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Selectmen Minutes 09/03/2013
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Members Present: Chairman Jeffrey Jordan, Richard DeBold, Mike Paveglio, Jodi Pinard Town Administrator

Others Present: Chief Patrick Clarke, James Plunkett, Donna Chagnon, Alan Mayville, Lucille Noel, Ann Davis

Chairman Jordan called the meeting to order at 7:15pm

Stormwater Assessment Results from the Town Garage

Sanborn Head & Associates: Kate Schlosser presented the stormwater assessment results from the town garage. She reviewed the initial visit to the site as well as the recommendations that were made. It was noted that the highway department had moved forward with some of those recommendations such as sealing the concrete joints in the salt shed.

The first option presented was the Overland Flow. This plan is designed to build a 12 inch berm in front of the salt shed so that water could not flow in. Also the stockpiles behind the salt shed would be relocated and a berm and or swale would be built around the exterior route behind the shed. This would be far enough away from the shed as to not impede travel around the building when and if necessary. The trucks would be rerouted as to not drive behind the shed unless they had too. The one item that would need to be considered would be the maintenance of these items.

The second option presented was to put gutters around the entire salt shed with down spouts that would run into underground drainage. The water would then discharge further away from the shed but still on the site. This would prevent the water from entering the salt shed.

A third option that was also brought up was the possibility of paving the gravel area and then grade the area as well as add a swale. If the commitment is there to reroute the traffic this would also be a viable option as you would slope the grade away from the salt shed.

All three of these options will depend on the funding that is available. Also a management plan should be put together so that everyone is aware of what practices the town is following.

Jim Plunkett stated that the moving the stock piles and concrete blocks could be done by the highway department but paving the area would need to be contracted out.

Kate Schlosser - I will go back and generate a revised figure showing a new area of pavement around the rear side of the salt shed, with overland flow to a new swale.

McPhail Driveway – 3 Kings Road

Jim Plunkett - In regards to this driveway the town is not responsible for these driveway culverts. These are the homeowner’s responsibility. We have always followed the practice of helping the resident if they purchased the culvert pipe. Once the culvert pipe is purchased by the resident we will then put it on the work to be completed list and install the pipe. We do not repave the area we strictly install the pipe. I have not heard from the resident stating they had purchased the culvert pipe.

A letter will be sent to the McPhail's regarding this discussion and stating if they purchase the culvert pipe the highway department will install it only. The town will not be paving the area.

CNHRPC Meeting Representative

Mr. DeBold motioned to have Richard Moore continue to represent the Town of Chichester at the Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission meetings and seconded by Mr. Paveglio. Motion carries.

Sale of Map 2 Lot 33-C and Map 4 Lot 48

Jodi Pinard - Map 2 Lot 33-C was acquired through tax deed and will be available for sale after September 6, 2013. Map 4 Lot 48 is town owned and this is just a follow up as to how the selectmen would like to move forward.

Mr. DeBold motioned to move forward with selling both properties by using an auction agency seconded by Mr. Paveglio. Motion carries.

Structural Assessment of Sander Rack

After reviewing the structural assessment it was consensus of the Board of Selectmen to have Jim Plunkett contact CLD Consulting Engineers to put together prices with their recommendations.

Fire Truck Frame Repair

Jodi Pinard - We have filed a claim with Property Liability Trust (formerly LGC) to see if this is something that could be covered under the town's insurance. Once we hear back I will update the board.

Hiring of a New Employee - Police Department  

Pat Clarke, Police Chief - Currently we are having some trouble filling some shifts as our two part time officers from Pittsfield have had their schedules changed. I am here tonight to ask permission to hire a part time officer. I have a candidate in mind and his name is Ian Berkley. He is a retired state trooper and this used to be the area he patrolled so he is familiar with the area. I have already reviewed his personnel file and he has a spotless record.
Mr. Jordan motioned approve the hiring of Ian Berkley as a part time officer with the Town of Chichester and seconded by Mr. DeBold. Motion carries.

Roadway Salt Quotes

Jim Plunkett - I have received the roadway salt quotes and would like to purchase 600 tons of solar salt.

International Salt                      $49.48 (state bid)
Granite State                   $49.48 (state bid but does not have solar)

I have no pure salt left and would like to purchase 600 tons. Last year I purchased 450 tons and used all of it. I have $33,000 roughly left in the line and this purchase would be about $29,000. This would leave money left to buy sand and gravel as well.

Mr. DeBold motioned to approve the purchase of 600 tons of solar salt from International Salt Company and seconded by Mr. Paveglio. Motion carries.

Perry Brook Road - FEMA

Jim Plunkett - We have completed the final inspection of the project and should be receiving the FEMA funds shortly.

Supervisor of the Checklist

Donna Chagnon - We have not received any volunteers for the two open supervisor positions. We are running the ad in the paper again on Wednesday and were wondering if the selectmen had any ideas as to how to publicize this. After the ad runs this week if we do not get anyone maybe selectmen could help.

Grange – Windows

Lucille Noel – Informed the selectmen that they are receiving the 2nd part of the grant to complete the windows on the east side and the attic. She asked that the staff to look out for the paperwork that would coming in that would need to be completed.

Motion made by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to enter into non-public session under RSA 91-A, II (e). Jordan, Aye; DeBold, Aye; Paveglio, Aye. Motion carries.

Motion made by Mr. DeBold seconded by Mr. Paveglio to exit non-public session. Jordan, Aye; DeBold, Aye; Paveglio, Aye. Motion carries.

Motion made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. Jordan to seal the nonpublic meeting minutes indefinitely. Jordan, Aye; DeBold, Aye; Paveglio Aye. Motion carries.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 9:03pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,
Not Approved until signed.

Jodi Pinard, Town Administrator

Jeffrey Jordan  Richard DeBold  D. Michael Paveglio