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Selectmen Minutes 12/12/2012
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
December 12, 2012

Members present: Mike Paveglio, Jeff Jordan, Richard DeBold
Budget Committee Members present: Marlene Hammond, Norman LaRochelle, Steve MacCleery, Ed Millette, Don Peterman, Michael Williams, Jason Weir
Others present for all or part of the meeting: Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Donna Chagnon, Bob Mann, Patrick Clarke

Chairman Paveglio opened the meeting at 6:00pm.

2013 Budget

Building: John Freeman presented his budget. It was noted that the revenue is slightly exceeding the expenses in the department. There were no changes to the budget.

Planning and Zoning: There was a discussion about these departments having to budget for the "just in case" scenario. If building picks up and business picks up there will be more for the Planning Board. Zoning had no expenses in 2012, but if they have a few cases in 2013 it could create a big expense. The budgets presented are the same as the 2012 budget and they were unchanged, but may be looked at again later in the process.

Park and Recreation: Richard explained that the Park budget for 2012 was over due to Storm Sandy. There was $1,500 worth of damage at the park and Merrimack County is not receiving any reimbursement from FEMA. The major increase in the 2013 is for the landscaping. When it was put out to bid the office asked for the bidders to separate the Town Buildings from the Park and asked the bidders to take a look at the Park since the mowing area is now increased. There was a discussion about the possibility of the Chichester Youth Association or the School sharing in some of the expense. Mr. DeBold will follow-up with both entities. There were no changes to the proposed budget.

Conservation Commission: The Conservation Commission is asking for a $50 increase, as their line was overspent this year by $35. Mr. Paveglio pointed out that the budget was overspent due to the Commission using their operating budget to pay for an appraisal fee that the Board suggested they pay for out of the Conservation Funds. There was a discussion about what the Cons. Comm. Funds are intended for. The law allows them to spend the funds on many purposes. Some do not require a public hearing; although Mr. Mann said the Commission likes to have a public hearing before spending any money so the public is aware of what they are spending their money on. Mr. Mann said that the Commission wants to only use those funds for purchasing land for open space. Mr. MacCleery pointed out that an appraisal is not an operating expense and should not be considered when establishing an operating budget. The budget was cut by $50.

Line 4611-20 was changed to $650.

Police: Mr. Paveglio figured the fuel number on an average of 5700 gallons and $3.59/gallon.
There was a brief discussion about overtime. The Chief would like to leave it as is. He may need to move some of those dollars into the midnight call line if needed. The maintenance lines were discussed.

4210-90 was changed to $20,500
4210-51 was changed to $17,384
4210-52 was changed to $3,468

A motion by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 7:55. Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Approved when signed

Nancy Tanner