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Selectmen Minutes 05/21/2013
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
May 21, 2013    

Members present:  Jeff Jordan, Richard DeBold, Mike Paveglio
Others present for all or part of the meeting:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Anne Davis, Philip Hitchcock, Donna Chagnon, Lucille Noel, Mike Williams, Allen Mayville, Bette Bogdan, Andrea Deachman, Roger Landry, Richard Millette, Thomas Houle, Dave Colbert, Jamie Pike

Chairman Jordan opened the meeting at 7:00pm.  


Planning Board Interviews:  The Board has two people interested in the Alternate Planning Board position; Andrea Deachman and Mike Williams.  Andrea presented the Board with a summary of her qualifications.  She was asked about her feelings on our zoning ordinances and the master plan.

Mike summarized his experiences.  He said that under RSA 673:7 the same person cannot serve on the Agricultural Commission and the Planning Board (two land use Boards).  He said it would be the Boards choice of how they wanted to use his skills; whether it be Agricultural or Planning.  Zoning and the Master Plan were also discussed.  The Board will take both candidates under consideration.  

Other Business

Tax Deed:  Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to rescind the vote made on April 2, 2013 to accept the tax collector’s deed for Map 3 Lot 28-18.  Motion passed.

IT upgrades:  Nancy said that the IT upgrades that were proposed during budget season were really guesstimates by our IT vendor and the actual quotes are much higher than expected.  Jamie Pike went through both quotations and broke down the pricing.  He then contacted Mainstay to find out what the priorities are.   The option of a shared server between the Town Office and Fire will save about $5,000.  Mr. Paveglio wants to try the shared server for one year and see how it functions.  It was decided to try the shared server, make the recommended upgrades to the Town Office and to provide the Fire Department with 2 new desktop computers and 1 laptop computer.  Mr. Paveglio made a motion to withdraw and authorize the expenditure of up to $16,999.00 from the Office Equipment Capital Reserve Fund for the purpose of upgrading the computer systems.  Mr. DeBold seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Unitil Grant:  Following up from last week’s discussion Nancy reported that the vendor who will do the work for the lighting upgrade on the Unitil grant will be a Unitil approved vendor.  There are two possibilities one of them has done work on the Grange; however both are Unitil approved and State Licensed.  Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to accept the Unitil lighting grant (50/50 match) the Town’s portion being $2,354.25 and enter into a contract with Unitil for the lighting upgrade.  Motion passed.

Proposed Bid package for water system study:  The Board will read during the week and discuss next Tuesday.

Employment:  The Town has an open position in the Highway Department.  The Board reviewed a draft of a job description.  Made some changes and approved it.  An advertisement will be placed in the Concord Monitor on Sunday and Wednesday and in the Sun on Wednesday.  

Road Projects:  The Road Advisory Committee will be meeting on Friday to finalize the bid documents for the Road projects.  It should be ready for Board approval next Tuesday.  Nancy will send the documents out to the Board for review as soon as she has them.  Nancy will communicate with the RAC about the bonding and insurance.

Community Building:  Nancy said that Mr. Reinhardt from the Historical Society came in to see her and ask for a letter from the Board stating that the Historical Society had permission to use the second floor for displays.  Nancy wanted to clarify the intent of the Board.  The Board has not given approval yet.  They first need to evaluate the building and the needed fixes.  Mr. Paveglio will follow-up.

BCEP appointments:  Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to nominate the following to the BCEP board; Norman LaRochelle, citizen member; Dennis Call, alternate; Richard Millette, Budget.  Mr. Jordan asked about attendance.  Mr. DeBold said all were active members.  Motion passed.

Sander Storage Frame:  The Board reviewed the proposal from CLD for the existing sander storage frame.  Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to approve the proposal from CLD as outlined in their letter of May 14, 2013.  The cost of $1,700 will be paid out of the Bear Hill Road Trust Fund.  Motion passed.

Road Agent:  Jim Plunkett, the Road Agent, prepared a written rebuttal to Mr. Paveglio’s written statement last week.  It was read aloud and is as follows:

To: Town of Chichester and Selectmen

In response to the paperwork (“in his opinion”) that Mr. Paveglio put before you last week concerning the East Ricker Rd. and Canterbury Road paving.

