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Selectmen Minutes 03/26/2013
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
March 26, 2013

Members present:   Mike Paveglio, Jeff Jordan, Richard DeBold
Others present for all or part of the meeting:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Ann Steed, Stephanie Bray, Donna Chagnon, Bernie Reinhardt, Lucille Noel, Ed Millette, Matt Cole, John Martell, Alan Quimby, Doug Hall, Phillip Hitchcock, Ann Davis, Allen Mayville, Thomas Houle

Chairman Paveglio opened the meeting at 6:30pm.  
Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Richard DeBold to appointed Jeff Jordan as Chairman.  After a brief discussion about methods of contact and availability Jeff agreed to accept and the motion was passed.

Stephanie Bray
Attorney Bray represents Ann Steed who is a prior owner of 20 Horse Corner Road.  She spoke on behalf of her client and asked the Board to abate a portion of the tax deed penalty.   The Board considered factors such as how much time the Town employees have spent on the matter and any additional expenses to the Town that may come up.  Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to modify the penalty down to $9,500.  Motion Passed.

Department Heads

Fire:  The State is able to provide a reverse 911 system for emergencies.  The Board would like feedback from Fire, Police and the EMD before signing up for the service.  Chief Quimby asked about his impact fees.  Nancy will follow-up.  All the Department vehicles will be inspected by the end of the month.   The Chief asked the Board to sign a bill of sale for the Fire Truck that we traded in.  Mr. Paveglio asked why the trade-in was not on the bill of sale.  He has reviewed previous minutes and did not find a mention of the trade.  The Fire Department Officers explained that the trade was discussed during the truck presentation at the Fire Station and all three Board members recall this taking place.   The truck was traded for an engine upgrade on the new truck.  Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. DeBold to approve the bill of sale to Lakes Region Fire Apparatus to complete the transaction.  Motion passed.

EMD:  FEMA awards will be considered for the February storm.  The Road Agent will be attending the informational meeting.

Library:  The Fire Chief has set the occupancy for the meeting room at 25 for adults and 15 for children with two adults.  Several groups are already utilizing the room.  The Trustees have adopted a use policy.  Lucille will send an electronic copy to Nancy to post on the website. The library is hosting egg decorating.  There will be book sales on April 11 and 20th.  The railing will be made more secure as noted by the JLMC.  The Trustees are looking at getting a new software system that would be more efficient.  The current raffle is for a butterfly house.  On April 18th Steve Taylor will be talking about one room schoolhouses.

Historical:  Mr. Reinhardt asked to be reimbursed $3.92 for house numbers.  He gave the current repair checklist to Mr. Paveglio, who will follow-up.  Mr. Reinhardt said that the Fire Department stated the fire extinguisher inspector would not comment on the size of the extinguisher only whether or not it was usable.  Mr. Reinhardt said he has information that the company will tell you if the extinguisher is not sized appropriately and he was confused.  The Fire Chief stated that the Fire Department changed companies because they were not happy with the Town’s current vendor.  Nancy will look into.

Heritage:  The Heritage commission has put together an application for a moose plate grant to restore the remaining windows in the Grange building.  The Selectmen signed the application and a letter of recommendation.  The Commission together with the Historical Society is recommending the Town apply to Plan New Hampshire to sponsor and facilitate a design charrette for a portion of Historic Main Street.  Ms. Noel gave information about Plan NH and what a Charrette is.  There is a cost to the charrette, but the intention is to raise donated funds to cover the cost.  The Commission is soliciting feedback from all departments.

Other Business

Appointments:  The Board reviewed the appointment to Boards and Committees that are due on April 1st.  The Board reviewed the attendance records for the Planning Board.  Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to appoint Thomas Houle to a full member of the Planning Board and to move Richard Arrell to an Alternate position.  Motion passed.  Richard DeBold will be the ex-officio on BCEP and Heritage.  Mike Paveglio will be the ex-officio on the ZBA and SVRTA.  Jeff is assigned to the RAC.  Two Board members are considering the Planning Board.  A decision will be made next week.

Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to appoint John Martell the Emergency Management Director and Patrick Clarke as the Deputy.  Motion passed.
Nancy will contact all the others up for reappointment to see if they are still interested in their positions.

Donna Chagnon reported that she will be giving up the food pantry; however she would be available to help train someone new.

Town Meeting Review:  Based on the Road projects approved at Town Meeting this will be a busy year for the Road Agent.  Mr. Paveglio would like a plan from the Road Agent.  The Board feels it is important to stay on schedule with the projects.  Two of the projects are expected to be contracted out.   There was a discussion about the bid specs.  Mr. Paveglio expressed concern over some of the material used on Ricker Road and wants to be sure the bid requests are very detailed and specific.   Hiring CLD to do the bid documents was discussed.  The Road Agent is in a class on Tuesday nights and is unable to attend a Board meeting for a month.  The Board asked Nancy to contact him and set up a meeting for another night next week to discuss this and salt practices.

Cemeteries:  Nancy read the following:
It is the intent of the Town of Chichester to declare the following cemeteries as ‘abandoned’ per NHRSA 289:19-21 and make them town cemeteries for management purposes.

Cemetery        Oldest Headstone Name   Date

Batchelder      3 children of Joshua & Sarah Batchelder 1859
Brown   Betsey Allen Kelley     1798
Edmunds/Stanyan Jonathan Stanyan        1803
Fellows/Webster Lydia Webster   1857
Foster  Georgianna Foster       1856
Kaime   Hannah Kaime    1814
Locke   Elijah Locke    Rev War
Morrill Sally Haines    1808
Plausawa        Sally Morrill   1831
Sanborn-Smith   Jacob Smith     1803

Any direct descendent of those persons listed above having objections should contact the Selectman’s office at (603)-798-5350 or in writing 54 Main St., Chichester, 03258 before the public hearing on April 2nd.

Abatement:  Mr. Jordan made a motion seconded by Mr. DeBold to approve an abatement in the amount of $35.12 for incorrectly assessed fees and penalties on map 4 lot 161-A.  Motion passed.

Proclamation request:  The Nation Center for Missing and Exploited Children invites the Board to issue a proclaimation to commemorate National Missing Children’s Day (May 25th).  The Board is taking it under consideration.

Purchasing:  The Board will be reviewing the purchasing policy and will discuss with Department Heads.

Chichester Central School:  Mr. DeBold and Mr. Paveglio took participated with the selection committee for the NH School of the Year.  Chichester Central School is a finalist.

Computer upgrades:  Nancy reported problems with the computers at the Town Office.  She asked the Board to approve a request for new workstations a new server and the new “server room”.  This is in line with the plan laid out by Mainstay Technologies.  Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to authorize the expenditure of $10,370 from the Office Equipment Capital Reserve Fund ($9,130) and the Facilities Capital Reserve Fund ($1,240) for the purposes of purchasing 4 new workstations, 1 new server, and all associated hardware and labor for the Town Hall.  Motion passed.

Zoning:  Chief Quimby attempted to make contact with the resident of the trailer on Perry Brook Road where there was a concern about a chimney.  There was no one there; however he left information at the door.  Mr. Paveglio will follow-up with the land owner.  There was a brief discussion about the zoning ordinance.  Mr. Jordan will bring concerns about the ordinance to the Planning Board.

A motion by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to adjourn the meeting at 9:00.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,
Approved when signed

Nancy Tanner

_________________________               _____________________      _________________________
 D. Michael Paveglio, Chairman             Jeffrey Jordan                                 Richard DeBold