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Selectmen Minutes 12/11/2012
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
December 11, 2012

Members present:  Mike Paveglio, Jeff Jordan, Richard DeBold
Budget Committee Members present:  Marlene Hammond, Norman LaRochelle, Steve MacCleery, Ed Millette, Don Peterman, Michael Williams
Others present for all or part of the meeting:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Thomas Houle, Donna Chagnon, Ruth Hammen, Matt Cole, Alan Quimby, Lucille Noel, Bernd Reinhardt, Elaine Coffey, Carolee Davison
Chairman Paveglio opened the meeting at 6:00pm.  

2013 Budget

Ed Millette made a motion seconded by Norm LaRochelle to appoint Steve MacCleery as the Budget Committee Chairperson.  Motion was passed by the Budget Committee.

Forestry:  The Warden was not present.  There were questions about what the payroll dollars consist of.  The proposed warrant article also needs an explanation.  Nancy will reschedule the Warden for another evening.

Cemetery: The Cemetery budget is the same total amount as last year; however some money has shifted lines.  There were no changes.

Library:  There is an increase of $750, which is attributed to downloadable books.  The Library has submitted two warrant articles.  One is for the repaving of the parking lot.  Mr. MacCleery would like to see the parking lot repaired and not just paved over, even if we have to wait a year to do it.  The Trustees have spoke to the Road Agent about the paving.  They will ask him for a proposal on repairing the parking lot then paving.

The second warrant article is for a handicapped accessible bathroom for the new meeting room.   There was a discussion about what would happen if they did not get the new bathroom.  There is a handicapped accessible bathroom on the first floor of the Library, however you need to climb stairs to get to it or go around to the front door.

Historical Society:  4194-21 was changed to $3,326 and 4194-22 was changed to $725.

Town Clerk/Tax Collector:  Evelyn was not able to be present.  There was a concern about line 4150-46.  Nancy will follow-up with Evelyn to see if she feels she has enough money budgeted.  There were no changes.

Fire:  The Chief said Chichester is now doing more transports, which should result in more revenue.  There was a brief discussion about the payroll and the DOL mandates.  The Fire department is asking for an increase in salary and the volunteer recognition line.  These lines have not been increased for many years.  The points system for the volunteer recognition was discussed.  Mr. Paveglio asked the Chief to provide the number of hours worked by the members.  
4220-18 changed to $5,500
4220-84 changed to $2,150
4220-84 changed to $7,000
Nancy will add a line for opticom repair in the amount of $1.00

There was a discussion about line 4220-83.  Nancy feels that this line is for the whole building (to include PD) and should be moved to the town owned building section.  

The warrant articles were discussed.  It was decided to remove the lighting article and add the money to the facilities capital reserve fund.  There was a lengthy discussion about the warrant article for a used forestry all hazards vehicle.  There were questions about the usage and if saving for a newer vehicle was another option.

Park and Rec:  The Park and Rec budget was not discussed; however Richard DeBold said that he would like to remove the warrant article that was proposed.

Other Business

Meeting 12/4/2012:  As a follow-up to last week’s meeting, Mr. Paveglio wanted to mention that the Town Administrator had met with Michele Plunkett prior to last week’s meeting and explained the process for the granting of a nonpublic session.  

Landscaping bids:  There were two bids received for the 2013 landscaping as follows:
Saints Lawn Care:  $6700 option 1 $155 and $350
Lawn Guys:  $ 6,660 Option 1 $300 and $300  
Saints is our current vendor.  

Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. DeBold to award the 2013 landscaping bid to Saints Lawn Care to include option 1 for the Town Hall, Safety Building and Library only for a total of $6,855.  Motion passes.

Food Pantry:  Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to accept and authorize the expenditure of $100 received from Paul and Gwen Adams for the support of the food pantry.  Motion passes.

Fire Bills:  Nancy reviewed the small claims court award for an unpaid fire bill.

Smith Sanborn Road:  An email was sent to the Board with a safety concern on Smith Sanborn Road.  The email states the road narrows at the crest and drivers cannot see over the crest.  The Board asked for the email to be forwarded to the Road Agent.  

Bee Hole Beavers:  The Club submitted a request to use Carpenter Park on February 17th.  They would also like to build a bridge on the trail behind the town shed over a wet area in the trail.  Mr. DeBold will follow-up.

Abatement:  Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to approve the abatement for Map 6 Lot 34G in the amount of $8,800 ($177.41 in tax) as recommended by the assessor.  Motion Passed.

Perry Brook Road:  Jim dropped an agreement off earlier in the day for the Selectmen to consider.  He explained to Nancy that CLD is requiring geotechnical engineering to evaluate the subsurface conditions and provide recommendations to achieve the required 4 ksf bearing pressure.  The estimated cost is $1,150.  The Selectmen want to discuss it with the Road Agent on Thursday.

East Ricker Road:  There was a brief discussion about the contractor that was used for the paving of East Ricker Road.  It was not the one that was approved for paving work by the Board earlier in the year.  The Board will discuss it with the Road Agent.

A motion by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 9:28.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,
Approved when signed

Nancy Tanner

_________________________               _____________________      ________________________
 D. Michael Paveglio, Chairman              Jeffrey Jordan                                 Richard DeBold