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Selectmen Minutes 04/30/2013
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
                April 30, 2013  

Members present:  Jeff Jordan, Mike Paveglio
Others present for all or part of the meeting:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Jason Weir, Lucille Noel, Joe Austin, Donna Chagnon, Thomas Houle, David Colbert, Anne Davis, Philip Hitchcock

Chairman Jordan opened the meeting at 7:00pm.  


Joe Austin
Mr. Austin came in referencing a letter sent to him from Nancy regarding the tax deeding of his property.  Since the last Board meeting, Chichester Condominium Corporation has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.  The Board cannot accept the deed at this time.  Nancy has asked the attorney to monitor the bankruptcy and protect the Town’s interest.  Evelyn Pike said that she knows Mr. Austin has been contacting Selectmen at their homes and she would like it noted that Mr. Austin is not to contact her at home.  Mr. Austin said that he would not do that.

Other Business

Tax Deed:  Mr. Colbert asked about a property in his trailer park that was taken for taxes.  He understands the owner is working something out with the Board.  The Board told him they would have more information for him next week.

Highway: He also asked about the paving of Canterbury Road.  He wanted to know if the Board knew about the paving and if quotations were obtained. The Board said they did not know that was being paved last week and they have not seen any quotations or an invoice.  Mr. Weir said he hoped the Board would have oversight over the road projects and the Board needs to make themselves a part of the process.  It was stated that previous Road Agents were vilified for doing the same type of things.  Mr. Colbert is also concerned that the East Ricker Road project went to a different company than the one we signed an agreement with.   Several questioned the Board on their management of the employees and the management of their policies.  The Board asked Nancy to set up an appointment with the Road Agent for next Tuesday at 7pm.  

The “housekeeping” issues that Sanborn, Head and Associates was also brought up and pictures were presented to the Board.  The pictures were taken at the shed on the day after Town Meeting and appear to show salt on equipment and on the ground.  It was also brought up that we are still parking vehicles inside the salt shed.  There is garbage on Bear Hill Road that has not been picked up.  The Board will address these issues with the Road Agent next week.

Mayflower Drive:  Mr. Weir asked what was being done about the Mayflower Drive issue.  Nancy replied that it is a personnel issue and is being investigated.  

Planning Board:  Mr. Jordan is concerned about the conversation with the Planning Board Chair last week.  Mr. Jordan feels the Planning Board needs to recognize the Selectmen’s appointment decisions.  Nancy will invite Dr. Mara to a meeting with the Selectmen.  There was a brief discussion about why this week’s Planning Board meeting was cancelled.  It was questioned why the meeting was cancelled if there was a quorum available.  

Meeting postings:  Anne Davis asked if she could have the Agricultural Commission meeting posted.  Nancy said that the Committee Chairs are responsible for their own postings.  Mr. Hitchcock commented that the website information for membership has not been updated and the meetings are not always posted.  Nancy will send Fred Shaw an updated list of committees.  The Board asked Nancy to send each Committee Chair meeting posting instructions to include sending the posting to the webmaster.

Hess:  Hess asked for permission to test the potable water at 22 Main Street (Safety Building).  This is a DES requirement.  The Board approved the request.

Written Directives:  Nancy has been receiving the signed written directives back.  She let the Board know who has received them.  The Warden questioned whether he could attend every Department Head meeting and it was decided that if he could not attend he needs to send a representative (Deputy Warden).  Nancy also mentioned that the Town Clerk does not attend the meetings, but she is usually in the building.  The Board said that was fine.  The Board would like to schedule a meeting every year before budget season with all the Departments and Committees.

Zoning:  An anonymous concern came to the Board.  No action was taken the allegations are hard to prove and the Board does not accept anonymous complaints.
The resident regarding the Bear Hill Road zoning violation sent a letter explaining that the added structure was temporary.  The Board said the structure needs to be removed as it was not properly permitted.  Nancy will draft a letter for that and also citing the allowed reasons for temporary use of a trailer.

Non-public minutes:  Nancy has a request from a citizen who believes there may have been nonpublic sessions inappropriately entered into with the Road Agent who is an Elected Official.  The Board will review the sessions next week and make a decision about whether they should be unsealed.

Food Pantry:  Mr. Jordan made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to accept and authorize the expenditure of unanticipated funds in the amount of $300.00 received from St Stephens Episcopal Church for the benefit of the Food Pantry.

Welfare Budget:  The Welfare Director submitted a letter to the Board.  She has spent almost her entire budget already.  She thinks the demand will decrease over the summer, but in the fall/winter she may need an additional $4,000 or $5,000.  The Board will look at the budget again closer to the fall.

Town Wide Yard Sale:  The Chichester Firefighters Association is hosting a town wide yard sale on June 1, 2013 and would like permission to use the Town Hall Parking Lot; so granted.

Historical:  Ms. Noel invited the Board and Planning Board to a program on past business of Route 4.  The program will be held on May 13th 7pm at the Community Building.

Nancy asked for a nonpublic session to discuss and employee issue.

Pursuant to 91-A:3 II (a) Mr. Jordan made a motion to go into non-public session to discuss an employee issue.  It was seconded by Mr. Paveglio.  Roll call vote was unanimous.
Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to exit the non-public session at 8:15.  Roll call vote was unanimous.  
The minutes of the nonpublic session were sealed indefinitely.

A motion by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 8:15.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,
Approved when signed

Nancy Tanner

_________________________               _____________________      _________________________
Jeffrey Jordan, Chairman               Mike Paveglio                                  Richard DeBold