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Selectmen Minutes 09/10/2013
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Members Present:  Chairman Jeffrey Jordan, Richard DeBold, Mike Paveglio, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard

Others present:  Ann Davis, Donna Chagnon, Allen Mayville, John Freeman, Lucille Noel, Alan Quimby, Patrick Clarke, Jon Martell, Jim Plunkett, Matt Cole, Douglas Hall

Department Heads:

Building Inspector:  Mr. Freeman reported that the new owner of the Chichester Commons has pulled a permit from two spaces to renovate. Plumbing and Electrical permits are continuing to be submitted and inspections are the same

Police Department:  Nothing to Report.

Health Officer:  Nothing to Report

Fire Department:  Mr. Quimby stated that he had nothing to report but that he did have some questions for the Board. One was if the Board had any ideas as to where he should store Engine-3 for the winter. He has concerns as the cold weather gets here the pumping mechanism could freeze and cause more problems. A suggestion of maybe reaching out to Camping World was given.

Also the overhead door quotes are in and Mr. Quimby was looking to move forward with this project. The three quotes he had received for the overhead door and carpentry work.

Tepper Contractors                      $5,475
BRC General Contractors         $5,193
BJ Carpentry                            $1,860 – this is Carpentry work only did not quote for the door

If the door is ordered this week we are looking at a delivery date of late September early October. We are looking for the Board to make a decision this evening.

Mr. Paveglio stated that he knows Tepper is the higher bid but he would like to move forward with them as they were the company that built the building.

Mr. Quimby stated as for the gravel driveway he had been speaking with the road agent and the highway department may be able to assist with the labor and equipment. The fire department would just have to buy the materials. There were three quotes received for this work and it was based on the following specifications, 235 feet x 14 feet with a turnaround for the trucks. This would be 125 yards of bank run gravel and 25 yards of 1 ½ crushed stone. The road agent will take a look and see if this is something they will be able to assist with.
A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to award Tepper Contractors the carpentry and overhead door installation to be paid out of the Fire Impact Fees. Motion carries.

Emergency Management:  No Report.

Highway Department: Mr. Plunkett reported that the town wide grading is finished. Our section of Pleasant Street has had the roadway shoulder backed up and I will be walking the road way with DBU to go over the punch list that I have.  There is a catch basin on the corner of Ring Road and Kamie Road that has failed I need to order a replacement frame and grate for it. I would also like to remove one tree, grade and slope the area and add a catch basin to catch the water flowing from the right side of the roadway. Right now it has nowhere to go. This is a scenic roadway so I wanted to make sure that everyone was aware this work would be occurring and ensure there were no issues.

We are still waiting to hear from CLD on the request to add prices to the Sander Rack recommendations. Also I took some time to dig around the posts of the sander rack and measure them. There are four that are 3’ 8” in-depth and 24” in circumference. The remaining are 3’ 4” in depth. There is no concrete footing underneath. I was thinking maybe this could save some money by doing the this work ourselves.

I would like to complete the roadside mowing for this year and I received the following bids.

Contractor 1            $10,000 – for roughly 32 miles of roadway
Contractor 2            $  5,200 – for roughly 20 miles of roadway
Highway         $  4,177 – but unfortunately the companies no longer rent the machines

Consensus of the Board of Selectman was to move forward with the roadside mowing.

Library:  Ms. Noel reported that the Preschool Story time will start Monday at 3pm. On 9/17 there will be a financial seminar; 9/25 they will be showing the Northern Pass movie;  and 10/4 an antique dealer will be at the library to appraise resident’s items. Also a resident donated a brand new laptop to the library so now patrons can watch movies on it. Finally we have been saving all of our book sale money to update the software at the library but the proceeds from the book sale on the 14th will go to the purchase of a new computer for the library.

Agricultural Commission – Will be having a meeting on 9/18.

Other Business:

Planning Board Request
Mr. Jordan brought forward a request by the Planning Board to use the meeting room at the Fire Department for their monthly meetings. It was the consensus of the Board of Selectmen and the Fire Department that although they wanted to accommodate the request that it just was not practical.

Consensus of the Board of Selectmen was to invite the Budget Committee to their next meeting on 9/17 to begin the 2014 budget discussion.

Bobcat Sign
The Bobcat sign is changing too quickly and not following the ordinance that it was approved under. The Selectman directed the Town Administrator to draft a letter for review at the next meeting.

Supervisors of the Checklist
Douglas Hall, Moderator spoke about the difficulty of finding volunteers for the two open positions. He asked that when calls are received either at Town Hall or by the Selectmen if it could be mentioned about the openings. He also asked that the amount that is paid to the supervisors be looked into for the next budget year.

Resident complaint regarding Map 8 Lot 17
The selectmen asked that Mrs. Pinard look into the complaint and bring information to the next meeting

A motion was made by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to enter a non-public session pursuant to RSA 91A:3, II (a).  Jordan, Aye; DeBold, Aye; Paveglio, Aye.  Motion passes.

A motion was made by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to seal the minutes of this session indefinitely.  Motion passes.

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to exit the non-public session. Jordan, Aye; DeBold, Aye; Paveglio, Aye.  Motion passes.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to adjourn the meeting at 8:25pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,
Not Approved until signed.

Jodi Pinard, Town Administrator

Jeffrey Jordan  Richard DeBold  D. Michael Paveglio