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Selectmen Minutes 01/08/2013
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
January 8, 2013

Members present:   Mike Paveglio, Jeff Jordan, Richard DeBold
Others present for all or part of the meeting:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Allen Mayville, Allan Quimby, Ed Millette, Patrick Clarke, Jim Plunkett, Michele Plunkett, John Martell, Donna Chagnon, Berndt Reinhardt, John Freeman, Dave Dobson, Lucille Noel, Steve Stock, Doug Hall, Matt Cole, Thomas Houle, Richard Arell, Doug Hall

Chairman Paveglio opened the meeting at 7:00pm.  

Department Heads

Police: A grant for an additional radio was signed by the Chair.

Health:  There are two remaining water tests to be done.  The Chief has not been able to reach the residents.  Nancy will try.

EMD:  John reported the communication from Lance Harbor that the Hilliard Road project is being pushed out and not approved at this time.

Building:  Three permits in the new year.  Fees= $185.00

Fire:  The Department saw 48 calls in December and 410 for the year.  We will now be doing transports on the weekend shifts.  The new truck is still in Michigan.  
The Chief thanked the members for their dedication especially during the holidays.

Highway:  The Perry Brook Road project has begun.  The Brownfield grant for work at the shed won’t qualify under the grant provisions.  Jim will put together a cost estimate to complete the work for best salt practice recommendations.  Mr. Jordan asked Jim to put together a dollar estimate of the cost to restore our roads each year with a time frame of ten years.

The meeting was continued at 7:10 to move the meeting upstairs as the number in attendance exceeded the room’s capacity.

The meeting was reopened at 7:15

Forestry:  There is currently snow cover making the fire danger low.  The Warden was in court today regarding the Rymes fire bill and is waiting for a decision.  Warden Stock has worked on his budget and will attend the budget meeting tomorrow evening.

Library:  The Librarian will be on vacation from January 15th – 22nd.  Mr. Jordan recommended that everyone take a look at the new meeting room, which is turning out very nice.

Upcoming events:
January 21st – work detail to unload trailer form 4-8pm
January 23rd – Know your Government workshop
January 26th – Valentines for Troops.  They are taking names for personalized valentines.

Richard Arell
Mr. Arell wanted to speak to the Board about the condition of Canterbury Road.  He said that he has talked to the Road Agent several times and the road is failing.  He said that the Road Agent cannot keep up with the holes and they are patching over patch.  He reported 8 inch deep holes and said you are unable to safely drive around the holes.  Mr. Arell reported significant damage to his vehicle on two occasions.  The Road Advisory Committee did not recommend Canterbury Road until 2016.  The Road Agent said he had plans to shim Canterbury Road in 2013.

Other Business

Food Pantry:  Mr. Paveglio made motions seconded by Mr. Jordan to accept and authorize the following donations for the benefit of the food pantry: $13.00 from Patrick Jarvis, $100 from Jeff and Gloria Andrews, $500 from Lee MacCleery.  Motion passed.

Community Building:  The Fire Department provided a checklist of needed repairs to the Community Building.  Mr. Paveglio suggested getting bids for some of the work.  Mr. Paveglio said he would take the lead on the project, but it may not be before Town Meeting.  There was discussion about putting money into the facilities fund so that the repairs could be made in 2013.  

Zoning:  The Board received a written complaint regarding the signage at four businesses along Route 4.  
1)      A truck that appears abandoned which has advertising on it for a plumbing company.  There was discussion about whether this would be considered a sign or an abandoned vehicle.  Nancy will call the owner to inquire about the situation.
2)      Wood pellets being used as a sign at Tractor Supply.  The Board felt this was a sign because of the writing on the product.  Nancy will draft a letter.
3)      Multiple sign violations at Lugg Plaza and a possible lighting violation.  It was reported that there is a new owner of this property and he is working with the Planning Board.  Nancy will draft a letter.
4)      An Electronic sign that is changing too frequently.  It was reported that this issue has already been resolved.

The Planning Board also submitted to the Board a copy of a letter that was sent out to all businesses and specific letters to Lugg Plaza and Bobcat.  There was a discussion about whether the Planning Board was encroaching on the area of enforcement which is not within their authority.

A motion by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 8:10.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,
Approved when signed

Nancy Tanner

_________________________               _____________________      ________________________
 D. Michael Paveglio, Chairman                  Jeffrey Jordan                                 Richard DeBold