with the former LGC. This also meant that they had to begin to calculate the rates with a 5 year history of claims. When removing the credits and going over all of the previous claims, Worker’s Compensation increased by 42.9%. The town was paying $21,626 and the new contract is for $30,915. The Property Liability also increased by 44.8%. The town was paying $32,012 and the new contract is for $46,348.

The board thanked both Scott and Lara for coming in and would take it under advisement.

Public Input
Tom Houlne informed the board that the Planning Board will be having a round table discussion regarding the information that they received from the short sign survey that went out to all commercial properties in town on November 21. He also mentioned the Master Plan and feeling that the word needs to get out to everyone so that there voice can be heard.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 8:35pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,
Approved on 11/26/13

Jodi Pinard, Town Administrator

Jeffrey Jordan  Richard DeBold  D. Michael Paveglio