East Ricker Road: History

The Selectmen did have an agreement with R&D Paving to furnish pavement at a set cost of 67.60 per ton (dated April 10, 2012 see attached).  The agreement stated that the price would be held if, we the Town chose to pave one or all the projects listed (Selectmen’s minutes, 4/10/2012).  After being led to believe that we would have pavement on 9/18-9/24-10/18, I was “penciled in” for the 11/5. When 11/5 came and went I knew then that we would probably never see pavement. (Asphalt plants that provide asphalt close down around Thanksgiving).  R&D did show up on the 11/6 to tell me that the price would have to increase to $70.00 per ton because we would not be paving all of the projects. (Breaking of the Contract). I had told the selectmen numerous times that we were having problems getting R&D to pave the road, so I, having the best interest of the town and the safety of all who drive that road, had the road paved, by a State Bid List contractor, the very next weekend.  I will point out that the price increase from R&D was just shy of the total amount that I had left in my warrant at that time. The Contractor that did the work, Continental Paving, a reputable firm, charged $21,000 dollars LESS to do the same job. In my opinion it would be prudent of me to evoke the emergency procurement policy at this time and using a state bid list contractor to perform the work. The only action that I might not have fulfilled was to qualify the purchase in writing with the presentation of the invoice. While I am on this subject and this section of roadway, Mr. Paveglio keeps the issue of dirty gravel used on East Ricker Road circulating. I and everyone in the industry that I have talked to, have no idea what dirty gravel is, this is not an industry term. The department used bank run gravel (see attached subdivision regulations) and crushed glass for the sub-base and for the base gravel we used crushed bank run gravel meeting state specifications (see attached sieve analysis).

Canterbury Road Shim/Overlay

        After a “shim job” in 2008, Canterbury Road had again become a maintenance nightmare. By 2011, it had begun breaking up to the point where we were filling in pot holes once, even twice a week. After repeatedly repairing the pot holes with hot mix/cold Patch, ledge pack, I had decided the best cost management practice would be to shim and overlay the section of roadway.
        During the budget meeting’s/Selectmen’s meetings (1/8/2013) one of the many residents came in to formally complain about this section of roadway. After he explained the high cost of vehicle repair and the liability issue, the town now had, the Selectmen asked me what my plans were for that section of roadway. I explained to them that the plan was to shim and overlay that section first thing in the spring. They asked the resident that was at the meeting if that would be a solution and he agreed, then they looked at me and said it sounded like a good idea.( “OK sounds good”, was their response).  As stated in Mr. Paveglio’s letter (Board meeting May 7 2013), he or should I say the board did have knowledge of this work that would be performed. So to state that they did not have any idea that this was going to happen, leaves me wondering.     
        So as a maintenance issue, I proceeded to have the section of Canterbury Road shimmed with an overlay, a normal industry standard. Using the same contractor as I had 6 months prior, I had the contractor come in and get the job done.  As for the wandering crown and the sporadic edges, as said before this is a shim and overlay NOT a paving job. When one give his opinion on a job I would think as stated in the meeting the reputation of the paving Contractor is in Question.  This is the same type of overlay we executed on Bear Hill Road four years ago that was also mistaken for a paving job. Quality goes a long way. I take pride in providing a quality job at a reasonable price for ALL of the taxpayers. My maintenance budget is just that “maintenance”. Granted, job costs are huge considering the cost of asphalt and labor. Four truckloads of asphalt becomes a capital expense. In conclusion, I would like to make special note of the selectmen’s minutes from April 9 2013 (see attached) and would like to add I had no mal intent.                            

Respectfully Submitted,

Jim Plunkett
Road Agent
May 20, 2013

Mr. Paveglio said that he does not want to lose sight of the fact that the Board was not involved in the decisions made by the Road Agent on both the road projects referenced in his letter. The Town Purchasing Policy clearly states that the BOS is required to approve these decisions. The Canterbury Road project was briefly discussed.  It was said that Mr. Hall was not happy about the way that was done, without the RAC knowing about it.  Some questioned if it would last 15 years without having the base done.  There was also concern that the project was not supervised.  

Agricultural Commission:  Ann Davis reported that the Agricultural Commission has appointed the following Officers: Steve MacCleery, Chairman; Theresa Paradis, Vice Chair; Ann David, Secretary.  The next meeting will be on June 12th.  Ms. Davis said the Commission wants to be involved in the Master Plan update.  

Planning Board:  Mr. Jordan is concerned about the attendance of Planning Board members.  Mr. Paveglio is concerned that there may be a misunderstanding with the recent appointments.  The Board will like to meet with the Planning Board to clear this up.  The Board will meet with the Planning Board before the next Planning Board meeting (June 6th at 6pm) to make it convenient for them.  Nancy will notify the Planning Board Secretary.
Heritage:  Ms. Noel expressed that the Heritage Commission would also like to be included in the Master Plan update.

A motion by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 9:04.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,
Approved when signed

Nancy Tanner

_________________________               _____________________      _________________________
Jeffrey Jordan, Chairman               Mike Paveglio                                  Richard DeBold