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Selectmen Minutes 06/11/2013
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
June 11, 2013   

Members present:  Jeff Jordan, Richard DeBold, Mike Paveglio
Others present for all or part of the meeting:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Jim Plunkett, Barbara Frangione, Allen Mayville, Patrick Clarke, Lucille Noel, Evelyn Pike, Donna Chagnon, Philip Hitchcock, Ann Davis, Ed Millette, Alan Quimby

Chairman Jordan opened the meeting at 6:00pm.  

Mr. Jordan made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II(a) to go into a nonpublic session for the purpose of reviewing application for Driver/Equipment Operator/Laborer.  Motion passed.  Jim Plunkett was also present for the nonpublic session.
Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to exit the nonpublic session at 6:48.  Motion passed.


Department Heads

Highway:  Jim has been cleaning culverts and clearing brush.  The inmates finished preparing the salt shed for sealing.  The Board approved the sealing project be awarded to Florentino who provided the lowest quotation.  Due to this pricing Mr. Paveglio made a motion to waive the bidding process for other crack sealing done this year and award all the crack sealing to Florentino.  Mr. Jordan seconded the motion and it passed. Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to enter into a contract with Sanborn and Head to develop a drainage design and a plan to redirect water at the highway shed for the amount of $5,900.  Motion passes.  

Jim is still having an issue with signs being stolen.  Mr. Jordan asked if he could get a “no outlet” sign for Blackman Road.  

Library: The plant and book sale on the 8th went well.  Ms. Noel thanked Millican nurseries for donated plants.  The Dig into Reading program will begin on the 28th.   The program will have an events night, storyteller, movie night and a stuffed animal sleep over.  On June 14th there will be a poetry open mic.  The Lego Club is going strong.  There are two writers groups meeting.  The next Garden Club meeting will be on June 19th.  The Trustees are requesting their appropriation from Town Meeting.    The Road Agent will set the granite post for the registry of historic places.  Ms. Noel said that additional parking at the Library is needed.  The Board would like her to work with the Road Agent for ideas on parking.

Police:  The new cruiser is in and the trade-in is at Grappone.  The Chief told Nancy she could cancel the insurance on the trade-in.  Two Officers attended training that will be reimbursed by Homeland Security.  

There is a water leak at the station in the electrical room.  Water is coming in through one of the vents from the roof.  It was decided that the Fire Chief will call a roofing contractor to look at the roof and give a quotation for the necessary repair work.  

Fire:  Chief Quimby brought in a bottle of diesel fuel with sediment at the bottom, which came out of the fuel tank of the ambulance.  The Chief also said that the highway department is getting their fuel from the white tank and the FD is fueling from the red tank.  The red tank does not have a filter on it.  Maintenance issues were discussed.  The Board wants the department to continue fueling at the DOT pumps until the situation is resolved.

The Board signed the updated Concord Hospital mutual aid agreement.

The Chief has been working on a compliant he received regarding safety hazards at a commercial building.  The State Fire Marshall recommended they have a certified fire inspector do the inspection since it is beyond the ability of our department to do the inspection.

Tax Collector:  Evelyn has a deed to present to the Selectmen.  The 2010 taxes have not been paid on Map 9 Lot 108.  She said there was a delay in the Town’s billing the correct owners because we did not receive the property transfer until 2011.  There is $1,753.46 due for 2010.  Nancy and Evelyn will follow-up.

Building:  Nancy said that John went home ill and reviewed his report which was two permits with fees of $100.

Brandon Giuda
Mr. Giuda reported to the Selectmen that he met with the Town Assessor and found his attitude to be combative.  He is concerned that the assessor changed condition factors without looking at the property and discarded the notes from previous assessments.  He said his situation was resolved, but he is concerned for other residents.  The Board asked Nancy to invite the Town’s Assessor to a meeting.

Other Business

RFP for Clean Water Solutions:  Mr. DeBold thought that the completion date may be too soon after the award of the contract.  Nancy discussed that date with Nikki Roy of Sanborn, Head, and Associates.  Ms. Roy thought the date was reasonable.  The Board decided to change the completion date to September 1, 2013.
Roadside Clean-up:  Paperwork for free bags was signed.  The Board would like the office to call other Towns to see how they organize the clean-up and what is done for safety precautions.

Personnel Polices:  The Board reviewed up to page 33.  Small changes were made.  

Heritage:  Members from the Heritage Commission and the Historical Society proposed the Charrette to the Planning Board and there was interest from that Board.  The Commission would like to know where the Board of Selectmen stand.  All were in support of continuing the process.  Mr. Paveglio said he would support it if all the properties affected supported it.  The Commission would like a letter of support from the Board as soon as possible.  Nancy will work with the Commission on a draft letter of support.
Planning Board:  Mr. Paveglio apologized for missing the Planning Board meeting.  Mr. DeBold recapped the meeting. There was a discussion about canceling the PB meeting even though a quorum would have been present.  Mr. DeBold feels the point was made that attendance is important to the Board of Selectmen.  There was also a discussion about the need for the Planning Board to begin the Master Plan process.  

Town Administrator Search:  The Board decided to have a committee that consists of the Board, Nancy, Chief Clarke and Marlene Hammond.

A motion by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to adjourn the meeting at 9:15.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,
Approved when signed

Nancy Tanner

_________________________               _____________________      _________________________
Jeffrey Jordan, Chairman            Mike Paveglio                                  Richard DeBold