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Selectmen Minutes 05/28/2013
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
May 28, 2013    

Members present:  Jeff Jordan, Mike Paveglio
Others present for all or part of the meeting:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Allen Mayville, Patrick Clarke, Lucille Noel, Jim Plunkett, Michele Plunkett, Matt Cole, Ed Millette, John Freeman, Donna Chagnon, Philip Hitchcock, Terry McCormack, Thomas Houle, Richard Millette, Steve Stock, Doug Hall, Ann Davis

Chairman Jordan opened the meeting at 7:00pm.  


Department Heads

Police:  The Chief said that Jeff Miller can no longer work full-time hours for us without going to the full-time academy.  Jeff does not wish to go to the academy, but will still work part-time hours for us.  The Chief needs to fill the full-time position.  He does not think there are many currently certified officers looking to move.  Bill Byrne who has been working for the Town part-time is interested in filling the position.  The Chief supports Bill attending the full-time academy and working for the Town full-time.  The Chief said he felt he could do this with his current budget.  Jordan and Paveglio approve moving forward with having Bill Byrne attend the full-time academy.

Fire:  The rural water training went well; 11 from Chichester attended.  Mr. Paveglio asked about the fuel problem with the ambulance.  Matt Cole said that Grappone is saying it is a maintenance issue with the Department.  Mr. Paveglio wants to talk to the Chief when he returns from vacation about fueling at the Highway Garage.

Building:  Fees for period $200.  There are three houses under construction and several more that will be started. Mr. Paveglio asked about the driveway permits.  The Road Agent approves those, but fire truck access is not addressed.  This is something that we need to look at.

Highway:  The salt shed is being cleaned out for the crack sealing.  The quotes are coming in around $500-$675.  Jim has not heard back from CLD about certifying the sander rack.  Jim has been cleaning up brush and branches and doing some ditching.  He has also been working on the bid packets.

Forestry: The Warden apologized for missing the last meeting.  He said the new radios are working great.  He ordered a collapsible tank for Forestry 1.  The Warden and Deputy Wardens are back to issuing permits.

Library:  There will be a group sign along on Friday the 31st of May.  The annual plant and book sale will be on June 8th.  There are several groups using the meeting room.  

Road Advisory Committee:

Bid Documents
The Board reviewed the bid documents.  They agree the documents are very thorough.  The RAC asked about the subcontractor clause…any subcontractors must be approved in writing by the Town.  The RAC feels “the Town” is very vague and would like that changed to “the Road Agent”.  Mr. Paveglio thinks it should stay “the Town” which inherently means the Board of Selectmen.  Mr. Jordan felt it should be the Road Agent for expediency.  It was decided to leave it as is for now and if we change it later we will issue an addendum.  
Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to approve the bid packets as presented.  Motion passed.
It was decided to advertise in Thursday’s Concord Monitor and in Construction Summary.  Jim will provide a list of vendors he would like contacted.  

Other Business

Safety Building lighting upgrade: Mr. Paveglio made a motion to withdraw and authorize the expenditure of $2,354.25 from the facilities capital reserve fund for the purpose of upfitting the lighting at the Safety Building.  Such upfit will save approximately $905 annually and is co-sponsored by Unitil in the amount of $2,354.25.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Jordan.  Motion passed.

Planning Board:  Mr. Jordan made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to appoint Mike Williams to the alternate Planning Board position.  Motion passed.

Draft RFP for POU systems:  The Board reviewed the proposed RFP.  It was noted that it was an RFP for a point of use system only.  Mr. Paveglio wants it to include pricing for a point of entry system.  Nancy will communicate with Sanborn, Head and Associates.

Park and Recreation:  The Park and Rec Commission has been working on another grant to continue work at Carpenter Park.  They asked the Board to sign a letter of support.  The Board agrees in the letter to support a warrant article for the Town’s match if the grant is awarded.  The Board signed the letter.

A motion by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 8:10.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,
Approved when signed

Nancy Tanner

_________________________               _____________________      _________________________
Jeffrey Jordan, Chairman                Mike Paveglio                                  Richard DeBold